gift ideas Archives | City Magazine Sat, 23 Oct 2021 07:11:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Gifts for women: 30 great gift ideas that will make your sweetheart happy Sat, 23 Oct 2021 07:11:48 +0000

Gifts, no matter how small, make a woman feel happy and loved. Such a man's act carries a lot of weight with a woman. Even a handpicked bouquet from the meadow can have more meaning than an expensive gift. But anyway, because women love gifts and small attentions for all occasions, we have found some ideas for the perfect gift for you.

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Best End of School Gifts: High School and Graduation Gifts Fri, 28 May 2021 04:04:12 +0000

Of course, the fact that they successfully completed the 2021 school year, which was characterized by studying from home, without contact with classmates, teachers and friends, is a gift to every successful high school graduate, high school student or student. In any case, at the end of the school year, students are given a small gift for their successfully completed work. That's why we present below gifts that your "schoolboy" will be happy with, and you will show him how proud you are of his effort and success.

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Gift for boyfriend: 10 gifts your boyfriend secretly wants Wed, 09 Dec 2020 11:05:13 +0000

If you are still wondering what gift to buy your boyfriend for Christmas or New Year, we have found 10 original suggestions for the perfect gift. Here are 10 gifts your boyfriend secretly wants…

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50+ best books to display on your coffee table Wed, 09 Dec 2020 05:20:59 +0000

You have furnished the apartment, everything is like out of the box! But still, you seem to be missing the dot on the i. These are books that will tell stories about your hobbies. Stories about you.

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Kids Gift Ideas - Gifts for Naughty Kids Mon, 07 Dec 2020 11:44:00 +0000

Children want your attention more than any gift. But that doesn't mean they don't deserve gifts for the holidays. The feeling of happiness that fills them when they see shiny presents under the Christmas tree and rummage through them, looking for their name, is priceless. Of course, anticipation and opening are almost the most beautiful and exciting for children, but they will not get tired of the gifts that we will present to you in the following five minutes.

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Last minute gift ideas Sun, 06 Dec 2020 12:10:50 +0000

Don't have an idea for gifts? Will the same story repeat itself this year? Everyone close to you says that they don't want anything special for the Christmas holidays and they don't give you any hints to ease the Christmas agony, you're running out of time, and you don't have a single smart idea in your head? Here are 10 last-minute gift ideas: for different tastes, different pockets and last minutes.

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Best Gifts for Girlfriend: Christmas Gifts 2020 That Will Warm Her Heart Fri, 04 Dec 2020 12:01:26 +0000

Looking for the best girlfriend gift ideas (2020) for Christmas gifts that will warm her heart? Then check out our guide to the best gifts for girls!

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What to buy a man as a gift? How to get a great gift idea for men! Fri, 04 Dec 2020 05:01:26 +0000

The question of what to buy for a man as a gift arises both on personal holidays, anniversaries and various holidays, such as Valentine's Day or Christmas and New Year holidays. But good gift ideas are hard to come by! That's also why we reveal some tricks that will help you find out what to buy your man as a gift.

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Gift ideas: The best Christmas and New Year gifts for the home Thu, 03 Dec 2020 13:05:24 +0000

Looking for Christmas and New Year gift ideas for someone who loves all things decor? If your recipient is a big fan of these types of things, these holiday gifts for the home are sure to put a sparkle in their eyes and warmth in their hearts.

The post Ideje za darila: Najlepša božično-novoletna darila za dom appeared first on City Magazine.

Christmas gift ideas 2020: thoughtful gifts under 20 euros Wed, 02 Dec 2020 14:00:40 +0000

If you haven't gotten around to shopping for Christmas presents yet, we feel for you. We all know how difficult it is to find a special gift just days before Christmas. The prices are usually high, and what you want is not on offer. That's why there's a web that offers crazy Christmas gift ideas 2020 that are super cheap and look classy.

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Research shows that these gifts we receive from our partners are the ones that excite us the most! Wed, 02 Dec 2020 05:01:26 +0000

Christmas is already knocking on the door and the race is on for the perfect gifts to give to our loved ones. But buying a gift is not the hardest part, the hardest part is deciding which one is the gift that will put the biggest smile on the face of the one receiving it.

The post Raziskava kaže, da nas ta darila, ki jih prejmemo od partnerja, najbolj navdušijo! appeared first on City Magazine.

