The Rolling Stones Archives | City Magazine Tue, 25 Aug 2020 10:21:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Concert: musical legends The Rolling Stones in September in Austria Wed, 17 May 2017 04:02:17 +0000

The musical legends Rolling Stones are coming to our vicinity. If you haven't yet managed to catch a band that has been living the rock'n'roll lifestyle since the early sixties and is still going strong, then don't hesitate. You can see them at the Red Bull Ring in Spielberg, Styria, Austria, on September 16 this year, where they are coming as part of the Stones - No Filter tour.

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The Rolling Stones shot a video for Ride 'Em On Down with Kristen Stewart Sat, 03 Dec 2016 07:06:00 +0000

Glasbena skupina The Rolling Stones je po enajstih letih izdala nov album. Blue & Lonesome, ki naj bi bil njihov najboljši album po 35 letih, šteje ducat bluzovskih priredb, na njem pa gostuje tudi legendarni Eric Clapton. Za skladbo Ride ‘Em On Down’ so že posneli tudi videospot, v katerem v glavni vlogi nastopa ameriška igralka Kristen Stewart, ki se z Mustangom preganja po postapokaliptičnem Los Angelesu.

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10 songs for 10 moments in a man's life Tue, 30 Dec 2014 05:45:52 +0000

There are moments in every man's life when he feels that nothing is out of his hands or that the environment oppresses him. Maybe he just needs some musical motivation to overcome the daily challenges and return triumphantly to his home at the end of the day. Whether it's finding a new job, a new girlfriend, or simply a current lack of energy. Frank Sinatra, James Brown, AC/DC and Kanye West are the men who have the musical answer to your problems.

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Godfather of soul James Brown now also on the movie screen Sat, 08 Feb 2014 06:44:06 +0000

The film treasury of biographies of legendary musicians will be richer for the feature film about the life of the father of funk and the godfather of soul, the unforgettable James Brown.

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Concert: The Rolling Stones Tribute Band in Ljubljana Tue, 21 Jan 2014 07:08:54 +0000

Sticky Fingers, imitators of the legendary band The Rolling Stones, are coming to Ljubljana.

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