pets Archives | City Magazine Sun, 22 Oct 2023 05:29:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Learn to decipher what your cat is muttering to you Sun, 22 Oct 2023 05:29:19 +0000

A cat's purr is like a book full of hidden meanings that few fully understand.

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How to effectively remove hair and unpleasant odors left by your pet Wed, 24 May 2023 04:20:54 +0000

Do you love your pet, but its hair and unpleasant odors cause you problems? Discover how to effectively remove hair and freshen up your space so you can enjoy your pet's company carefree.

The post Kako učinkovito odstraniti dlake in neprijetne vonjave, ki jih pušča vaš ljubljenček appeared first on City Magazine.

How to show your kitty that you love her in "cat language". Fri, 21 Apr 2023 04:40:12 +0000

Do you love your kitty? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be able to communicate with your cat in cat language?

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How does a dog choose its favorite person? Wed, 19 Apr 2023 10:28:39 +0000

Does a dog really choose its favorite person? If you've ever had a dog, then you know that some dogs bond with some people more quickly than others. It often happens that the dog chooses one person to whom it pays more attention and approaches, while it treats the other persons more coldly or even ignores them. Are you wondering why this is happening?

The post Kako si pes izbere najljubšo osebo? appeared first on City Magazine.

6 Things Pets Are Really Afraid Of Tue, 10 Jan 2023 08:12:25 +0000

Anyone who has a pet will definitely try to give it as much attention as possible to keep it happy. You certainly don't want to see your dog stressed, so it's a good idea to remember what your pet is afraid of. Veterinarians say that the first signs of fear are a change in body posture, arched back or shaking.

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Learn about cat talk: Why do cats put their paws on their owner's face? Fri, 18 Feb 2022 05:21:51 +0000

Is your cat stroking your face with its paw? Does she put her paw on your chin when you pick her up? Just what is going on in the head of the mischievous furry? What does he want to tell you?

The post Spoznajte govorico mačk: Zakaj mačke dajejo tačke na obraz lastnika? appeared first on City Magazine.

Cat language: what cats communicate with the position of their tail Thu, 21 Oct 2021 04:05:57 +0000

How well do you know cat talk? Find out what the furries are trying to tell you by the position of their tails. They don't just use it to find balance, they also use it to express their feelings.

The post Mačji jezik: kaj sporočajo mačke s položajem svojega repa appeared first on City Magazine.

Sorry, but your dog is not as smart as you probably think Thu, 11 Oct 2018 04:01:00 +0000

Unlike cats, dogs are considered highly intelligent creatures that become very attached to their owners. If the new research is to be believed, however, it is necessary to start looking at them from a completely different perspective.

The post Oprostite, ampak vaš pes ni tako pameten, kot si verjetno mislite appeared first on City Magazine.

This is what happens to our pets when we put them to sleep Tue, 18 Sep 2018 04:01:41 +0000

Pets bring an endless amount of joy, love and beautiful moments to our lives. However, unfortunately, almost everyone lives less time than we do, and so there comes an inevitable time when we have to say goodbye. Euthanasia is the most humane decision in many cases, especially if your pet is suffering from a serious illness that is causing him a lot of pain. However, many owners are unable to be present at the euthanasia process. So what happens to our pets when we put them to sleep?

The post To se zgodi z našimi hišnimi ljubljenčki, ko jih damo uspavati appeared first on City Magazine.

Doggy Dreamhouse: A unique dog house with a grass roof Thu, 06 Sep 2018 04:01:25 +0000

More and more people are choosing to build green houses, which are environmentally friendly and thus contribute to the preservation of our planet. Apparently, pets will also live in such homes in the future.

The post Doggy Dreamhouse: edinstvena pasja hiša s travnato streho appeared first on City Magazine.