Best gift ideas for men: you can't go wrong with this one! Tue, 01 Dec 2020 11:01:06 +0000

Running out of ideas for the best gifts for men? You won't miss a thing if you choose one of these practical gifts for him.

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Gift Ideas for Teens: Gifts for a Teen You Can't Go Wrong With! Mon, 30 Nov 2020 05:00:39 +0000

If you don't have the right idea for gifts for teenagers or what to buy a teenager, we can help! We have selected for you original gifts for teenagers, which you will not go wrong with - namely, popular bestsellers, "gadgets", fashionable gifts for girls and boys, top LEGO bricks and fun gifts with which you will especially surprised.

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Ideas for original gifts for men (for him): 10+ really interesting ideas Thu, 26 Nov 2020 12:01:07 +0000

Here are ideas for original gifts for men (for him)! This will show that you really know him well. Small or not, the best gifts are those that are both practical and cool, so the recipient will never tire of them. Let's see what our ideas are for original gifts for men (for him).

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Gift ideas: wireless bluetooth headphones Wed, 25 Nov 2020 12:02:24 +0000

Don't have an idea for a great gift? If your giftee loves music, listens to podcasts and spends a lot of time on electronic devices, they will appreciate great wireless headphones. These are always a great gift idea!

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Gift ideas for men under 50 euros: 70+ gift ideas that will really make him happy Tue, 24 Nov 2020 05:01:43 +0000

Finding gift ideas for men under 50 euros is not always the easiest task! Well, here we come to the rescue. So we have collected more than 70+ ideas for men's gifts that will put a smile on his face.

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8 amazing HONOR products that make a great Christmas gift! Mon, 23 Nov 2020 05:00:53 +0000

Whether it's a rugged smartwatch for adventurers or a good laptop, HONOR has a ton of tech to make this year's Christmas gift shopping a breeze!

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The best gifts for book lovers 2020: books that lift the mood in these strange times Thu, 19 Nov 2020 05:01:27 +0000

These are the best gifts for book lovers 2020 that are not necessarily world-famous works, but they are definitely books that really mean something!

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The best fashion gifts for men 2020: for real men with style Thu, 19 Nov 2020 05:00:17 +0000

Is your man a fashionista who cares about style and dresses well? Then you must check out the best fashion gifts for men 2020 that will surely impress him. Ps: Men, we won't blame you if you treat yourself to these products!

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Ideas for the best gifts for men for Valentine's Day: surprise him with attention! Thu, 30 Jan 2020 05:01:48 +0000

The day of attention and tenderness is approaching: Valentine's Day. We have prepared ideas for the best men's gifts for Valentine's Day (for him). So surprise your man with attention!

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Best Valentine's Day Gift Ideas (For Her): Speak the Language of Love! Sun, 19 Jan 2020 05:01:24 +0000

Looking for ideas for the best Valentine's Day gifts (for her)? Then you must check out our list where we have collected the best Valentine's Day gifts for her, for your sweetheart, that will warm her heart!

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Best Birthday Gift Ideas for Men: Awesome Ideas for Men Fri, 27 Dec 2019 05:01:22 +0000

Here are some of the best birthday gift ideas for men. Every man will be happy to play with one of the listed "gadgets", go on an adventure for two, enjoy lazing around or find a reason to cuddle with his sweetheart.

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Jólabókaflóð: An Icelandic Christmas tradition everyone should try this year Tue, 24 Dec 2019 05:01:13 +0000

One interesting fact about Iceland: Most of the population believes that invisible elves and trolls are real. Another fact: there are no McDonalds in Iceland. And one last thing: there is an Icelandic Christmas tradition called Jólabókaflóð, and everyone should try it this year!

The post Jólabókaflóð: islandska božična tradicija, ki bi jo morali letos poskusiti vsi appeared first on City Magazine.

Best Gifts for Videographers and Photographers (2019) Sat, 21 Dec 2019 05:01:04 +0000

A good camera does not mean good results. In addition to knowledge, the use of accessories that can take your products up a notch or two also greatly contributes to the quality of photography. Here are our best gifts for videographers and photographers (2019).

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Give the most popular gift! Fri, 20 Dec 2019 05:05:26 +0000

Choosing a gift is not always the easiest thing. Especially if we know that the person we want to gift is demanding in his wishes.

