wedding Archives | City Magazine Sun, 12 Feb 2023 06:03:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The most beautiful women's wedding dresses 2023 Sun, 12 Feb 2023 06:02:36 +0000

If you're a bride-to-be on the hunt for the perfect wedding dress, you may be interested in the trends that will dominate the coming year. Of course, trends are not something you have to follow, but they can be a source of inspiration. At the end of the day, the most important thing is to find the dress that is the most beautiful and in which you feel the best. These are the wedding dresses that will be the most popular this year!

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The most romantic destinations for honeymoon Thu, 05 Jan 2023 05:06:28 +0000

Looking for a romantic honeymoon destination? Consider Bali, the "Island of the Gods," with its stunning beaches, beautiful temples, and luxury resorts. Or head to the city of love, Paris, with its famous landmarks, world-class restaurants and charming streets. For a more tropical and relaxed atmosphere, consider the Caribbean island of Maui, Hawaii with its lush rainforests and secluded beaches. Regardless of your preferences, these destinations are sure to be the perfect setting for a romantic and unforgettable honeymoon. We present to you the best honeymoon destinations.

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Wedding 2022: 7 trends for women's wedding dresses Thu, 10 Feb 2022 05:25:37 +0000

Are you one of those who will jump into marriage in 2022? Then it is worth checking the latest trends related to wedding celebrations and wardrobe, which are valid for this year. We present to you the trends of women's wedding dresses 2022!

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Numerology: These are the luckiest dates to get married in 2022 Fri, 03 Dec 2021 04:19:43 +0000

Want to get married on a special date? Do you have your own lucky number or do you want one that is easy to remember? Add to that the symbolism of this very special date and you have a truly lucky combination!

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Wedding trends 2021: minimalism is trend number 1! Mon, 18 Jan 2021 05:01:09 +0000

The year behind us has greatly shaken the wedding industry, as evidenced by the wedding trends of 2021!

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Wedding fairs 2020 / Slovenia: when are the wedding fairs and where? Thu, 16 Jan 2020 05:01:31 +0000

The 2020 wedding fairs are just around the corner, where you will find everything you need for your big day! When are the 2020 wedding fairs in Slovenia and where exactly will they be held, below.

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Dream corners for outdoor weddings in Slovenia Sat, 30 Mar 2019 05:01:03 +0000

Every, well almost every, girl dreams of a dream wedding in a dream location. It is no secret that Slovenia is a wonderful country endowed with natural beauty. And that's why there are quite a few dreamy spots for outdoor weddings. We have selected 6 locations around Slovenia where they can make your wedding day truly fabulous.

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Women's wedding dresses 2019: the most beautiful dresses for your dream wedding Mon, 25 Feb 2019 05:01:23 +0000

What are women's wedding dresses 2019? If you don't have your dream "it" dress yet, we suggest you browse the most beautiful wedding trends, where you will get inspiration and in the end maybe decide on something unexpected, but absolutely fantastic.

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Crashed Russian wedding photos that are bad enough to make us love them Fri, 16 Nov 2018 05:01:56 +0000

Traditional wedding photos are different. If you have to photograph a Russian couple, however, it is quite different. In the West, couples swear by romance, but Russians prefer humor. You won't forget these photos.

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10th anniversary wedding fair 2018 at Ljubljana Castle Thu, 01 Nov 2018 09:20:19 +0000

The 2019 wedding season will begin at the Ljubljana Castle, where more than 60 different wedding service providers from all over Slovenia and abroad will present themselves this year as well.

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Top 20: Women's Wedding Dresses That Will Take Your Breath Away Thu, 27 Sep 2018 04:01:53 +0000

Autumn is a wonderful time to breathe a fatal yes. So if you are one of the newlyweds who are planning a wedding during these months or you are planning it for next spring, we have for you beautiful women's wedding dresses that will make you feel like a princess.

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The ideal wedding for your astrological sign: such a character, such a wedding! Sat, 19 May 2018 04:01:37 +0000

Many things are written in the stars - from what your ideal partner should be, what your personality traits are and what season of the year suits you best. Of course, the reliability of this data is quite uncertain, but that does not make such information any less entertaining. In this article, you can read what your ideal marriage looks like according to your astrological sign.

