
Cat language: what cats communicate with the position of their tail

Photo: Anel Rossouw / Pexels

How well do you know cat talk? Find out what the furries are trying to tell you by the position of their tails. They don't just use it to find balance, they also use it to express their feelings.

You can recognize a cat's mood through its body language, which will tell you whether it is having a bad or good day, whether it is calm or angry, and many other things.

Cats have different forms of communication. In addition to meowing, they use special movements of the whole body, especially the tail, to express their emotions.

To master non-verbal communication with your cat, here are some tail positions that reveal what he is saying to you.

Read on to understand them better!

Raised tail and curved at the top

The position of the tail, which is slightly bent and raised high, often indicates a playful mood of the cat. When a cat bends its tail like that, it's a great moment for play. The cat craves your attention.

Puffy tail

When the cat's tail looks twice as thick, it is a sign of fear. She is probably extremely irritated and scared. She wags her tail to make herself look bigger and more dangerous, and to ward off the threat. In this way, he wants to protect himself from potential danger.

Let's go play. Photo: Maria Teneva / Unsplash

Dropped tail

If your cat has dropped its tail to the ground and bent it slightly to the side, this may indicate hesitation. Such a position of the tail means that someone or something has stolen her attention, which makes her feel insecure and wary. This pose is most often seen when the cat is outside the house, listening and surveying the space in which it is located.

Vertically raised tail

If your pet holds its tail straight and high in the air, know that its emotions are very positive. This position of the tail describes confidence, happiness and enthusiasm. If, when the cat approaches you with its tail raised, the upper third of its tail twitches, it means that it is extremely happy to see you.

Twisted tail

If the cat is lying down with its tail wrapped around its paws, it describes maximum relaxation, pleasure and carefreeness. However, if your pet wraps its tail around you or another kitten, this is a sign of sincere friendship. This pose describes love and great trust.

He moves his tail slowly

The cats, slowly moving their tails from side to side, saw something that caught their attention. They are very focused on something. You will usually notice this behavior when he sees a bird, fly or toy. It is usually a predatory stance that it usually displays just before pouncing on its prey.

A twitching tail

When the tip of the cat's tail twitches, it shows curiosity and excitement.

Watch out for me! Photo: 42 North / Unsplash

Dropped, hidden tail

When a cat tucks its tail under its body, it is a sign of fear or submission, because something is making it nervous. She often crouches slightly to make herself look smaller. This position describes fear and obedience, and cats most often show it when they are outside or in a new and unexplored environment.

Raised and quivering tail

Despite the fact that cats do not wag their tails like dogs do, sometimes they are so happy that their entire tails shake. When a cat approaches you with its tail raised high in the air, while shivering, it is actually telling you that you are the best thing in the world for it.

Tail whipping

Cats that strike or whip their tails also show their irritability. When the back and forth is jerky, it's time to back off.

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