youtube Archives | City Magazine Sun, 02 Feb 2025 16:22:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Meta Quest 3S: The cheapest entry into mixed reality yet Sun, 02 Feb 2025 16:22:28 +0000

At this year's Connect 2024 event, Meta introduced the Meta Quest 3S, a more affordable version of the popular Quest 3. It is a device that offers the same mixed reality capabilities and fast performance, but at a significantly lower price - just €279. It is aimed primarily at those who are just entering the world of VR or looking for a cheap upgrade from the older Quest and Quest 2 models.

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The Best YouTube Workout Channels That Will Get You In Shape – No Excuses (2025) Tue, 14 Jan 2025 10:50:39 +0000

More and more people are choosing to exercise at home, and YouTube videos are a great alternative to fitness. They offer a wide variety of workouts – from yoga and Pilates to intense HIIT workouts and dance routines. And the best part? It's all free! These are the best YouTube channels for exercise!

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CNN uvaja plačljiv zid – plačevanje za novice postaja novi standard – nič več brezplačnih vsebin na spletu Fri, 04 Oct 2024 06:04:28 +0000

CNN is introducing a paywall! CNN began introducing paid access to its online content in October 2024, following the trend of digital media moving away from free news. Together with Reuters, it is introducing a one-meter paywall, which means that readers will only have access to a limited number of free articles before they have to pay for a subscription.

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YouTube opens the door to play: Youtube Playables for all users Wed, 29 May 2024 11:29:27 +0000

YouTube is venturing into new territory, strengthening its role in the world of digital entertainment. With the launch of YouTube Playables, now available to all users regardless of subscription status, YouTube offers more than 75 games that you can play directly on the platform.

The post YouTube odpira vrata igranju: Youtube Playables za vse uporabnike appeared first on City Magazine.

Never miss your favorite series or movies Tue, 12 Dec 2023 03:00:25 +0000

There is hardly anyone who does not use a smartphone to watch video. Where do you find it? There are a lot of possibilities. From YouTube to streaming video services and operators' video stores. Some of you will immediately think that there are problems with them on Huawei phones. There aren't any. They are only challenges, and those are solvable.

The post Nikar ne zamudite priljubljenih serij ali filmov appeared first on City Magazine.

The most popular influencers and creators of online content 2023 Fri, 06 Oct 2023 06:32:20 +0000

These are the most popular influencers according to Forbes magazine.

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YouTube changes video viewing with AI-generated summaries: Play or skip with confidence! Wed, 02 Aug 2023 09:22:35 +0000

In a world of ever-increasing online videos, it can sometimes be difficult to find the perfect content to watch. As the leading video platform on the web, YouTube understands this problem well. But recently they introduced a revolutionary solution that promises to change the way we choose videos to watch. Introducing AI-generated video summaries, an advanced feature that offers users a quick overview of a video's content and helps them make an informed decision before hitting the play button. Let's take a look at this exciting new development and how it can transform your YouTube experience.

The post YouTube spreminja gledanje videoposnetkov s pomočjo AI-generiranih povzetkov: Predvajajte ali preskočite z zaupanjem! appeared first on City Magazine.

YouTube and company in Europe are lowering the quality of their videos Sun, 29 Mar 2020 04:01:21 +0000

We have checked which streaming video content providers (and other services) will reduce the quality of the service.

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These are the best apps for listening to music Sun, 26 Jan 2020 05:01:18 +0000

Do you know music apps? We have selected the best for listening to music. We looked at which of them can be used in Slovenia, how many are free, or how much their monthly subscription is.

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We are approaching the end of the decade: these are the events that marked it (2010-2019) Sat, 21 Dec 2019 05:01:35 +0000

Come and refresh your memory a little. You will be amazed at what has happened in this decade.

The post Bližamo se koncu desetletja: to so dogodki, ki so ga zaznamovali (2010–2019) appeared first on City Magazine.

Pasta Grannies: Italian grannies who are a real sensation on YouTube Wed, 01 May 2019 04:01:14 +0000

If you ask an Italian what pasta is best, he will most likely answer: "Grandma's". The secrets of pasta making are presented to you by Pasta Grannies.

The post Pasta Grannies: italijanske babice, ki so na YouTubu prava senzacija appeared first on City Magazine.