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The 20 Best Royal Wedding Dresses of All Time Sat, 19 May 2018 04:01:35 +0000

Today is the day when Prince Harry and American actress Meghan Markle will take their last breaths. We are all eagerly waiting to see what kind of wedding dress the new member of the British royal family will wear. Until that magical moment, let's take a look at the 20 best royal wedding dresses of all time.

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Royal wedding 2018: Everything you need to know about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's wedding Tue, 17 Apr 2018 04:01:57 +0000

Are you wondering what the 2018 royal wedding will be like, what the wedding dress will be like, and whether the public will get a chance to toast with the newly married royal couple? Read on for what you need to know about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's wedding.

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Happiness and sadness: the most beautiful wedding photos that will move you to tears Wed, 18 Oct 2017 04:01:47 +0000

Who would you trust to photograph your wedding? Would you let a family member, friend, or hire a professional photographer? The responsibility is huge, and the photos must capture moments that will never happen again. And how good and touching wedding photos can be, the winners of the Fearless Awards prove - these photos would undoubtedly satisfy even the most picky newlyweds. These are the most beautiful wedding photos!

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Slovenian wedding fair Brdo 2017: everything you need for a wedding Wed, 11 Oct 2017 04:01:07 +0000

The largest and most spectacular wedding fair in Slovenia is coming, the Slovenian Wedding Fair Brdo 2017. It will be held from October 21 to 22 in the Brdo Congress Center near Kranj. It will feature leading wedding experts who will ensure you have a fun and enjoyable day as they provide a unique pleasure to view the products and services you need for your wedding.

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The biggest mistakes people make when getting engaged Sun, 18 Jun 2017 04:02:47 +0000

According to statistics, summer is also the period when most people decide to get engaged. If you too are thinking about asking your better half this fateful question, it is important to prepare well for this event. Read on to find out what are the biggest mistakes people make when getting engaged and how you can avoid them.

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What are the traditional wedding dresses around the world? Sun, 12 Mar 2017 07:00:39 +0000

If you thought that a wedding dress can only be white or that it is the most beautiful, you are wrong. Check out these beautiful traditional wedding dresses worn by brides around the world.

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When are the 2017 wedding fairs? Thu, 12 Jan 2017 06:59:23 +0000

Are you planning to get married this year? Then you should visit one of these wedding fairs, which will provide you with everything you need to know - from wedding dress fashion trends to jewelry and catering. There are more than enough providers on the market and we are sure that you will find everything you need for a perfect wedding. Here are the 2017 bridal fairs not to be missed.

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The most beautiful wedding photos of 2016 Mon, 09 Jan 2017 07:03:45 +0000

A wedding is a special day in life and the wish of every couple is to make it an unforgettable memory. Every year, Junebug Weddings organizes a photo competition where they choose the most beautiful wedding photos, and below you can see a selection of the frozen moments of wedding fairy tales that were written in 2016.

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Fashion trend 2016: colored wedding dresses Wed, 07 Sep 2016 06:09:40 +0000

Tired of classic white wedding dresses? Then this trend will be perfect for you. These are colored wedding dresses, where the classic white turns into blue, red, yellow, orange or into a rainbow of colors, as we are used to with the still quite popular ombre hair dyeing technique.

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The best wedding photos of 2016 Thu, 01 Sep 2016 06:06:32 +0000

Looking for a romantic wedding location? Get inspired by Junebug Weddings' best wedding photos of 2016. This wedding planner has been running wedding/engagement photo contests for seven years and selecting the best photos. Even the best wedding photos of 2016 are like scenes from a fairy tale.

