Moon Archives | City Magazine Sat, 22 Jun 2024 08:18:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to align your life with the phases of the moon in 2024 Sat, 22 Jun 2024 08:18:59 +0000

Do you ever feel like the natural rhythms of the world around you are constantly pulling you in different directions? Have you ever wondered why you feel more motivated at certain times, while at others you feel the need to retreat and reflect? Perhaps the answer is closer than you think - in the rhythm of the moon. Aligning your life with the phases of the moon can be the key to greater harmony and inner balance.

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Exploring the Moon in Style: NASA and Lunar Outpost Unveil First Electric Lunar Vehicle Tue, 16 Apr 2024 12:59:40 +0000

Our space explorations are taking a new level with NASA's latest acquisition – the Lunar Terrain Electric Vehicle (LTV), which is being developed by Lunar Outpost in collaboration with big names like Lockheed Martin, General Motors, Goodyear and MDA Space. The vehicle, which forms a key part of Artemis' campaign to establish a permanent base on the Moon, promises to make exploration of this mysterious satellite faster, more efficient and safer.

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For the 3 astrological signs, a period of radical change begins on March 10 Fri, 08 Mar 2024 08:56:55 +0000

New Moon in Pisces - You may feel a strong attraction to a new beginning, as if it were time to choose your path again.

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Prihajamo v “čudno” obdobje Bele Lune: to prinaša Bela Luna vašemu astrološkemu znamenju Sun, 12 Nov 2023 06:14:02 +0000

What does the White Moon bring to your astrological sign between November 15 and June 14, 2024? How will this mysterious force shape your finances, relationships, confidence, and inner growth?

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Super Moon in Aries: 4 zodiac signs await fateful changes Sat, 30 Sep 2023 05:11:06 +0000

Are you ready for the energy that this year's last Super Moon brings? This exceptionally bright and powerful moon lit up the sky tonight, September 29-30, bringing with it the promise of new beginnings, passion and success.

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Moon Phases and Your Mood: An Astrological Insight That Will Shock & Leave You Speechless! Mon, 11 Sep 2023 05:09:14 +0000

Have you ever wondered why you feel more emotional during a full moon? It might not just be your imagination. Let's delve into the world of astrology and uncover the mysterious connection between the phases of the moon and your mood.

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On August 31st, the Blue Supermoon arrives and brings fateful changes for 4 signs Wed, 30 Aug 2023 06:44:58 +0000

A blue supermoon will appear in the sky on August 31st at 3:35 in the morning, i.e. on the night between Wednesday and Thursday.

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A great solar eclipse is coming, bringing a year of separation Sun, 02 Apr 2023 04:03:00 +0000

If astrologers are to be believed, 2023 is the year of divorce. On April 20, the eclipse of the new axis will follow us, and this will have the greatest impact on fire signs, who will be inclined to make drastic decisions that will change their lives.

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NASA unveils the space suit for the next mission to the Moon Fri, 17 Mar 2023 08:36:46 +0000

NASA has unveiled the first prototype of its next-generation spacesuit, designed for the first astronauts expected to return to the lunar surface as part of the Artemis program. This newly designed suit is more streamlined, flexible and fits men and women better than the bulky, puffy white lunar suit worn by the Apollo astronauts. The new spacesuits, called the "Axiom Extravehicular Mobility Unit," or AxEMU for short, will include advances in life support systems, pressure suits and avionics.

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Moon diet: you can lose 2-3 kilograms in 24 hours Wed, 15 Mar 2023 05:01:37 +0000

If you are interested in how to lose excess weight and cleanse your body at the same time, then the Moon Diet is definitely something you need to try!

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What will be the influence of the planets in February 2023? Fri, 03 Feb 2023 04:31:12 +0000

The conjunction of the Sun and Saturn occurs once every 28 years. Now is the moment when we understand that we need to move forward, change and enter the next phase of our life journey.

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Lunar horoscope for 2023: life will change completely for those born on this day Tue, 03 Jan 2023 10:10:05 +0000

The annual horoscope for 2023 predicts big changes! According to the lunar horoscope, people born on certain dates will go through great transformations. For some, these changes will bring improvement, for others, problems.

