yoga exercises Archives | City Magazine Wed, 01 Mar 2023 07:57:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Yoga Myths: 10 Misconceptions We Have About Yoga Wed, 01 Mar 2023 07:56:03 +0000

Yoga is an ancient practice that has become increasingly popular in recent years for its physical and mental benefits. But at the same time, many myths about yoga appear. Despite yoga's widespread popularity, there are still many misconceptions that prevent people from trying it or realizing its full potential. Some believe that yoga is only for the flexible or that it has a religious affiliation, while others see it as just a trendy exercise.

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5 best yoga exercises to help you overcome stress and anxiety Mon, 27 Jun 2022 04:55:53 +0000

Stress and anxiety are feelings we have all experienced. That is why it is important to learn to regulate them and to do daily exercises that will help us to relax and achieve inner peace. We have prepared 5 yoga exercises for you or asanas that will make you breathe much easier. We suggest that you perform the exercises sequentially while breathing deeply, holding each pose for 15-20 seconds.

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Facial yoga: 3 exercises for fewer wrinkles and a slimmer face Fri, 03 Dec 2021 12:30:53 +0000

A technique that naturally promotes beauty and youth! You only need 5 minutes! Why not train the facial muscles, of which there are 57, and help yourself with facial yoga to cover wrinkles or small irregularities and improve your well-being? Facial yoga helps lift facial muscles into place!

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Find out among all types of yoga - which one is right for your body and soul! Wed, 08 Sep 2021 09:21:12 +0000

There's no doubt that yoga has grown in popularity in recent years—and it's no surprise. In the current situation around the world, when everything is tense, the reason is that the effects of yoga on the mind and body are some of the many reasons why people take up regular yoga in the first place. Almost as soon as you start practicing yoga, you are overcome with a feeling of calmness and relaxation. If you are one of those who have not tried yoga yet, now is the right time to do so.

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Melon & Lime: Slovenian-Croatian connection with the world's first connected yoga base Thu, 02 Aug 2018 04:01:12 +0000

Melon & Lime, mlado slovensko-hrvaško zagonsko podjetje, predstavlja prvo povezano podlago za jogo na svetu. To pomeni, da ima vsaka podlaga Melon & Lime v sebi vgrajen NFC-čip, ki deluje kot edinstven ključ za odklep aplikacije, polne navdihujočih videov o jogi.

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Goat yoga – yoga in the company of baby goats Sat, 22 Apr 2017 06:01:56 +0000

No Regrets Farm in Oregon (New Hampshire) is not your usual place for yoga lovers. They practice here in the company of baby goats and goats. Goat yoga was invented by American Lainey Morse in July 2016 and quickly became a hit. In the meantime, she has already made her way to Europe, where she has also caught on well.

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BeerYoga: the first yoga with beer in Slovenia at BeerLab Tue, 28 Feb 2017 07:00:56 +0000

Many men mistakenly believe that yoga is a 'grandma's thing'. Many women, however, believe that beer is a 'man's thing'. That won't hold! Old folk wisdom teaches that a mug of beer with a friend relaxes pleasantly, and yoga relieves stress. This time, BeerLab in Maribor will combine both: beer and yoga. This will be the first Beer Yoga or yoga with beer in Slovenia!

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[Video] Kilt yoga is surprisingly sexy Sat, 25 Feb 2017 07:02:06 +0000

Scottish men do everything in kilts, this also applies to practicing yoga. Watch the video of two Scottish musclemen that is spreading like wildfire on the Internet.

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Animals who can do yoga better than you! Mon, 29 Aug 2016 06:01:43 +0000

All yoga lovers probably know that many yoga poses are named after animals. Animals spontaneously express their emotions and maintain their balance in this way, so yoga quickly found a common language with them. Did you know that animals also practice yoga? And judging by these photos, they seem to be handling it even better than us! Don't believe it? See for yourself!