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Wedding cakes through time - the history of wedding cakes in pictures Mon, 22 Aug 2016 06:09:34 +0000

The history of the wedding cake is as extensive as the wedding cake itself. Its tradition dates back to Antiquity. Back then, the cakes were sweet pastries made from yeast dough, sweetened with honey and filled with nuts. The symbolism of the cake as part of the wedding ceremony began with the ancient Romans and Greeks. The first ones broke the wedding cake over the bride's head as a sign of the loss of virginity, wishing the newlyweds fertility, while in Greece, the wedding party threw small cakes at the newlyweds, wishing them fertility in marriage. Multi-tiered cakes appeared in the 17th century. See wedding cakes over time in the picture.

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Original wedding invitations that are impossible to refuse! Sun, 31 Jul 2016 06:11:56 +0000

Check out the most original wedding invitations that you just can't refuse! Every wedding starts with a wedding invitation. Despite the emergence of many new forms of communication, the most popular forms of communication still remain in writing. But while others are satisfied with a few verses or poetic text on beautifully printed paper, others turn on their imagination and create imaginative wedding invitations that the invitees will remember forever. Looking for an idea for a wedding invitation? Inspiration? Check out the most original wedding invitations below.

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The first marriage between a human and a smartphone Mon, 11 Jul 2016 06:16:15 +0000

Aaron Chervenak has pledged eternal loyalty to his smartphone. Yes, you read that right. The first wedding between a human and a smartphone took place in the capital of bizarre weddings, Las Vegas. The Los Angeles-based artist said he had the longest relationship with a smartphone to date, so he crowned it with a wedding. Is this the most bizarre wedding ever?

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Wedding photos that should not be missing in any wedding album Tue, 07 Jun 2016 03:35:17 +0000

Wedding photos are one of those that we always like to return to (if only we are happily married), because marriage is considered one of the major turning points in life. The burden of wedding photographers is great, as they have to capture one of the most magical moments of an individual as best as possible. Since we have had enough of classic wedding photos, this time we offer you another aspect of the wedding. Food. This is probably the second most important thing about a wedding next to the wedding itself. That's why here are wedding photos that include food and drinks and should not be missing from any wedding album!

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Wedding 2016: wedding bouquet a little different - brooches instead of flowers Sun, 24 Apr 2016 03:47:48 +0000

Forget the wedding bouquet of flowers. Wedding bouquets made of brooches are now in trend. In addition to the wedding dress, the wedding bouquet is one of the key elements of the wedding look, which emphasizes the beauty of the bride. Like flowers, jewelry can also be an expression of her femininity.

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Black is the new white - the bride in a black wedding dress Thu, 14 Apr 2016 03:45:15 +0000

Australian blogger and mom Sophie Cachia has done the unheard of! She decided to get married in a black wedding dress and not follow the tradition that dictates that the wedding dress should be white, because white is said to denote innocence, while black is said to bring bad luck. Would you dare to breathe a fatal 'yes' wrapped in blackness?

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The most beautiful spring wedding photos Fri, 01 Apr 2016 03:44:30 +0000

Spring is a wonderful time of the year and this is certainly the reason why many couples get married in spring. In this way, beautiful wedding photos are created, which have a fairy-tale nature as a background. Take a look at the photos that will conjure up fragrant flowers and the freshness of the spring breeze.

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Wedding 2016: Tina Lasič Andrejević - make-up of modern brides Sun, 06 Mar 2016 04:42:46 +0000

Tina Lasič Andrejević, make-up artist and director of education at the first and only professional make-up school in our country, Make Up Artist Center, entrusted us with some of the most important information and instructions that brides must follow when applying make-up for their biggest day.

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Summer parties with paper straws Mon, 28 Apr 2014 04:40:44 +0000

A cute alternative to plastic straws has recently become a real hit! Not only are they more environmentally friendly, but in their colorfulness and lively patterns, they are a real addition to any party. The carefree summer of sipping from "mason jars", bottles and fruit cups cannot be without a paper straw.

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A magical wedding fair in Radomlje Tue, 08 Apr 2014 04:30:34 +0000

Everyone who is about to take a big step in life has many questions. They will be answered by the Magical Wedding Fair in a romantic setting on the Repanšek Gallery property in Radomlje (in the immediate vicinity of the Volčji Potok Arboretum).

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