sun Archives | City Magazine Wed, 31 Jul 2024 06:19:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Why does the sun exhaust us? Causes and solutions for summer fatigue Wed, 31 Jul 2024 06:19:45 +0000

Prolonged exposure to the sun also brings less pleasant consequences, one of which is pronounced fatigue. So why can the sun have such a powerful effect on our energy and well-being? In this article, with the help of experts, we reveal the main causes of sun fatigue and offer practical advice on how to avoid or mitigate them.

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Sun protection: A key element of any sporting activity Mon, 29 Jul 2024 07:44:59 +0000

Summer is the time when many of us want to spend as much time as possible outside and engage in various sports activities. Whether you're running, hiking or doing water sports, sun protection is key to maintaining healthy skin. The sun's rays can be relentless and without adequate protection we risk serious consequences for our health.

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Protect your little one: How to properly install a sunshade on a stroller? Mon, 22 Jul 2024 13:38:50 +0000

Are you worried that the sun's rays can damage your baby's sensitive skin? Using a stroller shade is a great solution, but do you know how to install it correctly?

The post Zaščitite svojega malčka: Kako pravilno namestiti senčnik na otroški voziček? appeared first on City Magazine.

Food for hot days: Foods to eat for optimal tanning Sat, 06 Jul 2024 06:26:30 +0000

Sunny days are finally here! The heat and sun invite us to beaches, swimming pools and nature. But did you know that the food you eat is key to your well-being and skin protection while sunbathing? Choosing the right food - food for sunbathing - can help you achieve radiant skin, maintain energy and effectively fight against the harmful effects of the sun.

The post Hrana za vroče dni: živila, ki jih morate jesti za optimalno sončenje appeared first on City Magazine.

Invisible victims of the sun: parts of the body we forget to protect from UV rays Fri, 17 May 2024 03:35:50 +0000

Summer is the time when many of us like to go to the beaches, to nature or simply enjoy the home garden. But we often forget about the dangers posed by the sun's rays. Excessive sun exposure without adequate protection can lead to sunburn, premature skin aging and other skin diseases, including skin cancer. However, with a few simple steps, we can effectively protect ourselves and enjoy the summer days carefree. Here's key information on when and how to use SPF and what parts of the body we often forget to protect.

The post Nevidne žrtve sonca: deli telesa, ki jih pozabimo zaščititi pred UV žarki appeared first on City Magazine.

Key signs you're deficient in vitamin D: Experts warn to take immediate action Thu, 16 Nov 2023 08:12:59 +0000

Vitamin D plays an important role in the functioning of our immune system, and during winter days, a large proportion of the population can be deficient in vitamin D. Check out how to find out if you are deficient!

The post Ključni znaki, da imate pomanjkanje vitamina D: strokovnjaki opozarjajo, da nujno ukrepajte appeared first on City Magazine.

If you spend THAT much time in the fresh air every day, you will live longer Sat, 12 Aug 2023 05:33:58 +0000

Looking for a potion that will help you live longer? You may have a solution right under your nose. Well, right outside the front door.

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Got a sunburn? You absolutely must not do this! Sun, 06 Aug 2023 08:02:54 +0000

Got a sunburn? We are in summer, the time when we all want to enjoy the sun and feel the warmth on our skin. But dermatologists warn us that sunburn is not a negligible problem that should be underestimated. Exposure to the sun can have long-term effects on our skin, and it is especially worrying if we experience sunburn during adolescence.

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Sun, sea and skin: How to properly care for the skin after sunbathing? In other words, how do I take care of my skin after sunbathing? Thu, 22 Jun 2023 08:42:51 +0000

Summer is here and with it the time to sunbathe. But when the sun's rays recede and the day turns into evening, another important phase begins - skin care after sunbathing. Many people think that applying sunscreen before sunbathing is enough, but this is only half the story. Proper skin care after sunbathing is key to maintaining healthy and glowing skin. That's why I present to you my expert advice and selected products for skin care after sunbathing. So - skin care after sunbathing!

The post Sonce, morje in koža: Kako pravilno skrbeti za kožo po sončenju? Oziroma, kako negujem kožo po sončenju? appeared first on City Magazine.

