unusual Archives | City Magazine Thu, 09 Mar 2023 06:12:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.5 The weirdest Airbnb accommodations you won't believe exist https://citymagazine.si/en/the-most-unusual-accommodations-on-airbnb-that-you-wont-believe-exist/ Sun, 26 Feb 2023 05:05:41 +0000 https://citymagazine.si/en/?p=542125

Tired of the same old hotel rooms and standard vacation rentals? Then check out these unusual accommodations on Airbnb that are so unique and special that they're categorized as "OMG" rentals. From a floating tent in the UK to a bird box in Norway, these surreal properties will take your holiday experience to the next level.

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8 bizarre things that were an integral part of our ancestors' lives https://citymagazine.si/en/8-weird-things-that-were-an-integral-part-of-the-life-of-our-ancestors/ Thu, 03 Jan 2019 05:01:36 +0000 https://citymagazine.si/en/?post_type=article&p=377339

If you think that people in the past were less eccentric than they are today, remember their traditions and the fashion of the time. It will become clear to you that modern people are not even that strange.

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8 unusual things that we usually throw away, but could make money with https://citymagazine.si/en/8-things-that-we-usually-throw-away-but-could-make-earning-with-them/ Sat, 29 Dec 2018 05:01:02 +0000 https://citymagazine.si/en/?post_type=article&p=377126

If you need some extra cash, you can take a look at the list of 8 things that we usually throw away, but could make money with. Many of these things are so common that you would never think that anyone would want to buy them. However, a quick look at eBay shows that there are buyers galore.

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15 Christmas carols that are really weird, but we love them https://citymagazine.si/en/15-christmas-songs-that-are-really-weird-but-we-love-them/ Mon, 03 Dec 2018 05:01:19 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=374102

You must have already read on our site that scientists have written about the fact that Christmas music has negative effects on your mental health. It's not unusual, if at every step we listen to repeated songs that have been playing for decades. Spice up this year's Christmas with the most unusual songs that won't give you a headache or 'god forbid' mental problems.

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10+ historical photos: this is proof that the world has been turned upside down for some time https://citymagazine.si/en/10-historical-photos-that-are-proof-that-the-world-is-somewhat-turned-on-its-head/ Thu, 15 Nov 2018 05:01:49 +0000

If you would take a snake for a walk on a leash or lie on a bed of nails, you are clearly one of the 'freaks' of that time. They have gone beyond the limits of insanity.

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13 unusual examples of food that appeared in 2018 https://citymagazine.si/en/13-strange-examples-of-food-that-appeared-in-2018/ Mon, 01 Oct 2018 04:01:31 +0000

We live in an age of consumption, where we are spoiled with countless tastes and forms of food from every corner. However, statistics show that this year, humans around the world 'lost' or wasted more than 520 million tonnes of food. In the desire for the new and unusual, manufacturers often try to find bizarre or strange food products in order not to lose consumers. What new flavors did humans create in 2018?

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Mysterious mental disorders our brains are capable of https://citymagazine.si/en/mysterious-mental-disorders-that-are-capable-of-our-brains/ Fri, 17 Aug 2018 04:01:32 +0000

It is often difficult to recognize a person suffering from a mental disorder, as the range of such illnesses is very wide. We have collected seven of the most mysterious syndromes that prove how mysterious the human brain is.

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Swimwear made of adhesive tape is a hit this summer https://citymagazine.si/en/swimwear-made-of-adhesive-tape-is-the-hit-of-this-summer/ Tue, 24 Jul 2018 04:01:22 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=356780

You can never have too many swimsuits, but when they are this shiny, sexy and for every body shape, then the need for a new pair for the beach is justified.

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Amazing facts about Finland that will surprise you https://citymagazine.si/en/amazing-facts-about-finnish-that-will-surprise-you/ Mon, 09 Jul 2018 04:01:56 +0000

In Finland, children listen to dinosaurs playing 'heavy metal', mayors are thrown into water for good deeds, and students rent special rooms for parties. In this article, you will learn about Finland, which is not only famous for Land of Thousand Lakes, Nokia and Moomintroll, but also other things.

The post Neverjetna dejstva o Finski, ki te bodo presenetila appeared first on City Magazine.

5 psychological facts about ourselves that we are not even aware of https://citymagazine.si/en/5-psychological-facts-about-ourselves-that-we-dont-even-aware/ Mon, 18 Jun 2018 04:01:01 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=352161

Human consciousness carries out planned actions, but what is under the "iceberg" is unexplained and unconscious. People perform certain actions without realizing it, and scientists explain why we do certain things.

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During a five-month trip through the South American jungles, the couple found these strange creatures https://citymagazine.si/en/during-a-five-month-trip-through-the-south-american-jungles-the-couple-encountered-these-strange-creatures/ Sun, 17 Jun 2018 04:01:41 +0000

Strange creatures swarm at every turn, and the photos of these strange creatures in the South American jungles will scare you.

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People share bad stock photos of their professions... and they are really bad https://citymagazine.si/en/people-share-bad-stock-photos-of-their-professions-and-they-really-bad/ Sun, 20 May 2018 04:01:56 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=349191

There is something about "stock" photos - as soon as you see them, you recognize that this is the type of photo. When you see these "stock" photos of different professions, you will hold your head.