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Lunar Calendar and Lunar Me for 2023 Wed, 14 Dec 2022 05:04:02 +0000

The Moon is Earth's only natural satellite. Its gravity affects the earth's surface and causes tides in the oceans. According to the same principle, the Moon also affects living organisms, but on a deeper level it governs the human unconscious mind. That is why it is important to follow the moons of me in 2023 as well.

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Full Moon 2023: When are the full moons in 2023 Sat, 10 Dec 2022 07:18:11 +0000

The year 2023 will bring 13 full moons, as opposed to the usual 12 full moons per year. In this sense, these 13 gates of light will also mark the year 2023. The first full moon of 2023 will be on January 6 at 18:08.

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5 astrological signs that will be accompanied by luck until the end of November Fri, 11 Nov 2022 09:02:09 +0000

They will repel negative energy, attract success in love, work and money!

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What do you need TODAY 14.6. does the STRAWBERRY Full Moon bring? Tue, 14 Jun 2022 05:03:38 +0000

Are you ready for romance? The Strawberry Full Moon will bring unexpected twists and turns and strengthen emotions!

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Full Moon Horoscope for June 14, 2022 - Its energy will change a lot! Tue, 14 Jun 2022 03:55:48 +0000

Get ready for crazy transformations in your life! Find out what awaits you and what kind of transformation will happen in your life!

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On May 30, the New Moon arrives, incredible energy awaits us Thu, 26 May 2022 08:20:00 +0000

This astrological phenomenon will completely amaze you. The New Moon on May 30, 2022 will have a strong influence on all zodiac signs. This astrological change will bring unexpected changes in your life.

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These 3 signs will receive fantastic turns from March 2nd Mon, 28 Feb 2022 08:46:16 +0000

The New Moon on March 2, 2022 will be full of inspiration. This is a great opportunity to express your deepest desires. Time to make your dreams come true.

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Horoscope: What does the full Moon in Leo bring us? Wed, 16 Feb 2022 05:33:12 +0000

Will it really attract everything we want into our lives? Let's see what fate will bring us from February 16 and how we can use its energy!

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Horoscope: What does the new Moon in Sagittarius bring on January 2, 2022 Mon, 20 Dec 2021 05:29:18 +0000

Her energy will be strong and can change a lot! At the very beginning of 2022, strong energy awaits us, not only because of the new year, but also because of the new moon, which will light up the night sky on January 2. It brings us energy that is great for manifesting and creating intentions.

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Lunar Calendar and Lunar Me for 2022 Fri, 03 Dec 2021 11:30:44 +0000

When is the full moon, when is the first or last place and when is the new moon in 2022? Look at the lunar calendar!

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What does the Solar Eclipse bring you on December 4th? Tue, 30 Nov 2021 16:35:34 +0000

Eclipses are one of the most powerful forces in nature. At the beginning of December, a solar eclipse comes at the time of the New Moon and brings big changes!

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For the first time in 7 years! What does the lunar eclipse bring us on November 19? Fri, 19 Nov 2021 05:15:59 +0000

Open your heart to change! On November 19, the lunar eclipse in Taurus brings big changes in the area of love, interpersonal relationships, and personal growth and your desires. See what the stars predict for this long-awaited eclipse, as it occurs after 7 long years, meaning it hasn't happened since 2014!

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Horoscope: What does the time of the new moon in Scorpio bring you? Fri, 05 Nov 2021 06:25:09 +0000

Starting November 4th, you will experience rebirth and emotional transformation! A magical new moon brings exciting possibilities for personal development. When she resides in the mysterious sign of Scorpio, she will push you deep into the sea of emotions.

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Lunar calendar for the month of November 2021 Wed, 03 Nov 2021 05:57:08 +0000

You wonder when you will have the most luck and when problems will come. The Moon Calendar reveals how certain phases of the Moon affect our energy, ambitions, plans and moods.

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Astrology: What November and December bring us! Fri, 15 Oct 2021 11:45:43 +0000

Are you interested in what the planets bring us? What can we expect until the end of 2021 in terms of what is happening between the planets.