7 tips on how to keep your tan for a long time after sunbathing Sun, 18 Jun 2023 04:30:50 +0000

Summer is finally here and it's time to embrace the warmth of the sun and bask in those glorious rays. Nothing is more reminiscent of summer than a tanned complexion. But how do you keep your tan long after your vacation is over? In this article, we reveal seven golden rules for prolonging your tan.

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Midnight sun: these are places where the sun "never" sets Sat, 25 Mar 2023 05:04:30 +0000

The midnight sun? Why not! If you long for eternal sunshine, consider visiting these places where the sun never sets.

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Wind and sun broke records in Europe this year Fri, 21 Oct 2022 09:47:55 +0000

The war in Ukraine has sparked a race to ditch Russian gas, but much more renewable energy is needed to meet climate goals. The trend this year is favorable and if it were to continue, the transition to "green" will be accelerated.

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How to properly maintain a tanned complexion Sun, 31 Jul 2022 04:02:53 +0000

On vacation, when we enjoy the sun, we get a tan, which we want to keep for as long as possible. Just how?

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The most beautiful selection of straw hats and hats for summer 2022 Mon, 13 Jun 2022 08:11:42 +0000

In addition to sunscreen, consider completing your summer look with straw hats and beach hats. Once you find your favorite summer hat, it will become your go-to accessory, and above all, it will help protect your skin. We have selected the best selection of designs, from boldly bright to all-round neutrals. Whatever you have planned for the next few months, whether it's road trips, lying on the beach or a picnic, you'll be excited to grab your summer hat before walking out the door.

The post Najlepša izbira slamnikov in klobukov za poletje 2022 appeared first on City Magazine.

Homemade body scrub recipe: how to prepare your skin for sunbathing Fri, 10 Jun 2022 04:06:46 +0000

Before going to the beach, most women have an exhaustive list of cosmetic preparations that we must do to get as close as possible to the ideals of smooth, shiny and tanned skin. Some ventures, such as waxing and pedicures, are self-evident and will hardly be forgotten. In the pursuit of a tan, there is one crucial step that is often forgotten. It is an exfoliation that, if tactically included in the beauty schedule, is one of the main factors in obtaining and prolonging the bronze complexion. Before exposing your skin to the sun, you should definitely exfoliate your body to create a base for your tan.

The post Domači recept za piling telesa: kako pripraviti kožo za sončenje appeared first on City Magazine.

A revolution in sun protection: the new La Roche-Posay Anhelios UVMUNE 400 Tue, 19 Apr 2022 06:51:39 +0000

After 10 years of research and more than 65 studies, La Roche-Posay is proud to present the new ANTHELIOS UVMUNE 400 SPF50+, which protects against the most insidious UV rays - ultra-long UVA rays from the spectrum of 380-400 nanometers - and provides the skin of the face with superior protection every day.

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4 tips for an unforgettable vacation without unpleasant situations Fri, 06 Aug 2021 04:00:20 +0000

It can happen that we go on vacation and an unpleasant or awkward situation destroys our good mood. From a car stopping halfway to nausea or stomach cramps that make us run to the nearest bathroom. We have solutions for some unwanted situations.

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After-sun care: with these products, the summer skin tone will last longer Fri, 30 Jul 2021 04:04:51 +0000

In the summer months, it is equally important to take care of your skin during and after sunbathing. Even if you apply sunscreen regularly and rarely get sunburned, the sun's UV rays can seriously damage your skin and hair, especially if lounging on the beach is your favorite summer activity.

The post Nega po sončenju: s temi izdelki bo poletni ten kože dlje časa obstojen appeared first on City Magazine.

Got a sunburn? You can help yourself with this natural ingredient Thu, 15 Jul 2021 04:05:21 +0000

Got a sunburn? You can find help right in your kitchen. Along with gel and aloe vera, honey is one of the home remedies that is successfully used in the treatment of sunburn. Due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, it has a beneficial effect on the healing of irritated and damaged skin.

The post Imate sončne opekline? Pomagate si lahko s to naravno sestavino appeared first on City Magazine.