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BierYoga – yoga with beer Wed, 24 Aug 2016 06:09:56 +0000

BierYoga combines, as the name suggests, yoga and beer. Both beer and yoga are ancient therapies for body, mind and spirit. Beer drinking and yoga exercises therefore complement each other, and beer yoga is a logical extension of yoga. BierYoga is currently only practiced in Germany and Switzerland. Would you like such yoga here?

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30-second yoga exercises you can do while sitting at work Fri, 12 Aug 2016 06:09:32 +0000

Have you heard of office yoga? Given that many people's jobs today look like they spend most of their working time at the computer, and this static position is often taken at home as well, it is good to know yoga exercises that can be performed right in the office or at home. sit down. Office yoga is relaxing, fun and beneficial. That's why we present you 30-second yoga exercises that you can do while sitting at work.

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International Yoga Day - Everything you need to know about yoga Tue, 21 Jun 2016 07:23:59 +0000

Since 2015, June 21 has been celebrated as International Yoga Day, after it was declared by the United Nations General Assembly in a resolution in December 2014. "By declaring June 21 the International Day of Yoga, we recognized the holistic effects of this timeless practice and the conformity of its values with the fundamental values of the United Nations," said UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon at the time. We take this opportunity to take a closer look at why yoga is an important part of our everyday life and why you should practice it too.

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Yoga: asanas to greet spring Fri, 15 Apr 2016 03:43:18 +0000

Up for a little yoga? The days are getting longer and spring flowers are in abundance. There is a smell of freshness in the air and a feeling that everything is possible. Those of us who have been hibernating can finally enjoy glimpses of the blue of the blue sky and the fact that summer is not far away makes us endlessly happy. Yoga asanas to greet spring are perfect for the present time.

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Stress - 10 ways to beat stress Sun, 01 Nov 2015 04:40:12 +0000

Stress is becoming an integral part of the everyday life of modern people, so it can quickly happen that - due to a stressful job and an overfilled schedule - we begin to take it for granted as a part of our lives. However, since long-term exposure to stress can lead to serious health problems, hormonal imbalances and general malaise, it is imperative that we learn to manage it. Here are 10 ways to beat it!

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Pilates studio Kora - a studio to which you will always want to return Wed, 30 Sep 2015 03:53:11 +0000

Ljubljana pilates studio Kora has an individual approach to managing individuals. The unique exercises are adapted to the wishes and physical abilities of the participants and take place in an intimate atmosphere, where you will always love to return.

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Hotpod Yoga Hackney: An innovative yoga center in London Tue, 04 Aug 2015 04:16:47 +0000

A slightly different yoga center has opened in London these days. In the Hotpod Yoga Hackney yoga center, you can practice in an inflatable hall that heats up to 37 degrees Celsius.

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Yoga By The Way: How You're Practicing Yoga Daily Without Even Realizing It Fri, 31 Jul 2015 05:06:58 +0000

It is best if we can do things casually. Whether it's shopping, small tasks, but this especially applies to physical activities, for which we are stressed day in and day out how important they are. But that takes time. Even more than that is the will, which is lacking in most people with their busy schedules. Yoga is one of the more convenient ways to do something for yourself. For body and mind. And although many people don't like it, you will be surprised to find out that you practice it daily without even realizing it.

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Yoga: Great online portals for practicing yoga at home Thu, 25 Jun 2015 03:15:11 +0000

Practicing yoga at home with the help of online courses is an excellent way of recreation. Yoga is an exercise that strengthens the body and mind, and is safe and suitable for most people. It is ideal for achieving mental, physical and spiritual balance, and also helps with digestion, hormonal balance, stress and anxiety attacks. Here are our favorite sites to practice yoga from the safe haven of your living room…

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No stress shop - the first yoga equipment store in Ljubljana Tue, 02 Jun 2015 13:58:42 +0000

The diverse offer of the center of the capital will be enriched by another colorful novelty at the beginning of June. No stress shop, the first specialized yoga clothing store in our country, is opening on Breg in Ljubljana.