YouTube Rewind: which are the most watched videos in Slovenia in 2018? Sat, 08 Dec 2018 05:01:03 +0000

YouTube has once again made sure we have a great overview of the past year. On YouTube Rewind, you can see which are the most watched videos in Slovenia, as well as which are the most watched videos in the world.

The post YouTube Rewind: kateri so najbolj gledani videospoti v Sloveniji v 2018? appeared first on City Magazine.

10+ YouTube songs that sound "full" better when played at 1.25x speed Wed, 15 Aug 2018 04:01:54 +0000

Music can be perceived as a way of expression, so it is not unusual for musicians to want to share their work with the public. Nevertheless, we as listeners have the opportunity to adjust the songs to our taste and improve them a little.

The post 10+ pesmi na YouTubu, ki zvenijo “ful” boljše, če jih predvajaš pri hitrosti 1,25x appeared first on City Magazine.

How much money do influencers actually make? Fri, 29 Jun 2018 04:01:57 +0000

Influencers abroad have been shaping trends for decades. Their beauty, fashion and technology tips have come in handy for many people. How much money do they earn for it?

The post Koliko denarja dejansko zaslužijo influencerji? appeared first on City Magazine.

Instagram: IGTV lets you post one-hour videos Sat, 23 Jun 2018 04:01:30 +0000

Instagram recently hit one billion users. On this occasion, on Wednesday, June 20, the social network officially launched IGTV, which is dedicated to the publication of longer videos.

The post Instagram: IGTV omogoča objavljanje enournih videoposnetkov appeared first on City Magazine.

Top 10 YouTube Viral Videos of 2017 Mon, 11 Dec 2017 05:01:48 +0000

Every year, YouTube presents a list of the most popular videos of the year. These not only capture the most celebrated moments of the year, but show what people around the world loved so much that they watched them not just once, but many times. These may be things we didn't even know about, things that go beyond current events and pop culture. Here are the top 10 YouTube videos of 2017.

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YouTube in black - go to the dark side Wed, 19 Apr 2017 06:01:35 +0000

You want to achieve a more cinematic feel while watching YouTube videos. The latest version of the Chrome web browser now offers you to choose a dark background (Dark Mode) instead of white. How to cross over to the 'dark side', we will reveal below.

The post YouTube v črni barvi – prestopite na temno stran appeared first on City Magazine.

YouTube TV - Are cable TV's days numbered? Sat, 08 Apr 2017 04:07:38 +0000

Google has introduced a new service - YouTube TV, which allows you to watch many live television programs. Unlike the YouTube channel, YouTube TV is paid. Are the days of cable television numbered?

The post YouTube TV – so kabelski televiziji šteti dnevi? appeared first on City Magazine.

YouTube Go mobile app: for those with slow internet and for offline viewing Fri, 07 Apr 2017 06:01:24 +0000

Google recently launched the YouTube Go mobile app, which allows you to watch videos even without an internet connection.

The post Mobilna aplikacija YouTube Go: za tiste s počasnim internetom in za ogled brez povezave appeared first on City Magazine.

It's scary how many years of our lives we waste using social media Wed, 05 Apr 2017 06:01:08 +0000

We can hardly imagine life without social networks. Do you think you spend too much time on Facebook and Instagram? You are not the only one. The latest statistics are downright frightening. Check how many years of life an individual spends on average using social networks.

The post Zastrašujoče, koliko let življenja zapravimo za uporabo družbenih omrežij appeared first on City Magazine.

She sang Cohen's composition into a Venetian fountain and stunned the world Wed, 05 Apr 2017 06:00:18 +0000

During the school holidays, 17-year-old Tiffany visited Italy with the school choir, where they sang in many cathedrals. But then she came across a fountain with exceptional acoustics in Venice and couldn't resist the opportunity. She sang Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah into it and the recording went around the world. When you hear her performance, you will immediately understand why.

The post Cohenovo skladbo je zapela v beneški vodnjak in osupnila svet appeared first on City Magazine.

YouTube in numbers: a billion hours of views per day! Sat, 04 Mar 2017 04:59:04 +0000

YouTube was activated on February 15, 2005. Since then, it has been destroying everything before it. Today, people watch over a billion hours of video content a day on this popular video sharing website. Put simply, if the content were played in one piece, it would take more than 100 thousand years to watch it. 100 thousand years ago, our ancestors migrated from Africa and made stone tools, and mammoths roamed the Earth.

The post YouTube v številkah: miljarda ur ogledov dnevno! appeared first on City Magazine.