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We all do it: disgusting habits that are actually good for your health https://citymagazine.si/en/this-we-all-do-disgusting-habits-that-are-actually-good-for-health/ Sat, 19 May 2018 04:01:27 +0000

Although these habits are instinctive and we all have them, they are said to have positive health effects.

The post To vsi počnemo: nagnusne navade, ki so v resnici dobre za zdravje appeared first on City Magazine.

The world has always been upside down: our ancestors did these things https://citymagazine.si/en/the-world-has-been-turned-on-its-head-these-things-we-made-our-ancestors/ Sun, 01 Apr 2018 04:01:21 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=343842

If you think the world is getting crazier every year, you'll be surprised to find out that we live a "smart life" because our ancestors did things we never dreamed they could do.

The post Svet je že od nekdaj obrnjen na glavo: te stvari so počeli naši predniki appeared first on City Magazine.

'Evil' goodness: here's black ice cream! https://citymagazine.si/en/evil-goodness-here-is-black-ice-cream/ Tue, 02 May 2017 04:02:23 +0000

Want something more 'dangerous' than regular ice cream? Then choose black ice cream. This is what you are looking for!

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Goat yoga – yoga in the company of baby goats https://citymagazine.si/en/goat-yoga-yoga-in-the-company-of-kids-goats/ Sat, 22 Apr 2017 06:01:56 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=300906

No Regrets Farm in Oregon (New Hampshire) is not your usual place for yoga lovers. They practice here in the company of baby goats and goats. Goat yoga was invented by American Lainey Morse in July 2016 and quickly became a hit. In the meantime, she has already made her way to Europe, where she has also caught on well.

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Vegetable Orchestra - meet the Viennese vegetable orchestra https://citymagazine.si/en/vegetable-orchestra-meet-the-vienna-vegetable-orchestra/ Mon, 17 Apr 2017 04:00:19 +0000

The Vienna Vegetable Orchestra is exactly what you imagine under the name. An orchestra playing instruments made of vegetables. Their musicians do not use classical instruments, but different instruments. Did we mention that the vegetable orchestra sounds surprisingly good and that they serve you vegetable soup after the concert?

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Green Skyscraper - Vertical Forest in China https://citymagazine.si/en/green-skyscraper-vertical-forest-in-china/ Tue, 07 Feb 2017 07:03:03 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=287732

After Milan, the Italian architectural firm Stefano Boeri is building a vertical forest in Asia, more precisely in the city of Nanjing in China. It is a duo of skyscrapers that brings a touch of forest to the concrete jungle and will offer a green and healthy oasis in the middle of a polluted city. The towers will also have a system for harnessing solar energy.

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Unusual use of everyday things https://citymagazine.si/en/unusual-use-of-everyday-things/ Fri, 21 Oct 2016 06:02:49 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=262156

We have been using some things in the same way for so long that we don't even think of using them in a different way. Below you can see the unusual use of everyday things. A whole new world will open up to you.

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A Czech helicopter landed at a gas station and refueled https://citymagazine.si/en/guild-helicopter-landed-at-the-petrol-pump-and-delivered-fuel/ Thu, 25 Aug 2016 05:51:43 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=video&p=250050

An unusual amateur video comes from Slovakia, which captured a Czech pilot landing a helicopter at a gas station in the town of Valaská, refueling the employees and leaving random passers-by speechless.

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17 of the most unusual buildings in the world https://citymagazine.si/en/17-most-strange-buildings-in-the-world/ Mon, 02 Nov 2015 11:59:59 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=195214

Many buildings have a name that gives them historical value, but these 17 of the world's most unusual buildings stand out for their uniqueness. The "Lady Gaga" architectures are definitely worth our attention, we just wonder if they are as useful as they are unusual. See what happens when architects let their imaginations run wild.

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Google Earth: what strange things can be found on the digital globe https://citymagazine.si/en/google-earth-what-is-everything-unusual-to-find-on-the-digital-globe/ Thu, 23 Oct 2014 04:35:44 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=110910

Globes that have been spinning since 1492 have been given a whole new dimension with Google Earth, a digital globe. Everything in this world has become within reach and we can put our eyes on almost every corner of the world. Latitudes and longitudes have become something fun, not just something to weigh us with in geography and geography. Look at all the strange things he has already found.

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The most unusual libraries in the world https://citymagazine.si/en/the-most-unusual-libraries-in-the-world/ Tue, 30 Sep 2014 04:25:34 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=103653

Classic novels, chick-flick stories, poetry collections, detective stories... We can always find something for ourselves on the library shelves, and although we are used to classic libraries in Slovenia, there are also different ones. Let's say the kind on the beach. Or in the park. Or traveling - on a donkey. We present to you the ten most unusual libraries in the world!

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Rečjegedon, when an army of ducks floods the road https://citymagazine.si/en/recjegedon-when-an-armada-of-racs-floods-the-road/ Thu, 19 Jun 2014 04:55:58 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=video&p=77499

Imagine that you are driving down the street and you see something extremely strange in the distance. When you get closer, you are surprised to find that the strange phenomenon is actually an army of ducks.

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Weddings that took place in the most unusual places https://citymagazine.si/en/weddings-that-happened-in-the-most-unusual-places/ Wed, 30 Oct 2013 12:00:56 +0000

They say the classic is dying. Once again, the classics are popular. This applies to big things, we shuddered at weddings.

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