10 rules of healthy sunbathing: for beautifully tanned and healthy skin Wed, 07 Jul 2021 05:11:35 +0000

The sun's rays raise the level of serotonin, the hormone responsible for good mood. They are also responsible for the synthesis of vitamin D, which, among other things, protects us from softening of the bones and osteoporosis. The sun makes us happy, but we must not forget that it can also be dangerous.

The post 10 pravil zdravega sončenja: za lepo zagorelo in zdravo kožo appeared first on City Magazine.

Shocking: You've been applying sunscreen all your life completely wrong Sun, 20 Jun 2021 09:52:47 +0000

Protection from the sun is still important, and therefore we should not ignore the fact that we have been applying sunscreen incorrectly all our lives. Researchers from Liverpool have also proven this and are now warning us to be more careful, especially in the face area.

The post Šokantno: kremo za sončenje že celo življenje nanašate popolnoma napačno appeared first on City Magazine.

Sunburn: how to quickly heal skin from sunburn Fri, 18 Jun 2021 04:09:39 +0000

If you have pale skin or spend a lot of time in the sun, you are at a higher risk of sunburn. More severe sunburns generally take longer to heal than milder burns. There are no magic cures for sunburn, but there are ways you can support your body's natural healing process. Let's take a look at the most effective ways to heal sunburn faster.

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This is how you properly prepare your skin for the summer sun! Fri, 21 May 2021 10:02:09 +0000

Summer is just around the corner, and so are our desires for tanned skin. Everything is fine and dandy until there are unpleasant burns and colored spots on the skin. In winter, our skin is extra dried out and there are many people who do not give their skin any attention, and this can also be reflected in the sun in summer. Moisturized skin has a better chance of getting an even tan than dry skin. Time is running out, so check what you can do "last minute" for your skin and beautiful complexion.

The post Tako pravilno pripravite kožo na poletno sonce! appeared first on City Magazine.

How to get a tan without sun exposure Wed, 10 Mar 2021 05:00:24 +0000

The warm rays of the sun are slowly bringing us temperatures that finally herald true spring. We can already see the spring collections in the shop windows, which will also reveal some more skin. And since the desire for a slightly tanned skin is the desire of many members of the fairer sex, we recommend that you ensure your "summer glow" without exposure to the sun already before the summer with proper skin preparation, various nutritional supplements, care and, of course, make-up.

The post Kako do porjavele kože brez izpostavljanja soncu appeared first on City Magazine.

That's why you have to make time for the sunset! Wed, 29 Jan 2020 05:01:37 +0000

We all know how romantic, inspiring and Instagram-worthy sunsets are. However, most people don't take the time to observe them... perhaps only on vacation. As if this magical moment only happens in exotic places where there are no daily obligations.

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Tesla Solar Roof: energy independence has never been so affordable Sat, 02 Nov 2019 05:00:42 +0000

The special feature of the Tesla Solar Roof solar cells is that they act like normal roof tiles on the outside. However, their installation has become much more affordable.

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There is just one small detail that will make your day better Sat, 22 Sep 2018 04:01:10 +0000

When you were a child and in a bad mood, angry or sad, your mother often sent you outside for fresh air and sunshine. You returned home in a good mood and smiling. Why did the advice work?

The post Obstaja zgolj ena mala podrobnost, ki bo naredila tvoj dan boljši appeared first on City Magazine.

How to choose the right hat according to the shape of your face? Sat, 11 Aug 2018 04:01:06 +0000

In these summer days, you will spice up even the simplest fashion combination with a doby hat. Not to mention how this accessory protects you from the blazing sun. But its shape doesn't quite suit every face, so check which hat model suits you best according to your face shape.

The post Kako izbrati ustrezen klobuk glede na obliko svojega obraza? appeared first on City Magazine.

We all get in the way: heat slows our brains down by 13 percent Thu, 02 Aug 2018 04:01:38 +0000

When that 'real' hellish heat sets in, it eludes us rationally, makes us sleepy, tired and often reluctant. But we persistently convince ourselves that it is not possible that the scorching sun is to blame for this. Harvard scientists confirm that heat is the actual 'culprit' for the slowing down of our brain.

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Don't do this: you can't sleep with the fan on because of this Wed, 01 Aug 2018 04:01:15 +0000

During the worst heat, we are ready to do many things, as long as our body breathes and we are pleasantly cool. This is also why it often happens that we fall asleep next to the fan, but this is anything but wise.

