vegetables Archives | City Magazine Mon, 12 Aug 2024 06:46:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Recipe: take advantage of the season of fresh vegetables and prepare roasted vegetables with tomato sauce Mon, 12 Aug 2024 06:46:36 +0000

Why not try something new and innovative like roasted vegetables with tomato sauce? Can you imagine the rich flavors of roasted vegetables intertwining with the sweet and sour notes of fresh tomato sauce?

The post Recept: izkoristite sezono sveže zelenjave in pripravite pečeno zelenjavo s paradižnikovo omako appeared first on City Magazine.

Miracle Herb: How Parsley Can Help You Lose Up to 3 Kilos in 5 Days Sun, 04 Aug 2024 07:59:04 +0000

Are you flirting with swimwear and wondering how to get rid of that extra kilo that has crept up on you all of a sudden?

The post Čudežno zelišče: Kako vam lahko peteršilj v 5 dneh pomaga izgubiti do 3 kilograme appeared first on City Magazine.

Revolutionary grilling tricks: How to impress even the biggest carnivores with grilled vegetables Wed, 22 May 2024 09:46:51 +0000

There seems to be something magical about the grill – as if the smoke and fire reveal the hidden layers of flavors in the food. While most people associate barbecue with meat, it's the vegetables that often shine in a whole new light.

The post Revolucionarni triki za žar: Kako tudi največje mesojedce navdušiti z zelenjavo na žaru appeared first on City Magazine.

8 tricks to trick your brain into not craving junk food Fri, 15 Dec 2023 06:14:42 +0000

If junk food is sabotaging your weight loss efforts, then these methods can still come in handy.

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Recipe: Vegetable Cream Soup in a Bread Cup Thu, 23 Nov 2023 06:18:50 +0000

Vegetable cream soup will keep you warm this winter. The recipe we prepared has another special feature.

The post Recept: zelenjavna kremna juha v kruhovi skodelici appeared first on City Magazine.

4 foods that we should eat every day, as they are proven to prolong life Tue, 22 Aug 2023 07:00:30 +0000

There are many factors that affect our long-term health and reduce the risk of premature death. Here too, life-prolonging foods play an important role.

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These fruits and vegetables contain the most pesticides! Avoid them! Sat, 01 Apr 2023 04:02:49 +0000

Many studies have confirmed the health benefits of eating fruits and vegetables, but many fruits and vegetables are full of pesticides.

The post To sadje in zelenjava vsebujejo največ pesticidov! Izogibajte se jih! appeared first on City Magazine.

Which vegetables and fruits do not need to be peeled before eating? Mon, 20 Mar 2023 05:39:55 +0000

You probably can't imagine biting into a certain fruit without peeling it? Let's see which vegetables and fruits do not need to be peeled?

The post Katere zelenjave in sadja ni potrebno olupiti preden ga pojemo? appeared first on City Magazine.

Should vegetables be soaked in water before consumption or is it enough to just wash them? Fri, 06 Jan 2023 05:03:12 +0000

Vegetables should be washed before consumption. Is it enough to just wash it under running water or is it good to soak it in it?

The post Ali zelenjavo pred uživanjem namakati v vodi ali jo je dovolj le oprati? appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: Broccoli Soup Sun, 25 Dec 2022 05:03:26 +0000

Vegetable soup is considered an excellent delicacy that warms and satiates us on cold days, while also taking care of our health. That's why we've prepared a recipe for broccoli soup that's quick, easy, and above all delicious.

The post Recept: brokolijeva juha appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: delicious mushroom soup with vegetables for cold days Mon, 05 Dec 2022 10:29:53 +0000

When we talk about our favorite soups, we can't go without mentioning the delicious mushroom soup. This soup treat is perfect for cold days and promises to warm you up as well as fill you up. We have prepared a delicious and easy recipe for mushroom soup with vegetables.

The post Recept: slastna gobova juha z zelenjavo za hladne dni appeared first on City Magazine.