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Today, there will be a strawberry moon and a lunar eclipse in the sky: a nighttime spectacle you don't want to miss Fri, 05 Jun 2020 06:34:42 +0000

Look at the sky tonight, because there will be a beautiful strawberry moon in the sky, accompanied by a lunar eclipse!

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Look to the sky today: there will be a pink supermoon in the sky, the most spectacular moon of the year Tue, 07 Apr 2020 08:28:35 +0000

Today, Tuesday, April 7, a real spectacle awaits people in isolation in the night sky!

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These 4 astrological signs are the most "crazy" - especially during the full moon! Sat, 18 Jan 2020 05:01:30 +0000

The full moon affects each of us, especially our emotions, this is completely normal, it is part of the natural process. In addition to the rise and fall of the seas and oceans, the moon also causes tides in our body. It strengthens emotions, disturbs our thinking and makes us tense, irritable. But it can also give us strength, magic, enthusiasm and fill us with energy. The effect of the full moon is stronger in some astrological signs; let's see which ones.

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The power of the full moon: how will the full moons in 2020 affect you and your relationship? Wed, 15 Jan 2020 04:01:56 +0000

All the full moons of 2020 are ahead of you. And if you are any subject to being "knocked/carried by the moon", read how the full moons of 2020 will affect you and your relationship.

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The full moon is coming: 3 ways it can affect your life Wed, 11 Dec 2019 03:01:33 +0000

Ever since the dawn of civilization, people have believed that the Moon has a strong influence on their lives, and this is how many stories were created that still ignite our imaginations today. Do you even know how the Moon can affect your life?

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NASA has prepared a 3D visualization of the Moon for artists and creators Thu, 10 Oct 2019 04:01:53 +0000

If you want to set your movie or video game on the Moon, it is difficult to get quality footage and accurate topographic data of our natural satellite. But NASA just shared a useful and awesome new dataset just for creators.

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LUNARK: the habitat that will show whether we can live on the Moon Tue, 03 Sep 2019 04:01:07 +0000

In 2020, humans will return to the moon again - this time not to plant a flag in its surface, but to LIVE there for three months. Sebastian Aristotelis and Karl-Johan Sørensen may finally prove that life on the moon is the future for the next generations.

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It's been 50 years since the moon landing: what you probably don't know about Neil Armstrong Mon, 29 Jul 2019 04:01:15 +0000

No matter where space exploration and travel may take us in the future, Neil Armstrong will always have a special place in the history of flight into the unknown - on July 20, 1969, he became the first man to step on the moon, inspiring new generations of ambitious astronauts who are still pushing the boundaries of space exploration today. This year marks 50 years since Neil took "one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind."

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In May, a special blue moon will shine in the night sky Sat, 20 Apr 2019 04:01:35 +0000

The blue moon or "flower" full moon will illuminate the sky in May. When exactly will we be able to observe it and what are its characteristics?

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On October 24, there will be a Hunter's Moon in the sky Thu, 18 Oct 2018 04:01:05 +0000

Those of us who live in the northern hemisphere are somewhat deprived of observing the starry sky in the early autumn months, or it is more difficult to do so. A few times during this time, the stars, planets and the Milky Way are obscured by the presence of some very beautiful full moons. But if the moon excites you, then you are in luck. Those of you who will be watching the night sky in October will be able to observe the Hunter's Moon on October 24, a version of the full moon that has long been an important event in traditional folklore and remains an object of interest to astronomers.

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A mini replica of the Moon as a floating lamp Mon, 20 Mar 2017 07:01:02 +0000

Want to have the Moon all to yourself? Design studio Coocepts has created a miniature replica of the Moon as a floating ambient lamp.

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Lego pays tribute to the women of NASA - now also as Lego figures Mon, 06 Mar 2017 07:01:05 +0000

Women have played one of the key roles in the history of the space program. Nevertheless, their stories are too often silenced. Recently, the movie Hidden Figures said something, and now the Danish toy manufacturer Lego is also paying tribute to female astronauts, engineers and scientists and their contribution.

