toilet Archives | City Magazine Fri, 30 Aug 2024 08:21:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Now everything is clear! This is the correct way to hang toilet paper Fri, 30 Aug 2024 08:21:01 +0000

Do you also have different ideas about how to hang toilet paper in your household?

The post Zdaj je vse jasno! To je pravilen način, kako obesiti toaletni papir appeared first on City Magazine.

Catastrophic mistakes: 10 things you should never flush down the toilet Tue, 23 Jul 2024 07:28:31 +0000

Have you ever wondered what happens to the things you flush down the toilet? You may have thought that the toilet can "swallow" everything, but the reality is quite different.

The post Katastrofalne napake: 10 stvari, ki jih nikoli ne smete vreči v straniščno školjko appeared first on City Magazine.

An effective trick for cleaning the toilet without scrubbing: removes limescale and bacteria Wed, 17 Jan 2024 08:46:40 +0000

Cleaning the toilet. Are you facing the challenge of removing limescale and rust in your rinse aid, but don't want to use harsh chemicals?

The post Učinkovit trik za čiščenje stranišča brez drgnjenja: odstrani vodni kamen in bakterije appeared first on City Magazine.

Effortless toilet cleaning: a natural cleaner that destroys bacteria and limescale Sat, 30 Dec 2023 08:34:27 +0000

Forget about harmful chemicals and use homemade ingredients for a sparkling clean toilet! Discover a simple and effective way to remove limescale and bacteria.

The post Čiščenje stranišča brez truda: naravno čistilo, ki uniči bakterije in vodni kamen appeared first on City Magazine.

The dirtiest part of your bathroom isn't the toilet, it's… Fri, 22 Dec 2023 10:08:40 +0000

No matter how hard you try for cleanliness, the bathroom will never be perfectly clean, what's more, you wouldn't even think that this is the dirtiest part of it.

The post Najbolj umazan del vaše kopalnice ni stranišče, temveč… appeared first on City Magazine.

10 things you shouldn't throw down the toilet: you'll clog it and cause a flood Wed, 29 Nov 2023 08:32:38 +0000

What do you throw down the toilet without knowing it's not good? Let's see which 10 things should never be thrown in the toilet bowl - at least 5 of them are thrown there regularly by all of us!

The post 10 stvari, ki jih ne smemo metati v straniščno školjko: zamašili jo boste in si povzročili poplavo appeared first on City Magazine.

Toto Wellness Toilet: the smart toilet of the future that analyzes our poop Fri, 15 Jan 2021 17:30:04 +0000

What do you think of the idea of a toilet that, based on what you excrete, automatically gives you advice on how to eat healthier, or detects early symptoms of disease? Unbelievable? Creepy? Maybe a bit of both? Well, in principle, such a toilet already exists, it's just not yet clear when it will actually be in use!

The post Toto Wellness Toilet: pametno stranišče prihodnosti, ki analizira naše kakce appeared first on City Magazine.

Why should we stop using phones in the toilet? Fri, 09 Oct 2020 04:00:49 +0000

If you're someone who just can't go to the bathroom without your phone, there are some risks you should consider. Not only is this bad for our health, but it can also affect our minds and how well we work.

The post Zakaj bi morali nehati uporabljati telefone na stranišču? appeared first on City Magazine.

Things that happen in the women's bathroom that no one talks about Sat, 17 Nov 2018 05:01:24 +0000

Society has taught us not to talk about things that happen in the toilet. It's not appropriate to explain what problems you had with the winds. 'God forbid' that the person in the toilet next door should hear you urinate or perform any major need. What happens in the toilet, stays there. If it's a woman, at all.

The post Stvari, ki se zgodijo na ženskem stranišču, a o njih nihče ne govori appeared first on City Magazine.

Ureddplassen: is this the most beautiful public toilet in the world? Wed, 25 Apr 2018 04:01:48 +0000

Architecture is undoubtedly Norway's superpower. And this is also proven by the last example: Ureddplassen, a rest area, a monument and also a public toilet, which stands along the picturesque Helgenadskysten hiking trail.

The post Ureddplassen: je to najlepše javno stranišče na svetu? appeared first on City Magazine.

The price of a smart toilet bowl that cleans itself will blow your mind Thu, 22 Mar 2018 05:01:36 +0000

Until recently, the well-known way of performing toilet needs is a thing of the past. With this smart shell you will get a higher level of bathroom experience, but you will also have to shell out a staggering amount for it.

The post Cena pametne straniščne školjke, ki vas sama očisti, vas bo sezula appeared first on City Magazine.

Catolet: no more cleaning up after pets Thu, 30 Nov 2017 05:01:25 +0000

Our pets are just that, pets. Now they have their own stores, their own raincoats, mini ties and boots to keep them cool on cold winter days. When they have health problems, they are given special diet food. After all, we are responsible for their well-being. You probably also know that cats and small dogs can have their own toilet. But you've definitely never seen one like this.

The post Catolet: nič več čiščenja za hišnimi ljubljenci appeared first on City Magazine.

NeoRest 750H – a smart toilet that eliminates the need for toilet paper Sun, 15 Jan 2017 06:03:22 +0000

You probably don't think of the toilet bowl as an excess of technology, but many engineers are thinking in that direction. And since practically every other thing in our home has become smart today, not even the toilet bowl could escape this fate. Meet the NeoRest 750H, the world's most technologically advanced toilet that eliminates the need for toilet paper.

The post NeoRest 750H – pametna WC školjka, ki odpravlja potrebo po toaletnem papirju appeared first on City Magazine.

The Golden Toilet for New York's Guggenheim Museum Sat, 24 Sep 2016 06:03:32 +0000

The Guggenheim Museum in New York is richer for the 18-karat gold toilet bowl. Although you probably thought it was an exhibition exhibit at first, the golden toilet named America, located on the fifth floor of this famous museum of modern art, is not only functional, but can be used by any visitor. If, of course, he can wait in line.

The post Zlato stranišče za newyorški Guggenheimov muzej appeared first on City Magazine.

The most unusual public toilets in the world Wed, 27 Apr 2016 03:39:02 +0000

Toilets say a lot about a nation's culture. In Slovenia, we look at public toilets through the prism of cleanliness, but in some parts of the world, public toilets are real tourist attractions. See the strangest public toilets in the world.

The post Najbolj nenavadna javna stranišča na svetu appeared first on City Magazine.

Cristina Guggeri: world leaders caught in the toilet Thu, 15 Jan 2015 10:07:57 +0000

With all the difficult decisions that world leaders face every day, sometimes we forget that they too are only human and that he too has to go where the emperor goes on foot, i.e. to the toilet. The Italian artist Cristina Guggeri draws our attention to this in an interesting way, who through the series of photographs Il Dovere Quatidiano (daily obligation) imagines what leaders would look like while fulfilling a great need.

The post Cristina Guggeri: svetovni voditelji zasačeni na stranišču appeared first on City Magazine.
