frost Archives | City Magazine Tue, 26 Sep 2023 04:57:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Are you cold all the time? 5 reasons why you can't keep warm Tue, 26 Sep 2023 04:57:35 +0000

Do you feel like even in the middle of summer you're always wrapped in blankets, snuggled up under layers of clothes and clutching a cup of hot tea? Many people experience the frustrating feeling of being constantly cold. In this article, we reveal the factors that keep you cold all the time and why, according to experts, you can't get warm.

The post Ali vas ves čas zebe? 5 razlogov, zakaj se nikakor ne morete ogreti appeared first on City Magazine.

The 5 best European destinations for anyone who wants to escape the winter temperatures Sat, 21 Jan 2023 05:04:39 +0000

Just because it's winter doesn't mean you have to cross Europe off your holiday bucket list.

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20 photos that prove how cold it really was in the US Mon, 04 Feb 2019 05:01:54 +0000

Extreme weather conditions are becoming more and more common, something that the inhabitants of the Earth feel on their own skin. While Australia is facing a heat wave, the situation in the US has been quite the opposite until recently.

The post 20 fotografij, ki dokazujejo, kako mrzlo je bilo dejansko v ZDA appeared first on City Magazine.

5 tricks to warm cold feet and hands Tue, 29 Jan 2019 05:01:02 +0000

Cold hands and feet are a normal occurrence in winter, but that doesn't mean we have to suffer because of the weather. Keep your body warm. Here are 5 tricks to warm cold feet and hands.

The post 5 trikov, kako ogreti mrzle noge in roke appeared first on City Magazine.

How to fall asleep when it's cold outside? Sat, 19 Jan 2019 05:01:56 +0000

Winter is in full swing, which can also be seen in the temperature, which is getting lower. The cold forces its way into our homes and disrupts our sleep. We have a recipe for you that will help you fall asleep in no time when it's cold outside.

The post Kako zaspati, ko je zunaj mrzlo? appeared first on City Magazine.

Chic winter shoes that you will want to wear even before the 'real winter' Wed, 05 Dec 2018 05:01:33 +0000

Is there anything more unpleasant than ugly winter shoes that keep you warm, protect you from dirt and moisture, but ruin every fashion combination? Since the answer is no, we've compiled a list of chic shoes that serve their purpose and, believe it or not, are also fierce to look at.

The post Šik zimski čevlji, ki jih boste želele nosili še pred ‘pravo zimo’ appeared first on City Magazine.

Meet Santa and the Animals 2018: The Good Man at the Zoo Sat, 24 Nov 2018 05:01:56 +0000

If children look forward to anything during the holiday season, it is certainly the arrival of Santa Claus. This year, you can make the holiday season even better for your child by bringing him to the zoo for a 90-minute program that, in addition to petting and feeding the animals, also includes meeting the good man. A reservation is required to participate in the program, and you must bring your child's gift to the scheduled appointments.

The post Srečanje z dedkom Mrazom in živalmi 2018: dobri mož v živalskem vrtu appeared first on City Magazine.

4 strange things the cold does to your body Tue, 30 Oct 2018 05:01:24 +0000

When the cold knocks on the door, it is certain that we feel it all over our body and want to be warm. But believe me, this is the least that low temperature does to your body. There are actually other weird ways cold weather affects your body and you won't believe how absurd some of them are.

The post 4 nenavadne stvari, ki jih mraz naredi tvojemu telesu appeared first on City Magazine.

How to help street animals this winter? Thu, 14 Dec 2017 05:01:40 +0000

The cold and snow that usually await us from December to March leave hundreds of animals without a home, without food and even without shelter. This is the period when dogs and cats from the streets fight for their lives. The days ahead are the perfect time to show our human side and help street animals. They only need a little. It may mean nothing to us, but it could save their lives.

The post Kako to zimo pomagati živalim z ulice? appeared first on City Magazine.

You must know this windshield defrost trick Wed, 13 Dec 2017 05:01:48 +0000

Early in the morning he rushes to work or to kindergarten with the children, at night he "pressed the minus", and the windshield of the car was covered with ice. A familiar scenario, right? And to the already late hour of departure, we add the convulsive scratching on the glass, which we think will not move us anywhere for at least half an hour, because the ice is as hard as rock. Let us reveal to you a trick that will make this morning workout a lot easier.

The post Ta trik odmrzovanja vetrobranskih stekel moraš poznati appeared first on City Magazine.

Ice sculptures and patterns created by cars Fri, 20 Jan 2017 07:02:02 +0000

A frozen or snowy car can cause quite a few headaches. Frozen windows, frozen lock, frozen door. Cold, snow and ice are an inconvenience for the car, but sometimes they make sure that they create the right works of art on it. Yes, some cars can be real artistic souls.