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Ideas for original gifts for men (for him): for fitness lovers Sun, 15 Dec 2019 05:01:03 +0000

Looking for ideas for original gifts for men, specifically for fitness lovers? Then check out our accessories that will take his workout to the next level.

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30 best ideas for the perfect gift Thu, 12 Dec 2019 05:03:12 +0000

Think about the last time you received a gift. Maybe a friend gave you a book they thought you'd like, or a good cup of coffee and a delicious cake appeared on your desk! Most likely, the gestures of giving gifts went a long way in strengthening the relationship. What if the giver misses the mark with the gift? Imagine receiving a gift you don't want, or perhaps a product from a brand you don't like.

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Christmas gifts for the whole family: 25+ cool gift ideas 2019 Thu, 12 Dec 2019 05:01:18 +0000

Do you already have Christmas presents for the whole family? If not, we have 25+ cool 2019 gift ideas for you!

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Gift Ideas 2019: Perfect Gifts for Travelers Thu, 05 Dec 2019 05:01:41 +0000

Looking for gift ideas to please the traveler in 2019? Here are 10+ products that will make their (or your) travels much more carefree.

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The best gifts for tech enthusiasts 2019: the best "gadgets" Sun, 01 Dec 2019 05:01:12 +0000

The gift-giving season is near, but you still don't know what to gift your loved ones. So, check out the best gifts for techies in 2019! Practical, fun, decorative or even educational: these few "gadgets" will please everyone, regardless of age.

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The Best Gifts for a Geek (2019) Wed, 27 Nov 2019 05:01:30 +0000

Here are the best gifts for geeks (2019), i.e. some ideas to please the geek in you or your friends.

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The best gifts for men 2019: 4 gifts that will never go wrong with the ladies Sun, 24 Nov 2019 04:01:03 +0000

Are you wondering what are the best gifts for men 2019 that you will never miss a girl? We present 4 ultimate gifts that are an eternal choice.

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Women's Day: what to give besides flowers? Sat, 02 Mar 2019 05:01:17 +0000

Women's Day is an important day that has been celebrating the social, political and economic achievements of women since 1911. It is precisely because of the struggle of our predecessors that women from all over the world today enjoy many more rights than they used to. And for this honor, ladies deserve to be honored every day, not just on March 8. Surprise your loved ones with a little something and pamper them like queens.

The post Dan žena: kaj podariti poleg rož? appeared first on City Magazine.

Valentine's Day: 10 gifts a woman really wants Sat, 09 Feb 2019 05:01:52 +0000

Chocolate and flowers make great gifts, but there are some things a woman really wants for Valentine's Day. We have collected 10 gifts that will melt her heart.

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Valentine's Day: 10+ Funny Gifts That Are Useful Sun, 03 Feb 2019 05:01:35 +0000

It is true that Valentine's Day should be marked by superlatives that are related to love, but you must not forget to laugh as well. Romantic humor won't hurt, so surprise your better half with one of these 10+ funny gifts that are also useful.

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Valentine's Day: women's gifts to show her love Fri, 18 Jan 2019 05:01:22 +0000

Valentine's Day is the time when we show our affection to our loved ones with gifts, because we want to surprise them. Let this year's day of love be based more on love than consumption, and these women's gifts are different, because with them you will show that they mean a lot to you. Because emotions are what counts the most.

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Christmas Gift Ideas 2018: Gifts for a friend who is obsessed with astrology Thu, 20 Dec 2018 05:01:32 +0000

If you have a friend who at least once a week complains that Mercury Retrograde, Venus, Mars or Jupiter is to blame for all her failures, then it is clear to you that there must be an 'astrological gift' under the Christmas tree. Here are some great Christmas gift ideas that she's sure to love.

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Christmas gift ideas 2018: gifts for sports fans under 50 euros Tue, 18 Dec 2018 05:01:37 +0000

In almost every family there is someone who, even during Christmas, is more interested in sports than in eating goodies. Luckily, you don't have to guess what kind of Christmas present will make that person happy. To make this year's gift-giving especially magical, we have prepared some ideas for Christmas gifts.