You must wash these foods before eating them! Sun, 04 Dec 2022 05:02:44 +0000

The vast majority of fruits and vegetables bought in hypermarkets or on the market are repeatedly sprayed with chemical agents - this improves their appearance and protects them from attacks by insects, larvae and snails. Pesticides are mainly used to protect fruits, but also vegetables, herbs and grains.

The post Ta živila moraš pred zaužitjem nujno oprati! appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: carrot soup with ginger Wed, 30 Nov 2022 06:15:18 +0000

In the run-up to the holidays, when the days are getting cold in winter, many people feel best in the shelter of a warm home. There we can warm ourselves with hot chocolate, cocoa or warm, delicious soup. We have prepared for you a recipe for carrot soup with ginger - a very healthy meal that you can prepare in a completely simple way.

The post Recept: korenčkova juha z ingverjem appeared first on City Magazine.

Useful and very useful tips on how to properly store food so that it does not spoil Tue, 25 Oct 2022 04:01:33 +0000

Are you often annoyed when your vegetables and fruits rot? We present to you some tricks with which you can keep fruits and vegetables and some other foods in the kitchen longer - without spoiling and drying out.

The post Koristni in zelo uporabni nasveti, kako pravilno shranjevati živila, da se ne pokvarijo appeared first on City Magazine.

How to properly freeze vegetables and spices for the winter Mon, 10 Oct 2022 04:02:15 +0000

There is still time to prepare the winter garden. Many people do not know how to prepare it properly. Are you among them? Follow the following rules, and you will preserve the taste and nutrients!

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5 ways you can reduce your risk of diabetes through diet Mon, 10 Oct 2022 04:01:30 +0000

For a long time, experts have been identifying ways to reduce the risk of developing diabetes or type 2 diabetes. The latest research shows that the answer lies in the maximum intake of fruits, vegetables and other nutrients that are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. We have prepared 5 tips for you that you can include in your diet and thus reduce the possibility of developing type 2 diabetes.

The post 5 načinov, kako lahko s prehrano zmanjšate tveganje za diabetes appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: vegetables with baked cheese Thu, 06 Oct 2022 04:05:19 +0000

It tastes like eating a juicy pizza with cheese.

The post Recept: zelenjava z zapečenim sirom appeared first on City Magazine.

You will be surprised how gardening can benefit your health Sat, 17 Sep 2022 05:56:31 +0000

Although the peak gardening season is coming to an end, the following few gardening benefits will encourage you to start planting vegetables in the spring. Gardening not only makes your garden look beautiful and provides fresh vegetables, it also strengthens your immune system and sharpens your brain.

The post Presenečeni boste, kako vrtnarjenje blagodejno vpliva na vaše zdravje appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: baked peppers with cheese Sun, 28 Aug 2022 04:05:46 +0000

This is a slightly different pepper. The taste is fantastic, and the dish is light and easy to prepare.

The post Recept: pečena paprika s sirom appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: meatless chickpea balls Sun, 21 Aug 2022 04:06:39 +0000

If you want a meat-free day or are a vegetarian, then this recipe is for you.

The post Recept: brezmesne kroglice iz čičerike appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: ratatouille according to the original Provençal recipe Wed, 27 Jul 2022 04:03:06 +0000

Ratatouille is a vegetable specialty originating from the French Provence, and it can be served in many ways: as an appetizer, main course, hot or cold!

The post Recept: ratatouille po izvirnem provansalskem receptu appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: tortilla with tuna and vegetables Tue, 12 Jul 2022 04:03:10 +0000

When it's hot outside, a quick recipe for a delicious protein lunch is ready in five minutes. Tuna is an excellent source of protein, whether you eat it fresh or canned. So a perfect meal.

The post Recept: tortilja s tuno in zelenjavo appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: vegetable moussaka Fri, 20 May 2022 04:07:09 +0000

On sunny and hot days, lighter food, such as salads or various vegetable dishes, is suitable. Here is an easy recipe for an excellent and light dish of zucchini, cauliflower and broccoli.