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The couple travels the world posing in gravity-defying yoga poses #instagram Tue, 21 Apr 2015 05:01:50 +0000

Yoga instructors Claudine and Honzo live an enviable life. When they are not leading yoga seminars or teaching, they travel the world and pose in front of many world landmarks in yoga poses that overcome gravity. They publish their photos on Instagram under the name YogaBeyond. Meet Spouse Lafond.

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The 10 most popular group workouts in the US right now Sun, 08 Mar 2015 11:00:05 +0000

What kind of exercise do you do? Do you prefer individual or group exercises? If you like to stay in shape and, in addition to shaping your body, also take care of your health and good condition, we have prepared a list of the 10 most innovative gyms and workouts in the United States.

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Yoga: Asanas for long and slender legs Mon, 05 Jan 2015 05:15:18 +0000

Yoga. There is no better way to feel great after the holidays and enter the new year lively than learning new yoga positions - asanas. This time we present you a video in which yoga teacher Tara Stiles shows us in a dynamic way how to get slim and long legs and a toned stomach.

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Chuck Mal – Slovenian recreation center & community space Mon, 08 Dec 2014 05:05:09 +0000

Chuck Mal is a non-profit institution, recreation center and community space where we can stretch our bodies and let our souls breathe. The basic activity - guided exercises and yoga - is complemented by various workshops, round tables, lectures and childcare.

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Urban yoga: A book by the Slovenian Anja Humljan on Kickstarter Fri, 28 Nov 2014 05:00:50 +0000

With the Urban Yoga project ("The Urban Yoga"), which can be supported on the Kickstarter platform, Anja Humljan is developing a new method for analyzing the potential of space, with which she wants to establish a bridge between the profession, the user and the architect.

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Sauna club Breza: To health with a holistic approach to nutrition, exercise and relaxation Tue, 11 Nov 2014 10:42:12 +0000

In today's fast pace of life, everyone needs to take time for themselves. The daily rush, forced rhythm of work, lack of time and therefore also activities, as well as personal problems, poor immune system, stress-related weight gain, can be managed to a large extent by positive thinking and above all by taking time for ourselves. To ensure that your day is really full of positive energy, at Klub Breza, where I advise on a healthy diet in combination with suitable exercise in a completely individualized way, we offer you a simple solution on how to turn one day into two: with a healthy plate, quality physical activity and relaxation in saunas, massages and by the pool!

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A beginner's guide to various forms of yoga Tue, 11 Nov 2014 05:25:26 +0000

Let's embark on the path to Nirvana and learn about some basic types of yoga.

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SmartMat – the first smart yoga mat Tue, 14 Oct 2014 04:30:50 +0000

The mat is an indispensable accessory of the avid yogi, as the smartphone is an indispensable accessory of the Y generation. devices allow the same level of relaxation as with a trainer.

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25 Animals That Master Yoga Poses Mon, 26 May 2014 09:22:15 +0000

The ancient spiritual and physical practice of yoga is undoubtedly a human invention, but it is practiced and immensely enjoyed by various animals. We present to you 25 cute and furry friends who are true "posers" when performing relaxing stretching exercises, in which they also manage to strike a real yoga position.

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Beautiful footage of mom and daughter doing yoga Tue, 18 Mar 2014 10:26:50 +0000

New Jersey yoga enthusiast Laura Kasperzak combined her love for her little daughter, Mini, with her love for yoga. Beautiful photos of the most beautiful moments in the life of a lovely mother and daughter were created.

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Free yoga for children and babies Wed, 12 Feb 2014 11:07:37 +0000

Every Thursday is yoga day in Citypark. This is yoga for the youngest, taught by Petra Arula - a certified Rainbow Kids Yoga teacher.

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Parinama and Devi yoga center in Ljubljana Wed, 25 Sep 2013 22:01:14 +0000

Parinama and Devi Yoga, centers of higher quality with programs to relax and strengthen the body and mind, invite enrolments.

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