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Innovative gift wrapping ideas that will impress your loved ones Tue, 18 Dec 2018 05:01:11 +0000

If you've already bought gifts for your loved ones, you probably think you've done everything related to Christmas gift giving. Well, you were wrong. You have only done half the work. Remember that a beautiful gift that you wrapped yourself counts for more than its contents.

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Christmas Gift Ideas 2018: Gifts for Tech Enthusiasts Sun, 16 Dec 2018 05:01:39 +0000

Technology has changed our lives for good. If you want to keep up with the times, it is actually necessary to familiarize yourself with the technological trends. In 2018, many new devices were born, which will also prove themselves as Christmas gifts.

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Christmas gift ideas 2018: treats for your boss Sat, 15 Dec 2018 05:01:19 +0000

Are you already thinking about gifts of smaller values that you intend to give to your colleagues? Maybe this year is the time to surprise not only them, but also the boss.

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Christmas Gift Ideas 2018: Gifts for the Picky Mom Fri, 14 Dec 2018 05:01:27 +0000

Most mothers are happy with every gift their son or daughter gives them for Christmas. Nevertheless, there are also mothers who are satisfied only with a special surprise tailored to them. And this year is your chance to make her wish come true. Here are 2018 Christmas gift ideas that won't disappoint.

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Christmas Gift Ideas 2018: Hot Gifts for the Naughtiest Thu, 13 Dec 2018 05:01:12 +0000

If you're planning a naughty Christmas this year, then we've got some great Christmas gift ideas for those you think fit or just for yourself. Here are hot gifts for the naughtiest.

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Christmas Gift Ideas 2018: Fashionable 30 Year Old Gifts Tue, 11 Dec 2018 05:01:05 +0000

Most women find their style by age 30. If you have an older sister, friend, colleague, acquaintance who has already entered her thirties and loves fashion, then you should make her happy with a fashion gift. If you still have no idea what to choose, here are some interesting ideas for Christmas gifts.

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Christmas gift ideas 2018: gifts for people who simply love to sleep Sun, 09 Dec 2018 05:01:51 +0000

If you would rather sleep at this moment, then you are truly obsessed with sleep. And you know all too well how good it feels when you put on soft pajamas and lie down in a comfortable bed. And then you feel that all you need in life is rest and of course 'good sleeping gear'. If you know there's something missing from your bedroom collection, we've put together some Christmas gift ideas to pamper yourself with this Christmas. If the people around you have found out about your obsession with sleep, you can surprise them.

The post Ideje za božična darila 2018: darila za osebe, ki preprosto ljubijo spanje appeared first on City Magazine.

Christmas Gift Ideas 2018: Quirky Gifts for Friends Who Love Food Fri, 07 Dec 2018 05:01:22 +0000

Gourmets are a tough nut to crack. Gift shopping for them can be difficult as many people hate being labeled as foodies. Since they love to cook and eat, we always remember to buy them something kitchen-related. And this is probably also the safest solution. Check out our Christmas gift ideas that will bring fresh air into their kitchen.

The post Ideje za božična darila 2018: odštekana darila za prijatelje, ki obožujejo hrano appeared first on City Magazine.

Christmas gift ideas 2018: cool gifts for colleagues under 30 euros Thu, 06 Dec 2018 05:01:16 +0000

Colleagues - they become your second family without even realizing it. You spend a lot of time with them, share good times and bad times and know each other more than you think. When the holidays come around, your inner feeling probably tells you that it would be nice to cheer them up with something small. Since the list of gift recipients is likely to be large this year as well and the wallet will literally 'dry up', we have prepared ideas for gifts under 30 euros. You will delight them with a unique gift, and save money.

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Gift ideas 2018: small attentions for a new crush Tue, 04 Dec 2018 05:01:22 +0000

The Christmas and New Year holidays bring with them a whole range of activities that you can do with your crush. Let's just mention ice skating, Christmas parties and a Christmas movie deal. It only gets stuck when it is necessary to find a suitable gift.

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Gift ideas 2018: the best gifts for people who are obsessed with Christmas movies Mon, 03 Dec 2018 05:01:05 +0000

And the most beautiful time of the year has come again - December. You are also now officially allowed to curl up on the couch, popcorn in one hand, drink in the other, and watch Christmas movies long into the night. If you love them so much, you've probably already written Santa a letter to bring you something cinematic. If you know that someone close to you also likes them, then you will not have to look for ideas for gifts in 2018, but we have prepared them for you. “Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals.”