The post Recept: zelenjavna musaka appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: easy pasta with peas that will fill you with energy Thu, 31 Mar 2022 04:58:25 +0000

Pasta is one of the simplest, yet so delicious, choices for lunch. They can be prepared in a hundred and one ways, and their preparation takes only a little time. We have prepared a delicious recipe for pasta with peas and tomatoes that will fill you with energy and delight your taste buds.

The post Recept: enostavne testenine z grahom, ki vas bodo napolnile z energijo appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: vegetable smoothie for smooth and healthy skin Sat, 12 Mar 2022 05:07:52 +0000

Experts have been warning for a long time how important a role nutrition plays not only in our well-being, but also in the appearance of our skin. Vitamins and minerals are not enough for beautiful and smooth skin, it also needs chlorophyll. And one of the easiest ways to get it naturally is through smoothies. The following is a recipe for a vegetable smoothie that is not only extremely healthy, but also tastes great.

The post Recept: zelenjavni smuti za gladko in zdravo kožo appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: Martha Stewart's quick pizza is a real hit on the Internet Fri, 22 Oct 2021 04:07:01 +0000

Fast, healthy and tasty. Such dishes are always popular. This recipe from Martha Stewart is just that, as it is ideal for satisfying hunger and is also very tasty. It is a quick pizza filled with lots of vegetables, mozzarella and blue cheese. It is also enriched with a mustard topping, which is not typical for pizzas.

The post Recept: hitra pica Marthe Stewart je pravi hit na internetu appeared first on City Magazine.

6 ideas on how to reuse food scraps Wed, 29 Sep 2021 04:03:23 +0000

Opening the refrigerator and finding old leftovers in it is certainly one of the most disgusting feelings. But it doesn't have to be that way. Here are 6 ways you can reuse food scraps, saving you both food and money.

The post 6 idej, kako ponovno uporabiti ostanke hrane appeared first on City Magazine.

Cold soups for summer: simple, tasty and nutritious Wed, 07 Jul 2021 04:04:51 +0000

Liquid and creamy, cold or iced, spicy or spicy, and above all fresh - cold summer soups are important and popular on a hot summer day, and we present to you some quick and good ones.

The post Hladne juhe za poletje: preproste, okusne in hranljive appeared first on City Magazine.

Slovenian Day without food waste: How to efficiently use leftover food Fri, 23 Apr 2021 12:02:25 +0000

This year, on April 24, we celebrate the Slovenian Day without wasted food for the first time. We can also contribute a lot to reducing the amount of wasted food and thus prevent the unnecessary consumption of natural resources, money and packaging. By making small changes in the way we buy, cook and plan meals, we can save time, improve eating habits and, above all, help protect the environment.

The post Slovenski dan brez zavržene hrane: Kako učinkovito porabiti ostanke hrane appeared first on City Magazine.

OGarden: Indoor gardening system for always fresh vegetables and fruits Thu, 01 Apr 2021 13:01:38 +0000

Growing fresh produce at home has a number of benefits, from the assurance that it hasn't come into contact with pesticides to the satisfaction of harvesting your own food. With OGarden, however, this process has become much simpler.

The post OGarden: Notranji vrtnarski sistem za vedno svežo zelenjavo in sadje appeared first on City Magazine.

Why do you have to wash an avocado before opening it? Sat, 22 Dec 2018 05:01:23 +0000

Avocado definitely marked this year's culinary season. We found it in sandwiches, cakes, smoothies, ice creams, pastas and elsewhere. When using it, we never paid attention to one very important thing - washing. Do you always wash it before opening it? If not, it is recommended that you start.

The post Zakaj moraš oprati avokado, preden ga odpreš? appeared first on City Magazine.

8 ways you can check at home what you're actually eating Wed, 14 Nov 2018 05:01:25 +0000

The modern era of fast production brings products to customers in a very short time, but it takes its toll - we eat lower quality products and worry about our long-term health. Learn to recognize what you are eating.