YouTube TV: will YouTube "kill" classic television? Thu, 02 Mar 2017 07:02:22 +0000

The online video portal YouTube has chosen classical television as its next victim. Namely, it is introducing a subscription package of television programs, which will directly compete with traditional providers of cable, satellite and internet television.

The post YouTube TV: bo YouTube ”ubil” klasično televizijo? appeared first on City Magazine.

Column: Has television become radio? or the Media 'gangbang' of millennials Wed, 22 Feb 2017 04:47:23 +0000

Television became radio... and the telephone became television. Have you ever wondered how many times you pick up your cell phone during TV commercials? And do your children - millennials - still know how to list Slovenian TV programs? Even worse, can they list 5 Slovenian online media that they follow? Do the experiment and I believe you will be extremely surprised.

The post Kolumna: Je televizija postala radio? oziroma Medijski ‘gangbang’ milenijcev appeared first on City Magazine.

A mother of four built a house with her bare hands with the help of YouTube and her children Wed, 18 Jan 2017 07:05:43 +0000

Cari Brookins' life story reads like a screenplay. After being abused by her husband, she divorced, broke all four children and did something that stunned the world. Even though she didn't have the money to afford a house, she didn't stop dreaming about it. Unable to buy one, she decided to build her own. Without any previous construction knowledge, she started building and helped herself with YouTube videos. Today, she lives in a house that every family wants, and she has put her story on paper.

The post Mama štirih z golimi rokami ob pomoči YouTuba in otrok sama zgradila hišo appeared first on City Magazine.

The new face of the Maybelline brand is... a man! Fri, 06 Jan 2017 07:02:42 +0000

The brand Maybelline, which offers affordable makeup, has chosen a man as the new face of its advertising campaign! The brand, which is owned by L'Oréal, is known for hiring famous names such as Adriana Lima, Gigi Hadid, Josie Maran, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Christy Turlington and Jourdan Dunn for its campaigns. This time they decided to take a different approach and chose a man as their face. Joining the list of names is Manny Gutierrez, star of Manny Mu's beauty channel. "Maybe she's born with it, maybe... he's a man!"

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People who became famous in 2016 with the help of the Internet Sun, 01 Jan 2017 07:03:18 +0000

2016 is behind us and it's time to look back. In addition to heartbreaking losses, 2016 also brought us many new things. Read who are the people who became famous with the help of the Internet in 2016 and what they are doing to impress the world.

The post Ljudje, ki so v letu 2016 postali slavni s pomočjo interneta appeared first on City Magazine.

People Are Awesome 2016 - people are totally awesome! Sat, 31 Dec 2016 07:01:59 +0000

Just like every year, the People are Awesome channel prepares a collage of videos that celebrate various human achievements. The year 2016 bore rich fruit with pranks, tricks and acrobatics that impressed and proved that people with superpowers live among us and not only on movie screens. Slovenians also have our own.

The post People Are Awesome 2016 – ljudje smo totalno neverjetni! appeared first on City Magazine.

Flying a drone - what will your reindeer be if you have a drone? Thu, 22 Dec 2016 06:59:37 +0000

Although the offer of drones is becoming more and more colorful and they can already do a lot of things - lastly Amazon successfully made a delivery with it - but one segment remains severely undernourished. Drones that can pull a human. You know, like reindeer pulling Santa Claus and his sleigh. These types of drones simply don't exist yet. That's why the famous film director and vlogger Casey Neistat made his own and took it to the heights in the style of Santa Claus.

The post Letenje z dronom – kaj ti bodo severni jeleni, če imaš dron? appeared first on City Magazine.

Top 10: Most Viral YouTube Channel Videos of 2016 Sat, 10 Dec 2016 07:06:22 +0000

YouTube has served up quite a few surprises this year when it comes to the most viewed viral content. 2016 was the year of James Corden and his star-studded car karaoke, so it's no surprise that his video topped the most viewed YouTube videos of 2016. But which one? See what were the most viral videos on YouTube in 2016.

The post Top 10: najbolj viralni posnetki na kanalu YouTube 2016 appeared first on City Magazine.

YouTube: Most viewed music videos of 2016 Fri, 09 Dec 2016 07:02:23 +0000

YouTube has published a list of the most viewed music videos in 2016. Last year, Wiz Khalifa celebrated with the song See You Again, but this year we have completely different faces at the top. Check out the most viewed videos in 2016.