The post Tega nikar ne počni: zaradi tega ne smeš spati ob prižganem ventilatorju appeared first on City Magazine.

Sunscreen won't do you any good if you don't know about it Fri, 20 Jul 2018 04:01:11 +0000

Sunscreen has an expiration date, and its protection deteriorates over time.

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The inflatable flamingo is a thing of the past, the coffin-shaped pillow is the hit of this summer Fri, 13 Jul 2018 04:01:46 +0000

There is probably no person on planet Earth who has not seen a pink inflatable flamingo floating in all the seas and pools of the world. This year you can forget about the flamingo, because the biggest faces lie on an inflatable coffin.

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4 natural ways to get rid of white lines from the sun faster Sun, 08 Jul 2018 04:01:37 +0000

If you are not a fan of nudist beaches, then white lines from sunbathing are a familiar phenomenon. At one time, unevenly tanned skin was considered a big no-no in fashion, then swimsuit stripes became very popular and desirable. If you don't like them, these are ways to get rid of them faster.

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Myths about sunbathing that are not true Fri, 29 Jun 2018 04:01:59 +0000

We all love sunbathing, but the Sun doesn't always like us. In summer, despite protection, the sun's rays too often penetrate deeply into our skin, which causes burns. Why does this happen?

The post Miti o sončenju, ki ne držijo appeared first on City Magazine.

The first solar-powered commercial airplane is coming! Sun, 24 Jun 2018 04:01:04 +0000

With the boom in technology, humanity has increasingly started to exploit renewable energies. Solar cells are thus no longer unusual, as they are often found on various buildings. But so far we haven't had the chance to spot them on planes...

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Sunburn: the best ways to treat it, according to dermatologists Fri, 22 Jun 2018 04:10:50 +0000

In addition to a hat, sunglasses and a sufficient amount of liquid, sunscreen is the most important accessory for hot summer days. Although many people take care to protect their skin from the strong rays of the sun, it often happens that they get sunburned. What to do then?

The post Sončne opekline: najboljši načini za zdravljenje glede na dermatologe appeared first on City Magazine.

How to protect your hair from the sun and salt? Thu, 31 May 2018 04:01:28 +0000

We also need to protect our hair from the strong sun. The sun's rays lighten the hair and at the same time remove natural oils. But it is not only the sun that damages the hair. Salt is not innocent either. If you are kind to your hair this summer, you will save money on the hairdresser in the fall. So take these tips seriously and try to stick to them as much as possible to keep your hair healthy and well-groomed throughout the year.

The post Kako svoje lase zaščititi pred soncem in soljo? appeared first on City Magazine.

A beautiful yet heartbreaking illustrated love story Fri, 13 Apr 2018 04:01:00 +0000

An illustrated story of love and loss, it tells you that it's worth fighting for a loved one. See if the two souls in love will follow their hearts and reunite in this Brazilian artist's illustrations.

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CES 2018: Sunflower is an umbrella you just won't want to get out from under Sat, 13 Jan 2018 05:01:48 +0000

If we trust you that a lampshade was introduced at CES 2018, you will probably be very amazed. But this shade has little in common with ordinary ones. It offers you everything you could wish for while relaxing on the beach.

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Veiled: the world's first wooden solar charger Mon, 11 Dec 2017 05:01:42 +0000

We love wood. For centuries, the floors of our homes have been covered with oak wood, we use spruce to make our outdoor terraces more pleasant, so that we don't waste words on indoor furniture. Recently, wood has become particularly popular, as it can also be found in the form of USB sticks and eyeglass frames. Well, now we also got the world's first wooden solar charger.

The post Veiled: prvi leseni polnilnik na sončno energijo na svetu appeared first on City Magazine.

Audi presents solar cells Tue, 29 Aug 2017 04:02:33 +0000

Audi has ventured into the electric world with all means, because in addition to electric and hybrid cars, they are also researching other technology related to electricity. Among them are also solar cells, which will be installed in the panoramic windows.