The post 8 načinov, kako lahko doma preveriš, kaj v resnici sploh ješ appeared first on City Magazine.

10 ideas for active socializing in nature Thu, 07 Jun 2018 04:01:33 +0000

Picnic season is in full swing, and if you haven't eaten at a nearby park this year, now is the time to do so. The smell of fresh grass, a warm afternoon and good company are good reasons to prepare a picnic basket and spend an unforgettable afternoon. Research confirms that spending free time in nature is still important.

The post 10 idej za aktivno druženje v naravi appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: Magical Christmas dinner Sun, 24 Dec 2017 05:01:09 +0000

Christmas dinner is one of the most important, if not the most important dinner of the year. Let's take care of its magic with great recipes that will brighten up the evening for the whole family.

The post Recept: Čarobna božična večerja appeared first on City Magazine.

15 foods that you can eat over and over again and you won't gain weight Sun, 04 Jun 2017 04:02:39 +0000

Even if you are completely obsessed with maintaining your figure, there are still foods that you can eat without restriction. They are rich in fiber and low in calories, which means that we don't risk putting on extra kilos. However, it should be remembered that the key to a healthy and beautiful body is a balanced diet and a reasonable intake of food. So which foods should not be grown?

The post 15 živil, ki jih lahko jeste še in še, pa se ne boste zredili appeared first on City Magazine.

Vegetable Orchestra - meet the Viennese vegetable orchestra Mon, 17 Apr 2017 04:00:19 +0000

The Vienna Vegetable Orchestra is exactly what you imagine under the name. An orchestra playing instruments made of vegetables. Their musicians do not use classical instruments, but different instruments. Did we mention that the vegetable orchestra sounds surprisingly good and that they serve you vegetable soup after the concert?

The post Vegetable Orchestra – spoznajte dunajski zelenjavni orkester appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: Broccoli cream soup with Greek yogurt Mon, 16 Jan 2017 07:03:02 +0000

On cold days, a warm soup full of vitamins is perfect. This time we prepared a recipe for broccoli cream soup, to which we will not add cream, but Greek yogurt. Mmmm, give it a try, it's worth it.

The post Recept: brokolijeva kremna juha z grškim jogurtom appeared first on City Magazine.

If meat eaters treated vegetarians the same way they treat them Wed, 18 May 2016 03:43:32 +0000

Are you wondering what it would be like if meat eaters treated vegetarians the same way they treat them? Then watch this satirical video, which is sure to stung a die-hard vegetarian. The fight between vegetarians and carnivores or rather the struggle of vegetarians against carnivores is well known to us. Vegetarians like to condemn meat eaters for what they do and try to make them feel guilty. Now the role is reversed. Laughter guaranteed! Vegetarians, a little self-irony doesn't hurt.

The post Če bi se mesojedci do vegetarijancev vedli enako, kot se oni do njih appeared first on City Magazine.

Delicious cakes that are actually salads Tue, 05 Apr 2016 03:44:35 +0000

We present to you cakes that you can eat without a hint of bad conscience. Although they look like a classic cake at first glance, they are actually salads. Vegiedeco Salads are salad cakes, a new food concept by Japanese food stylist Mitsuki Moriyasuke. The ingredients for the salad are not thrown into a bowl, they are made into cakes. Is this a way to get kids to love vegetables at a young age?

The post Slastne torte, ki so v resnici solate appeared first on City Magazine.

Vegetables that are healthier when cooked than eaten raw Fri, 04 Mar 2016 04:49:22 +0000

Despite the belief that raw vegetables are better and healthier than cooked ones, there are exceptions, and that's especially true for vegetables that regularly end up on our plates. With these, the nutritional value increases with cooking. Tomatoes, spinach, carrots, kale and legumes are examples of fruits of nature that are much healthier cooked!

The post Zelenjava, ki je bolj zdrava, če jo skuhate, kot jeste surovo appeared first on City Magazine.