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The highest paid celebrities on YouTube 2016 Wed, 07 Dec 2016 08:12:43 +0000

Forbes published the current ranking of the individuals who earned the most by publishing videos on the YouTube channel. Who are the highest paid YouTube stars of 2016?

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100 people shamelessly show us how they kiss and have orgasms Tue, 08 Nov 2016 07:04:52 +0000

The team that recently showed us the expressions on people's faces while experiencing orgasm is back with a new provocative video. After a video showing individuals at the time of sexual climax, another shows 100 people demonstrating how to kiss each other.

The post 100 ljudi nam brez sramu pokaže, kako se poljublja in doživlja orgazem appeared first on City Magazine.

The Slovenian acrobats Dunking Devils created antics in Bled Thu, 06 Oct 2016 06:46:46 +0000

If Bled is the Slovenian Alpine pearl, the Slovenian acrobats Dunking Devils are our viral pearl. Because just as Bled has already been visited by millions of tourists, their shenanigans have also been watched online by millions of users who, like tourists looking at the beauty of Bled, have their jaws drop when they see their acrobatics. Therefore, it is logical that they went to Bled in the summer and had fun there on Lake Bled, and in cooperation with the online channel People Are Awesome, which regularly provides us with incredible human feats, filmed a series of jumps that combine the knowledge and dedication of the Slovenian acrobatic group, who conquers the world and uses his talent to promote the beauty of our country.

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The video for the song Pen Pineapple Apple Pen sent the online audience into a frenzy Tue, 27 Sep 2016 06:07:27 +0000

Just when we thought we've seen it all...Gangnam Style, Harlem Shake and now Pen Pineapple Apple Pen, the video for the song that became an overnight online sensation and caused quite a storm among online audiences. The Japanese Piko-Taro is getting more and more imitators and videos imitating his dance moves to this highly infectious track are mushrooming on the internet.

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This is what a flight in first class looks like, which is worth as much as 18,705 euros Sun, 25 Sep 2016 05:55:56 +0000

Flying in first class is definitely something special. Flying with Emirates in first class is comparable to royal treatment.

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Trainsurfing or train surfing - the craze that drove Russian teenagers crazy Wed, 21 Sep 2016 06:01:48 +0000

Trainsurfing or train surfing used to be an extreme sport that was, of course, against the law. It experienced its greatest popularity in the 1980s in Germany. Fortunately, the dangerous sports phenomenon was forgotten for a while, but in recent times it has driven Russian teenagers crazy, and young men riding trains on the roof have become a common sight, especially in Moscow. One of them is Alex Nomernoy. You just have to see these clips. We got sweaty hands during the tour, and you will too!

The post Trainsurfing oz. surfanje na vlaku – norost, ki je obnorela ruske najstnike appeared first on City Magazine.

YouTube Community - YouTube is becoming a full-fledged social network Thu, 15 Sep 2016 06:04:12 +0000

YouTube, an online social network specialized in watching video content, will become more similar to Facebook and other social networks in the future, as its creators add many features typical of full-fledged social networks within a new tab called Community, which brings more interaction and options for users and creators of video content.

The post YouTube Skupnost – YouTube postaja polnokrvno družbeno omrežje appeared first on City Magazine.

Two hot girls tried the hottest chili in the world and regretted it in a second! Mon, 05 Sep 2016 06:07:41 +0000

Young people do all kinds of stupid things in their free time, and in the age of YouTube, they also document it so that the whole world can laugh at them and shake their heads. To this list we can add the Americans Lizzy Wurst and Sabrina Stewart, who experienced the desired 5 minutes of fame. For her, they ate the hottest chili in the world - the Carolina Reaper - on camera. This one boasts as many as 2.2 million scovils (the unit used to measure the strength of hot peppers), which is 300 times hotter than Tabasco! Watch their reaction, which will convince you that this chili is no joke!

The post Dve vroči dekleti pokusili najbolj vroč čili na svetu in to v sekundi obžalovali! appeared first on City Magazine.

YouTube Stars: People who got rich and famous through YouTube Fri, 15 Jul 2016 06:11:15 +0000

Do you know celebrities who got rich and famous with the help of YouTube? Everyone watches a video on YouTube at some point. But YouTube is not just a public repository of videos, there are people, a new type of celebrities, who make big bucks with YouTube. There is no formula for success, because you can become famous and rich with just a video of a laughing child. Of course, several things have to come together, so there is no universal recipe for a breakthrough. But if you thought posting videos on YouTube was just for fun, you're wrong. Publishing can be a very profitable business. Just look at these celebrities who got rich and famous thanks to YouTube.