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3 ways to heal sunburn the fastest Thu, 03 Aug 2017 04:02:53 +0000

You know that sunscreen is a must these days, right? And you know you have to reapply every 2 hours? If you still haven't taken care of (enough) sun protection, then those kisses of harmful ultraviolet rays have honestly burned you. Painful sunburns can last for days, so we can try almost anything in desperation. dr. Erin Gilbert, a dermatologist in New York, has 3 key tips for helping with burns.

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SolarGaps: solar blinds Mon, 22 May 2017 04:00:41 +0000

Energy supply to homes in a more sustainable way has been a trend (and almost a necessity) in this area for quite some time. Solar cells are now catching the sun's rays on quite a few roofs. What if you don't want to 'decorate' your roof with panels, but would still like to use solar energy? SolarGaps are smart blinds that convert solar energy into electricity and as such are kinder to the environment and your wallet.

The post SolarGaps: solarne žaluzije appeared first on City Magazine.

Nurugo SmartUV: A UV camera for your phone that reveals how much the sun's rays have damaged our skin Sun, 09 Apr 2017 04:01:32 +0000

Remember Nivea's campaign two years ago, which revealed the power of the sun's rays with the help of a UV camera. The summer months are approaching, when we will be much more exposed to the sun. And although most of us are aware of the harmful effects of the sun's rays, it still happens that we don't protect our skin enough. But maybe the Nurugo SmartUV smartphone UV camera will convince you to protect yourself enough this time.

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How to Relieve Sunburns - Home Remedies for Burns Thu, 02 Jun 2016 03:43:18 +0000

Do you know how to mitigate the sunburn that can turn a pleasant vacation into a nightmare? The sun is getting stronger and since we have technically already entered summer - meteorological summer starts on June 1 - it is right to learn how to mitigate sunburns in a natural way. Despite the warning, many people still overexpose themselves to the sun's rays. Are you one of the "disobedient ones"? With this home remedy, you can help yourself when you overdo it with the sun. Your skin will thank you!

The post Kako ublažiti sončne opekline – domače sredstvo za oskrbo opeklin appeared first on City Magazine.

Sun hunter: photos of the sun from all over the world Tue, 03 May 2016 03:37:30 +0000

There is no life without the sun, and for the Frenchman Julien Grondin, there is no good photography without the sun. Pipi and Melkijad had their moon, the French photographer has his sun. The "sun hunter" traveled the world for three years, not only to capture the beauty of the world, but also to take portraits with the sun.

The post Lovec na sonce: fotografije sonca z vseh koncev sveta appeared first on City Magazine.

"Pen" on the sun's rays Febo - for drawing with the sun Tue, 25 Aug 2015 04:42:35 +0000

You've probably all heard of pyrography. If you haven't heard it, you've certainly seen it in practice. Namely, it is wood (can also be leather or cork) decorated with burnt patterns, which today are mostly created with the help of a device similar to a soldering iron (with a hard tip or a tip made of wire). Febo, on the other hand, returns to nature and instead of electricity (which heats the tip of the tool) uses a magnifying glass and the sun's rays, which make it possible to draw with the sun.

The post ”Pisalo” na sončne žarke Febo – za risanje s soncem appeared first on City Magazine.

Neso - a sunshade with more than 50 UPF protection Wed, 24 Jun 2015 04:30:51 +0000

Summer is just around the corner, which means vacations and more exposure to the sun. That's why it's time to start thinking about how you will ensure adequate protection from the scorching sun on the beach. The feather-light Neso sunshade with protection of more than 50 UPF (Ultraviolet Protection Factor) is the right answer to the sun's rays, as it provides effective protection against dangerous UV radiation.

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Photos of dreamy and warm places around the world #Beach #Sun Wed, 14 Jan 2015 05:25:57 +0000

Cold, dreary and rainy days force us to wander in our minds to somewhere that is warm even in January. To white sandy beaches, under palm trees and in the sun. We have prepared a suitable selection of photos that will ease the winter blues and prepare us in our minds for this year's summer vacation.

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8 amazing facts about space Mon, 10 Mar 2014 06:26:43 +0000

The evenings are coming, when we can once again lie in the middle of the meadow and watch the stars under the mild sky. In order to be even more excited about what we are observing, it is worth reading and remembering some facts about the universe.

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