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Mondschatz Space Jewelry: Miniature Moon around neck and finger Mon, 06 Feb 2017 07:03:38 +0000

In the 1946 film It's a Wonderful Life, George Bailey asks Mary if she wants the moon and tells her to just say so and he'll throw a lasso around her and pull her down to Earth. Today it's a little easier, because Sonja Waldraff has made jewelry that is a mini replica of the Moon. How much, as evidenced by the fact that the Mondschatz space jewelry collection was created on the basis of NASA's topographical map of the Moon.

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The super moon in all its glory - the most beautiful photos of the super moon from all over the world Tue, 15 Nov 2016 05:19:16 +0000

Last night and tonight, the night sky was lit up by a super moon (an extremely large full moon), the likes of which we haven't seen since 1948 and won't until 2034. If you missed it, we've prepared for you a selection of the most beautiful super moon photos taken in different parts of the world.

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On November 14, 2016, the sky will be the largest supermoon of the 21st century! Wed, 09 Nov 2016 07:11:53 +0000

A supermoon – the term for a full moon that is larger and brighter than normal full moons – is a fascinating celestial phenomenon. At this time, the full moon is closest to the Earth, so it is not only larger and brighter than average, but also its influence is stronger. This supermoon will not only be the biggest this year, but the biggest in the 21st century! The super moon on Monday, November 14, 2016 will be the closest to Earth since the super moon that was in the sky on January 26, 1948!

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20:16 MoonWalker: sneakers that give the feeling of walking on the moon Sun, 03 Jan 2016 04:50:52 +0000

Have you ever wanted to walk on the moon? Feel what it means to walk in weightless space? 20:16 MoonWalker is a very special but commercial sneaker that makes you feel like walking on the moon. They achieve this with the help of powerful N45 magnets integrated into the sole, which bounce back, creating the feeling of walking on the Earth's natural satellite, while in reality gravity on Earth continues to do its work.

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The moon will bleed tomorrow! On September 28, 2015, early in the morning, a total lunar eclipse will also be visible in Slovenia! Sun, 27 Sep 2015 03:31:28 +0000

A total lunar eclipse will be visible in Slovenia on the night of September 27 to 28, 2015 (from Sunday to Monday)! Of course, the weather also has to take part in this, which hopefully will not deprive us of this unique event, the first since 2011. This autumn, therefore, not only nature will play with colors, as the Moon also joins this game, at least for one night, but will actually be a Supermoon. Our satellite will also be closest to Earth this night.

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Blue Moon: Today, July 31, 2015, there will be a blue moon in the sky, the last until 2018 Fri, 31 Jul 2015 05:14:28 +0000

This year's July, like August in 2012, boasts as many as two full moons. On Friday, July 31, 2015, we will be admiring the second full moon of the month, which is a rare celestial phenomenon called a blue moon. On this day, there will be more energy around us, so we will feel stronger but at the same time more sensitive and emotional, and it will bring out the deepest emotions from us.

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RoboDynamics: Luna's first personal robot Fri, 09 Jan 2015 05:35:09 +0000

We are used to seeing robots helping people with everyday tasks in various sci-fi movies. But reality is catching up with you more and more diligently. RoboDynamics has just started fundraising on Kickstarter for the first human-sized personal robot, Luna.

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A cow that thinks it's a horse Sat, 30 Aug 2014 07:45:15 +0000

The male part of the readership is probably familiar with the question from the psychological test before the military draft, which asks if you feel like a woman trapped in a man's body. What would the cow Luna, who was instilled with the mindset of being a horse from an early age, answer a similar question?

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A romantic walk under the full moon Mon, 27 Jan 2014 06:22:58 +0000

Since Valentine's Day is approaching, since a walk can be very romantic, and the snow even more so, we allow ourselves one tip for a winter escape - a romantic walk under the full moon 1,500 meters high on Vogl.

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A stunning illusion of the moon over the city Fri, 06 Dec 2013 07:35:13 +0000

The extremely modern outdoor concert venue shone for the first time at the St. Prex Classic.

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Cleaners with style Sun, 25 Jan 2009 13:11:01 +0000

How does Luna's story begin? Groga: The collaboration between Orka and Luks has been going on for several years, when Luks Studio created Orka's overall image. Until the birth of the Moon, there is still part of the story missing. A year and a half ago, Orka took over the company Teol, which was out of order

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