This is how fruits and vegetables were before we "domesticated" them Tue, 02 Feb 2016 04:29:16 +0000

Did you know that many fruits and vegetables in the past did not look like they do today? Before we "domesticated" them, some varieties looked completely different. Banana was once completely unrecognizable. Also eggplant and carrots. Would you recognize them in their wild form? Take a look at fruits and vegetables today and in the past.

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Fruits and vegetables that will never be sweeter than in November Sat, 07 Nov 2015 04:46:33 +0000

Not sure which seasonal fruits and vegetables are the best to buy right now? If you're looking for cooking inspiration, Tara O'Brady's Seven Spoons: My Favorite Recipes for Any and Every Day can help. These are the seasonal foods he recommends and are more interesting than making sweet potatoes. It pays to write them down on your shopping list this month.

The post Sadje in zelenjava, ki ne bosta nikoli slajša kot novembra appeared first on City Magazine.

Unusually shaped fruits and vegetables that mimic the shapes of animals and people Mon, 29 Jun 2015 05:29:30 +0000

Although, for example, bananas and oranges were still exotic fruits in the time of our grandmothers, our shops and markets can no longer be imagined without such fruits and vegetables that grow on the other side of the world. Despite this, there are still specimens that have not come to us, but even more rarely than these we come across fruits and vegetables that imitate the shapes of animals, body parts and people. Have you ever seen a lemon as a banana, a strawberry as a butterfly or an apple as an owl?

The post Nenavadno oblikovana sadje in zelenjava, ki posnema oblike živali in ljudi appeared first on City Magazine.

A one-day spring fast with fruit and vegetable juices Mon, 23 Mar 2015 11:05:50 +0000

Spring is perfect for fasting, detoxing and preparing the body for a lighter season. Here, our work is facilitated by a one-day fast, which should be followed by a varied spring diet with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables for a feeling of even greater lightness. Let's purify our body and treat ourselves to a one-day fast with vegetable and fruit juices and breathe easier! The body will thank us...

The post Enodnevni spomladanski post s sadnimi in zelenjavnimi sokovi appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipes: 3 rich vegetable dishes per spoon, which are pleasantly warming Sat, 03 Jan 2015 05:00:22 +0000

Winter is perfect for delicious dishes on a spoon that pleasantly warm and gently cuddle. Let the harmony of flavors of warm soups and hot minestrone take over us, which we will conjure up in a few simple steps in the cozy shelter of our warm home.

The post Recepti: 3 bogate zelenjavne jedi na žlico, ki prijetno pogrejejo appeared first on City Magazine.

Crispy recipes: 5 innovative snacks and delicious dips Wed, 12 Nov 2014 05:15:06 +0000

Let's forget about boring potato chips and prepare one of the excellent homemade crispy treats, which, with complementary dips, are the winners of quiet evenings with our favorite TV series.

The post Hrustljavi recepti: 5 inovativnih prigrizkov in slastnih pomak appeared first on City Magazine.

Advice for a healthy diet - autumn fruits and vegetables Tue, 21 Oct 2014 08:34:14 +0000

As a consultant for healthy eating at Sauna Club Breza, I always strive to ensure that the menus consist of the most delicious and seasonal dishes. And despite the fact that summer is already over, we can still brighten up our plate with fresh seasonal dishes. Autumn is even the favorite season of many people, which envelops us with a wide variety of color shades, warm weather and very tasty seasonal foods.

The post Nasvet za zdravo prehrano – jesensko sadje in zelenjava appeared first on City Magazine.

Autumn fruit and vegetable smoothies that stimulate the metabolism Mon, 20 Oct 2014 13:58:47 +0000

Autumn is the time when refreshing fruits and fresh vegetables are replaced by warmer dishes that comfort us when colder days creep into our lives. As long as we like to take care of excellent psychophysical well-being even in the cold months, every day instead of a heavy meal we treat ourselves to one of the delicious fruit and vegetable smoothies, which supply our body with the necessary vitamins and minerals, help to eliminate toxins from the body and stimulate the metabolism.

