The famous manufacturer of sports equipment paid tribute to one of the biggest basketball names of the former Yugoslavia. Paško Tomić, one of the then basketball players of Jugoplastika from Split, was invited to participate in the campaign.
The post Adidas Forum High: superge, ki slavijo nekdanji košarkaški klub Jugoplastika appeared first on City Magazine.
]]>Life used to be simple. The shop had one type of milk, two types of bread, Radenska and Cockta. Shopping did not require mental effort from the consumer, making a thousand decisions in half an hour, and above all, it was friendly to the wallet, because it was simply not possible to put unnecessary things in the basket.
The post Made in Yugoslavia: instagram profil in spletna trgovina za vse Jugo nostalgike appeared first on City Magazine.
]]>Those of you who follow the music scene from the Balkans will definitely recognize the people from these albums. It will be a little less clear to you what actually happened to them on these covers.
The post Bizarne naslovnice glasbenih albumov iz Jugoslavije, ki so jih poslušali tvoji starši appeared first on City Magazine.
]]>Yugoslav modernism differed significantly from the Eastern model. The history of socialist-type modernism shows the peculiarities of Eastern European art, which can also be seen in the photographs taken by the Italian photographer Roberto Conte in the Serbian capital, Belgrade.
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]]>What is your most memorable childhood memory? Gumtwist, gameboy, Power Rangers, popsicles in a ball, maybe Fructal juice in a bag? For all nostalgics who grew up in the late eighties and early nineties, we have prepared a selection of pieces of nostalgia. Enjoy!
The post Se še spomnite? To so nostalgični drobci otroštva iz 90., na katere ste morda že pozabili appeared first on City Magazine.
]]>It's true that we change from year to year and everything around us spins faster, but the time we take to rekindle Yugo nostalgia is precious and, above all, unforgettable.
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]]>Alan Ford's comics, originally published in Italy, certainly evoke childhood nostalgia when we spent hours and hours living the suspenseful stories of the unusual characters of the TNT secret society. Social satire, wrapped in a comic veil, was interestingly the most popular in the former Yugoslavia. Based on this phenomenon, Lazar Džamić's book entitled "Cvjejarnica u kući cveća" was created, which was supported by the imaginative graphic image of the designer Vladan Srdić in the special edition.
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]]>Montevideo, see you! is the sequel to the popular Montevideo, god of video from 2010, which became a huge hit in the region. After the first part, they also recorded a television series of the same name, which was also broadcast in Slovenia.
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]]>Jumping over gumtwist, endless hours of playing gameboy, creating with legos and fairy-tale travels with barbies. Oh, the sweet bits of 90s childhood nostalgia!
The post Otroška nostalgija igrač iz ’90. let appeared first on City Magazine.
]]>The EX YU generation will gather at the Yugo Nostalgia dance, this time under the motto Count on us. There will be no shortage of Videosex, Bajaga, Pankrts and other rhythms of this generation.
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]]>Actor and stand-up comedian Perica Jerković will explain to visitors what it's like to be "Born in the South" in the show.
The post Kako je biti rojen v Jugi? appeared first on City Magazine.
]]>JUS is an art project that presents a series of graphics on the subject of Yugoslav cult technical products from the period between the 1950s and 1990s.
The post Fičo, kolo Rog in Tomos zvezde umetniškega projekta JUS appeared first on City Magazine.
]]>The long-awaited exhibition Tito – the face of Yugoslavia is coming in November.
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