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YouTube: These are the most hated videos on YouTube Tue, 07 Jun 2016 03:36:07 +0000

Do you know what the most hated videos on YouTube are? YouTube is an inexhaustible source of videos. After all, around 300 hours of new video content is uploaded to this channel every minute. And while the equivalent of likes on YouTube is the number of views, there is also a competition for likes. Unlike Facebook, instead of a thumbs up, you can also show a thumbs down. And who topped this infamous list?

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The best exercises for a firm butt on YouTube Tue, 24 May 2016 03:42:11 +0000

Seductive, shaped buttocks are a real hit at the moment. And since summer is here, swimsuit girls want perfect butts. Here are the best butt exercises on YouTube to help you on your way to a perfect butt.

The post Najboljše vaje za čvrsto zadnjico na YouTubu appeared first on City Magazine.

The most famous stereotypes about Slovenians Wed, 11 May 2016 03:42:29 +0000

Do you know what are the most famous stereotypes about Slovenians? What are Slovenians like as a nation? In the eyes of foreigners, we are friendly and open people, but somewhat reserved. We consider ourselves modest and hardworking people. We consider ourselves great drivers and great drinkers. We are also proud of our envy. Why else the phrase "enviable"?

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YouTube Red: YouTube with no ads and exclusive content Sat, 06 Feb 2016 04:46:41 +0000

Do you know what YouTube Red is? No, YouTube will not start hosting pornographic content. It's a new subscription "package", for a better user experience on both desktop and mobile devices, which allows you to watch videos without ads, and you can also use YouTube as a music player and save videos to watch later, even when you are offline.

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YouTube: The most popular music videos of 2015 Sun, 13 Dec 2015 04:39:19 +0000

The YouTube channel recently published a list of the 10 most popular music videos of 2015. Do you dare to guess who came out on top? No, it's not Adele! The first four most viewed videos of 2015 were viewed more times than last year's winner Katy Perry and her Dark Horse, which collected 703,227,848 views in 2014. This year's winner collected as many as 1,166,000,000!

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The most watched ads on YouTube in 2015 Sat, 12 Dec 2015 04:35:35 +0000

What are the most viewed ads on YouTube in 2015? Some old friends like Budweiser came out on top, and the list also includes two video game ads, Clash of Clans and Boom Beach. In total, the most viewed ads in 2015 had as many as 470 million views (almost two-thirds of views occurred on mobile devices), which is 45 million more than the year before.

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YouTube Music: The YouTube music app is coming Thu, 19 Nov 2015 04:40:01 +0000

YouTube Music is a new app dedicated to music. It is first available in the US and is supported on both iOS and Android. So is there a real alternative to the Spotify music portal on the horizon, which, in contrast, will also be available in Slovenia?

The post YouTube Music: prihaja YouTube aplikacija za glasbo appeared first on City Magazine.

YouTube: The funniest videos under a minute Tue, 03 Nov 2015 11:58:47 +0000

YouTube is full of funny videos, but for every funny video there are at least 50 crap ones. We separated the good from the bad, and the funniest videos on YouTube, shorter than one minute, are for you to watch too! Just right for a short escape from everyday worries and stress. They will make you laugh to tears.

The post YouTube: najbolj smešni videoposnetki, krajši od minute appeared first on City Magazine.

Adele's Hello became the most viewed video in the first 24 hours Tue, 27 Oct 2015 07:27:40 +0000

"Hello" by Adele, pa-pa Taylor Swift. This is how we can comment on the news that Adele became the owner of the most watched video in the first 24 hours on the world's leading platform for music videos and entertainment content Vevo. The British singer, who released a new video for the first time since 2011, dethroned Taylor Swift, who reigned there with the video for the song Bad Blood, which had 20.1 million views in the first 24 hours in May, and the new record mark is 27.7 million views.

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Forbes 2015: The Highest Paid YouTube Stars of 2015 Sun, 18 Oct 2015 07:54:40 +0000

The highest paid YouTube stars of 2015 can be compared with the biggest stars of show business with their amounts. YouTube's biggest names make millions. And while YouTube is a veritable breeding ground for people experiencing their five minutes of fame, and even more of them failing to rise above the vast ocean of Internet anonymity, YouTube also has regular stars. Today, we are no longer only talking about film, music and sports stars, but also YouTube stars who make a real fortune with their video storage channel. Check out who are the top earners on YouTube in 2015.