The post Ledene skulpture in vzorci, ki so jih ustvarili avtomobili appeared first on City Magazine.

10 things you probably didn't know about the North Pole Thu, 05 Jan 2017 07:05:16 +0000

What do we really know about the North Pole, the home of Santa Claus? Probably not much, as it is a rather unpopulated place in the world. What else should you know about this mysterious, mythical place? History, geography and general knowledge have never been more fun than they will be now! Here are things you probably didn't know about the North Pole.

The post 10 stvari, ki jih o severnem tečaju gotovo še niste vedeli appeared first on City Magazine.

Torch – universal jacket heater Wed, 14 Dec 2016 07:02:22 +0000

Winter has its charms, but many are put off by the cold. Are you always cold in winter, no matter how many layers of clothing you put on? Think of Torch, a universal jacket warmer that will warm even the coldest and make hours outdoors even in the worst cold bearable. Say goodbye to colds and cold hands and feet.

The post Torch – univerzalni grelec za jakne appeared first on City Magazine.

+Winter insoles: smart heated insoles for shoes Fri, 02 Dec 2016 06:41:45 +0000

Are you one of those who often have cold feet? Heated shoe inserts +Winter insoles on Kickstarter are a true winter blessing for all of us who like to be cold. Not only do these battery-powered inserts keep us really warm, we can even regulate the heat via our smartphone.

The post +Winter insoles: pametni ogrevani vložki za čevlje appeared first on City Magazine.

Panasonic folding leg warmer - say no to cold feet Thu, 24 Nov 2016 07:02:35 +0000

Panasonic folding leg warmer - say no to cold feet.

The post Zložljivi grelnik za noge Panasonic – recite stop premraženim nogam appeared first on City Magazine.

Even animals get cold, don't they? Cute animals in sweaters. Sun, 30 Oct 2016 06:08:44 +0000

Although animals have hair and feathers, they are not immune to the cold either, right? Many owners therefore dress their dogs or cats in dog clothes during the winter, but these owners went even further and knitted their pets sweaters. Because what's more comfortable and warm than a knitted sweater?

The post Tudi živali zebe, mar ne? Prikupne živali v puloverjih. appeared first on City Magazine.

Fashionable women's winter jackets 2016, in which you will not be cold this winter Fri, 21 Oct 2016 06:06:46 +0000

Have you already prepared your winter 'battle' equipment with which you will fight against the cold, snow and wind? We have prepared for you fashionable women's winter jackets 2016, in which you will not be cold this winter! We are sure that you will also find something for yourself.

The post Modne ženske zimske jakne 2016, v katerih vas to zimo ne bo zeblo appeared first on City Magazine.

Fashionable men's winter jackets 2016 that will keep you warm Thu, 20 Oct 2016 06:08:38 +0000

Winter is coming! And that's why it's right to pull out the warmest jackets and coats from the closet. If you don't have them yet, then today is your lucky day. We have prepared a selection of fashionable men's winter jackets 2016 that will keep you warm. So what are the fashionable men's winter jackets 2016 that should not be missing in your wardrobe?

The post Modne moške zimske jakne 2016, ki vas bodo pošteno (o)grele appeared first on City Magazine.

The coldest places in the world Sun, 24 Jan 2016 04:45:11 +0000

Although Slovenia has been gripped by polar cold in recent days, the winter temperatures here cannot be compared to the extremes of the coldest places in the world. They deal with much lower temperatures.

The post Najbolj mrzli kraji na svetu appeared first on City Magazine.

Are you cold? So make sure you don't get cold in winter! Sat, 19 Dec 2015 04:41:51 +0000

Are you constantly cold in winter? Make sure you don't get caught in the cold this winter! We can defend ourselves against it in different ways. The first things that naturally come to mind are scarves, hats, gloves, jackets, sweaters, warm socks and tees, but there are other ways to make sure you don't get cold in winter.

The post Vas zebe? Tako poskrbite, da vas pozimi ne bo zeblo! appeared first on City Magazine.

10 perfect gifts for those who are constantly cold in autumn and winter Tue, 10 Nov 2015 06:51:08 +0000

We all have a friend or relative who is constantly cold in the fall and winter. Someone who clings to a hot cup of tea or cocoa throughout the colder months, someone who never takes off his jacket, scarf, gloves or hat. Fortunately for such people, the colder months arrive at the time of our favorite holidays. And here are 10 perfect gifts for those who are constantly cold in the fall and winter.

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