zvoki Archives | City Magazine Tue, 25 Aug 2020 10:24:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.5 If you suffer from insomnia, this 'color' trick can help https://citymagazine.si/en/if-you-are-tormented-by-insomnia-this-color-trick-can-help-you/ Sat, 14 Apr 2018 04:01:27 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=345345

Falling asleep seems simple: you lie down and fall into a deep, carefree sleep. But insomnia can knock on the door from time to time. You ruminate about the day. You think about the obligations, about the possible problems you are facing. You are even too happy, enthusiastic and full of energy. You can't sleep, but you've done everything. You'll sleep like a baby with this color trick.

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How do movies use image and sound to scare people? https://citymagazine.si/en/how-movies-use-image-and-sound-to-scare-people/ Fri, 16 Jun 2017 04:02:41 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=308747

Horror movies have been using interesting approaches to scare people since their inception. Of course, it all starts with picture and sound, but the techniques change depending on the directors and the time in which the film was made.

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Mercedes z novim varnostnim ukrepom v primeru nesreče – ”roza šum” za zaščito sluha https://citymagazine.si/en/mercedes-z-novim-varnostnim-ukrepom-v-primeru-nesrece-roza-sum-za-zascito-sluha/ Sun, 12 Feb 2017 08:46:19 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=288866

Mercedes has introduced the unusual safety innovation Pre-Safe Sound, which will be part of their latest E-class cars. It is this pink noise that operates at a frequency of 80 decibels and is triggered milliseconds before the activation of air proximity, and is supposed to prevent hearing damage in the event accidents that can be caused by cracking and groaning of sheet metal.

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Sounds that give a person a very special satisfaction https://citymagazine.si/en/sounds-at-which-a-person-feels-very-special-satisfaction/ Wed, 27 Apr 2016 03:35:41 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=video&p=226783

Walking all over the snow, zipping, waves roaring, fire crackling, cat purring. All these are sounds that give a person a very special satisfaction. Having a busy day? Let these 14 sounds soothe you.

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Don't fight like a magpie! Is it correct not to scream like an owl? Hmmmmm? https://citymagazine.si/en/dont-scoff-like-a-magpie-or-dont-scoff-like-an-owl-hmmmm/ Sat, 14 Jun 2014 04:05:28 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=75780

Now that we know what the fox says, it's time to find out what some other animals say.

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