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The Slovenian woman became an online phenomenon with her beauty YouTube corner Sara Beauty Corner Thu, 17 Sep 2015 03:50:23 +0000

Almost 1.4 million subscribers and almost 120 million total views. No, these are not the statistics of the YouTube channel of some world-famous celebrity, but of the Slovenian Sara Mozetič, who became a real internet sensation with her beauty corner Sara Beauty Corner. The Master of Finance has been living and working in Norway for six years, where she recently became the owner of Norway's most popular YouTube channel (when it comes to the number of followers), surpassing even TV Norge, which gave the world the Ylvis duo song "The Fox" (What Does The Fox Say?)''.

The post Slovenka z lepotnim YouTube kotičkom Sara Beauty Corner postala spletni fenomen appeared first on City Magazine.

YouTube Gaming – a web portal reserved for gamers Thu, 18 Jun 2015 03:15:49 +0000

YouTube is not resting on its laurels, as the competition is getting tougher (Facebook, Twitch, Netflix,...), so it announced the arrival of a new sub-site and an independent application, with which they want to keep the toys with them. For fans of computer games, they promise the arrival of the YouTube Gaming portal in the summer, which will provide better support for streaming video while playing games.

The post YouTube Gaming – spletni portal rezerviran za igračarje appeared first on City Magazine.

Will YouTube be paid after this? Wed, 25 Feb 2015 07:05:40 +0000

Watching clips on the YouTube web portal will now be paid for. YouTube is introducing a monthly subscription, which is the result of a pilot project that has been running on certain channels since 2013 (UFC, National Geographic, PGA,...). The subscription should be modest, but in return the user received a much better user experience, which in translation means no more advertisements, which were scattered widely on the portal. How not, when every other internet user uses YouTube.

The post Bo YouTube po novem plačljiv? appeared first on City Magazine.

YouTube - your personal trainer Sun, 28 Dec 2014 05:45:52 +0000

"I will lose weight next year." In the first days of January, we strictly adhere to this and when the week is around, we relax on the sofa instead of in the gym. Fitness is simply too far, it's cold and dark outside. However, this should not be an excuse! The Internet offers an extremely persistent, entertaining and above all free trainer - Youtube.

The post YouTube – vaš osebni trener appeared first on City Magazine.

A fun techno remix of the legendary scene from the movie The Wolf of Wallstreet Thu, 13 Mar 2014 06:31:14 +0000

After the Oscar celebration and a series of high-profile roles in the past year, actor Matthew McConaughey got another "honorary role" in a techno music video. The performers of Eclectic Method took the scene where McConaughey as the banker Shaman enlightenedly teaches the young Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio) about Wallstreet "drugs" and at the same time hums a decisive melody by beating his chest, as a musical basis and turned it into a real viral sensation.

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Human bowling a new Olympic sport? Why not?! Sun, 16 Feb 2014 07:00:27 +0000

Devin Graham, a well-known YouTube videographer, impressed with his new product. The video of human bowling in the snow is absolutely fantastic!

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The king of six-second spells Sat, 25 Jan 2014 05:42:40 +0000

Zach King, the new star of the social network Vine, where users can share their 6-second video clips shot with a mobile phone, brings real magic sprinkled with a touch of humor with incredible post-production skills.

The post Kralj šest-sekundnih čarovnij appeared first on City Magazine.

Advertising money spent on charity Tue, 07 Jan 2014 10:39:33 +0000

20th Century Fox offered filmmaker Casey Neistat $25,000 to produce a YouTube promotional trailer for the new feature film The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, which is said to be about dreams coming true.

The post Denar za oglaševanje porabil v dobrodelne namene appeared first on City Magazine.

Top 10 YouTube Videos of 2013 Sun, 22 Dec 2013 08:26:28 +0000

The biggest novelty of this year's top 10 viral videos is that the creators took their time to create and it is not a matter of contributions "thrown together" in a few minutes. Almost everyone has a dose of laughter in common.

The post Top 10 YouTube videov leta 2013 appeared first on City Magazine.

Highlights from an epic journey around the world Tue, 10 Dec 2013 23:03:54 +0000

Enjoy life and live the adventure. - This is Louis Cole's motto. His latest adventure is an epic journey around the world that is still ongoing.

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