Science has found the answer to the question of why dogs are so friendly Fri, 02 Mar 2018 05:01:08 +0000

Have you ever wondered how it is that your Golden Retriever, Great Dane or Irish Setter is such a loving creature? Science has found the answer to the question of why dogs are so friendly. In dogs, scientists have found gene mutations that are responsible for dogs being much friendlier and sociable compared to wolves.

The post Znanost je našla odgovor na vprašanje, zakaj so psi tako prijazni appeared first on City Magazine.

Deauville: designer dog houses for our best friends Tue, 02 Jan 2018 05:01:56 +0000

People love modern designed furniture. Why not take care of your four-legged friends as well as yourself? Thanks to the Korean company Bad Marlon, we can now buy a dog house that will make our pet happy.

The post Deauville: oblikovalska pasja hiše za naše najboljše prijatelje appeared first on City Magazine.

These cat hats have taken the internet crazy Sun, 24 Dec 2017 05:01:24 +0000

Neca Falk already sang about a cat's bed, a jacket, a cat's newspaper and an inn in Mačko Muri. But probably Kajetan Ković, the author of the most popular children's songs in our country, had no idea that a lot of this would come true. We recently introduced the most advanced cat toilet, and now we would like to introduce you to special cat hats.

The post Ta pokrivala za mačke so obnorela internet appeared first on City Magazine.

When a Welsh Shepherd is mixed with another breed, the results are super cute Sun, 21 May 2017 04:02:07 +0000

If you want to see something super cute, then read on. Namely, we have collected the most beautiful mixes that are descendants of the Welsh shepherd ("corgi") and random breeds.

The post Ko se valižanski ovčar pomeša z drugo pasmo, so rezultati nadljubki appeared first on City Magazine.

Petcube Play: a device to play with your pet remotely Mon, 17 Apr 2017 04:12:13 +0000

Petcube Play is a tiny device that allows you to interact with your pet remotely. It contains a camera and a laser that you can use to animate, observe or talk to your animal while you are away from home.

The post Petcube Play: naprava za igranje s hišnim ljubljenčkom na daljavo appeared first on City Magazine.

These animals have priceless reactions to things they see for the first time! Sat, 18 Mar 2017 07:02:31 +0000

What does a husky do when it sees a kangaroo? What about kitties hearing and seeing a mammal for the first time? Their reactions are priceless and will undoubtedly make you laugh!

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Assistance dogs and their incredible loyalty Sun, 05 Mar 2017 05:02:39 +0000

How unwavering and incredible the loyalty of dogs can be is proven by helper dogs. They are not separated from their owners even upon death. To pay tribute to these wonderful animals, we have prepared a photo gallery where you can see these faithful helpers.

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Dim Dim: the lucky transparent swing for cats Wed, 22 Feb 2017 07:01:00 +0000

Do you want to treat your cat only to the best? Then consider this lucky Dim Dim swing, in which the cat can rest or play. Her lovely paws and round belly can now be observed from all angles.

The post Dim Dim: posrečena prozorna gugalnica za mačke appeared first on City Magazine.

These are the most expensive cat breeds in the world! Wed, 19 Oct 2016 06:09:28 +0000

Cat lovers, how much are you willing to pay for your dream furry companion? Is there a breed that completely captures you and you believe that one day you will be its owner or owner? Yes, cats can be very expensive and the prices of the most expensive cat breeds often exceed the price of a purebred pedigree dog! Therefore, quickly read which are the most expensive cat breeds in the world and what are their characteristics.

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Day of Slovenian Tibetan Terriers Thu, 12 Jun 2014 13:05:53 +0000

Saturday, June 14, will be a very special day, as for the first time Slovenian owners of one of the most popular breeds in Slovenia, Tibetan terriers, will gather en masse and spend the day in the company of their best four-legged friends.

The post Dan slovenskih tibetanskih terierjev appeared first on City Magazine.

The coolest cat beds Sat, 28 Dec 2013 23:00:27 +0000

Let's pamper felines with cool beds for endless winter purrs.

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