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Gift Ideas 2018: Gifts for the Zero Waste Person Sun, 02 Dec 2018 05:01:05 +0000

Some people are strongly aware of the consequences that humans have with their actions on the environment. And they are actually trying to change the world through their actions. You surely have a person in your vicinity who practices a zero-waste lifestyle, which at the same time often means that such a person rejects consumption. And then it is not easy at all to find an idea for gifts. That's why we've put together a list of gifts that won't wander off, but will actually be used.

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Christmas gift ideas 2018: the best gifts for men under €50 Sat, 01 Dec 2018 05:01:31 +0000

Do you already know what you will put under the Christmas tree for your loved one? If you still don't know which gift to choose, you've come to the right place. We guarantee that if you follow our suggestions, you won't be kicking ass.

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Gift Ideas 2018: Gifts for the Very Discerning Person Fri, 30 Nov 2018 05:01:41 +0000

Shopping for Christmas presents can be an enjoyable task. What's better than giving gifts to loved ones? But as you know, when you are shopping for a 'difficult', even the most beautiful task turns into a nightmare. Those who can't be satisfied by absolutely nothing are really hard nut to crack, so we often don't even have any ideas for gifts to impress them with. We try to make this annoying task easier for you with our selection of gifts designed for demanding people.

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Christmas gift ideas 2018: gifts for a friend who likes the color black Tue, 27 Nov 2018 05:01:17 +0000

We all have that friend who swears by the color black. And here it becomes clear that a Christmas gift that is a flashy color will unfortunately not impress her. Well, she might smile sourly in front of you because she doesn't want to hurt you, but you will definitely never see her using the gift you bought her. Why create tension in your relationship when you can buy her things wrapped in 'black' that will fit her aesthetic. Take a look at our 2018 Christmas gift ideas.

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Christmas Gift Ideas 2018: What to Get a Fortnite Obsessed Person? Fri, 23 Nov 2018 08:11:41 +0000

It's the season of gift-giving, but many people are running out of ideas for Christmas gifts 2018. It's even more difficult when you have a game lover in your neighborhood. Soaps, shampoos, books or candles will certainly not come in handy if you intend to gift them to a person who is obsessed with the currently most popular game in the world, Fortnite. Don't ask why, because it will be clear when you shower them with gifts that will likely distract them from the game for the first and last time.

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10 gifts that will delight any Game of Thrones fan Mon, 05 Nov 2018 05:01:59 +0000

The Christmas and New Year holidays are not so far away, so it's time to start thinking about gifts. If you want to satisfy the wishes of your loved ones, you need to choose surprises suitable for their interests.

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7 unique gifts for grandparents that will make them happy Sun, 04 Nov 2018 05:01:42 +0000

Shopping for grandparents may seem like a daunting task at first, but in reality, you don't have to put in much effort. Because what counts the most is your attention, love and help, which they need so much in their old age. You can also pamper them with the most modest gifts that will make them happy.

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Neiman Marcus has released the ultimate gift guide for the super rich, and it's going to make your head hurt Wed, 31 Oct 2018 05:01:41 +0000

The multi-million dollar Christmas list of Neiman Marcus, which also delivers its products to Slovenia, is back and this time it is more extravagant than ever before. It has incredible gifts that only the richest can afford, and here are gifts that will make your head hurt.

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8 non-cliché Valentine's Day gifts that aren't chocolate or underwear Fri, 26 Jan 2018 05:01:14 +0000

What will you give this year for Valentine's Day? We have prepared 8 ideas for Valentine's Day gifts that are not clichés, that is, they are not chocolate or underwear. And happy shopping!

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Christmas gifts for all those with a sweet tooth Tue, 19 Dec 2017 05:01:37 +0000

Do you have a sweet tooth in your family or friends? Then these are ideal Christmas gifts that will undoubtedly make them happy.

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Christmas gifts for women who love seductive lingerie Fri, 15 Dec 2017 05:01:59 +0000

If you have a girlfriend or friend who loves sexy lingerie, but also values comfort, then these are great Christmas gift ideas. Read on to find out what Christmas gifts you can give to a lover of seductive lingerie.

The post Božična darila za ženske, ki ljubijo zapeljivo spodnje perilo appeared first on City Magazine.
