
Jólabókaflóð: An Icelandic Christmas tradition everyone should try this year

One interesting fact about Iceland: Most of the population believes that invisible elves and trolls are real. Another fact: there are no McDonalds in Iceland. And one last thing: there is an Icelandic Christmas tradition called Jólabókaflóð, and everyone should try it this year!

Jólabókaflóð could be roughly translated into "Christmas flood of books". It is a tradition when locals on Christmas Eve they unwrap the presents and start right then and there to read books, which others gave them for Christmas. At the same time, they usually drink hot chocolate or jólabland (a mixture of Fanta and Guinness).

Give a book for Christmas this year.
Give a book for Christmas this year.

Icelanders love to read books and talk about it. This means that your loved ones donate some of the best: nice conversation on christmas eve. Reading books could otherwise be called the island's 'national sport', as every Icelander reads a book a year at least 8 books and according to BBC Magazine one in ten Icelanders publish your book.

So this year, give yourself at least some time, talk and socialize. Put down your phones and forget about social media. 

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