The post Jesensko sadno-zelenjavni smoothiji, ki spodbujajo presnovo appeared first on City Magazine.

The green dot is the highlight of our gastronomic purchases Wed, 25 Jun 2014 04:05:27 +0000

In Ljubljana Citypark, the first Green Point can be found in front of the entrance to SKB Bank. It is a store of the Pannonian Gardens Group, which sells exclusively and only in Slovenia organic produce and higher quality products.

The post Zelena točka je pika na i našim gastronomskim nakupom appeared first on City Magazine.

RECIPE: Juicy buckwheat porridge salad Thu, 08 May 2014 04:00:39 +0000

Buckwheat porridge salad is an excellent spring alternative to our usual lunch, because its main ingredient is not just an ordinary nutrient. Buckwheat porridge is much more than that.

The post RECEPT: Sočna solata iz ajdove kaše appeared first on City Magazine.

A refreshing spring diet Sun, 27 Apr 2014 04:00:24 +0000

During the spring diet, try to drink at least 2 liters of unsweetened tea and water per day. Let's avoid all sweetened drinks (juice, alcoholic drinks, sweetened tea/coffee) and divide the daily menu into at least three meals a day.

The post Osvežilna spomladanska dieta appeared first on City Magazine.

Extremely effective "weekend diet" Sat, 26 Apr 2014 04:34:48 +0000

If we can't devote ourselves to a healthy diet during the tiring work week, at least during the weekend we treat ourselves to a healthy diet consisting mainly of fruits, vegetables and unsweetened liquids.

The post Izredno učinkovita “vikend dieta” appeared first on City Magazine.

Diet for the overworked Fri, 25 Apr 2014 04:20:04 +0000

The diet for the overworked is ideal for anyone who is confined to a chair by daily work obligations and restricts movement and a healthy way of eating.

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Balcony garden – Fresh vegetables and fragrant herbs above the city bustle Tue, 01 Apr 2014 03:45:00 +0000

On the terrace or balcony, we can easily create a garden where, with just a few skills, we can grow delicious snacks that will certainly enrich our menu. Hobby gardening is also an anti-stress activity that brings an immense dose of joy into our everyday life. Balcony garden... some quick tips.

The post Vrt na balkonu – Sveža zelenjava in dišeča zelišča nad mestnim vrvežem appeared first on City Magazine.

BOSCH'S RECIPE – Vegetable enchiladas Mon, 17 Mar 2014 05:55:10 +0000

Warmer days are coming, when we will be able to serve lunch on the balcony or in the garden. Spice up your meal with healthy and delicious vegetable enchiladas.

The post BOSCHEV RECEPT – Zelenjavne enchilade appeared first on City Magazine.

Incredibly imaginative use of fruits and vegetables Tue, 04 Feb 2014 06:00:25 +0000

Sarah Illenberger is a German designer who often sees rainbows, diamonds and disco balls in fruits and vegetables.

The post Neverjetno domiselna uporaba sadja in zelenjave appeared first on City Magazine.

Tips for eating healthier at work Sat, 01 Feb 2014 07:59:10 +0000

Since we are full to the brim with ready-made sandwiches from the nearest store or vending machine and unhealthy snacks that accompany us at work day after day, we have come up with some simple ways to eat healthy and balanced at work.

The post Nasveti za bolj zdravo prehranjevanje v službi appeared first on City Magazine.

A superfood that our grandmothers already knew Wed, 22 Jan 2014 13:57:33 +0000

If in winter you like to fall into the routine of "spaghetti 101 ways" and forget about fresh vegetables, don't be lazy, because you only need a little preparation that enriches the daily menu with healthy miracles that, with a little creativity, offer a pleasant taste and much-needed health even in winter .

The post Superhrana, ki so jo poznale že naše babice appeared first on City Magazine.
