relationship Archives | City Magazine Fri, 08 Mar 2024 08:59:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Why doesn't your ex want to let you go?! These are warning signs that the breakup will be difficult… Fri, 08 Mar 2024 08:59:56 +0000

Does your ex refuse to let you out of his life? These are the signs that warn you about this before…

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Reminders to read when leaving a toxic relationship Sat, 19 Nov 2022 05:01:55 +0000

The negative things they said about you were not true. Even though that person may be gone from your life forever, you can't wave a magic wand and forget all the things they said to you and how bad they made you feel.

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5 Reasons to Stay Single Until You Find True Love Thu, 06 Jan 2022 08:08:39 +0000

It is human nature to socialize, socialize and share our happiest moments as well as our darkest moments with each other. Therefore, it is completely normal if you have a great desire to meet a life partner and confidant. But that doesn't mean that just because you want a relationship, you have to go headlong into it. Here are 5 reasons to stay single until you find true love.

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A personality test that reveals the reason why your relationship will fail Thu, 16 Sep 2021 04:02:34 +0000

When we break up with someone, we often feel like it's our fault. We could try harder, be more tolerant, more patient... What is the cause? Is it really into us?

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Why are you afraid to end the relationship? The reason lies in your astrological sign! Wed, 15 Sep 2021 04:03:17 +0000

Are you afraid that you won't be able to live alone? Don't want to hurt your partner? Are you worried about what others will say?

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Do you know the difference between being loved and adapting to be loved? Mon, 26 Jul 2021 08:01:09 +0000

Do you love and be loved? Are you adapting to be loved? Are you their priority or do you turn a blind eye and accept all their blows as if they were a sign of love? Do you even know the difference between being loved and adapting to be loved?

The post Ali se zavedate razlike med biti ljubljen in prilagajanjem, da bi bili ljubljeni? appeared first on City Magazine.

Thanks for blocking me! Thu, 03 Jun 2021 04:07:35 +0000

Have you ever found yourself in a relationship where there was only one way out? Did you secretly believe and hope you were wrong? You thought the person loved you. How wrong you were! She left. She blocked you. And believe it or not, it's the best thing that could have happened to you. Tell her - THANK YOU!

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Don't waste your time with someone who isn't your priority! Tue, 25 May 2021 04:03:42 +0000

Don't waste your time or energy on something that doesn't even exist. There is nothing more frustrating than a potential relationship that goes nowhere. It's easy to fall into a trap too quickly, even though you recognize it, because it's not the first time it's happened. But how can you avoid this next time? Let's see.

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'Oh My God': Divorce Lawyers Reveal 12 Weirdest Reasons Their Clients Divorced Mon, 18 May 2020 04:01:59 +0000

"My client divorced her husband, where he insisted that he also take his mother on his honeymoon. Reason? Because mom STILL breastfed him! Yes, the husband, a grown man, was still breastfed by the mother."

The post “O moj bog”: ločitveni odvetniki razkrijejo 12 najbolj čudnih razlogov, zaradi katerih so se njihove stranke ločile appeared first on City Magazine.

If you are in a relationship and dream of any of these things, watch out! Something is wrong... Sat, 11 Jan 2020 05:01:50 +0000

Dreams are amazing, aren't they? In them you relax, "turn off" the brain and just enjoy your imagination... But not the subconscious, it is now at work!

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Devilishly Sexy and Special: 10 Reasons to Date a Girl With Tattoos! Mon, 01 Jul 2019 04:01:56 +0000

Women with tattoos are sexy. Many celebrities, such as Angelina Jolie, Megan Fox, Jessica Alba, Katy Perry and Adriana Lima, can boast not only of beauty, but also of a collection of tattoos adorning their bodies. You certainly wouldn't defend a date with them. Here are ten reasons why you should date a girl with tattoos.

The post Hudičevo seksi in posebna: 10 razlogov, zakaj na zmenek peljati punco s tatuji! appeared first on City Magazine.

People born under these astrological signs are at their best when they are single Fri, 23 Nov 2018 05:01:47 +0000

If you love freedom and know how to enjoy solitude, then you were probably born in one of these astrological signs.

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When can you release a dove in front of your partner for the first time and when can you introduce it to your parents? Fri, 02 Nov 2018 05:01:59 +0000

When did you first 'let it go' in front of your partner? Was it a good or bad decision? If your partner stayed with you, then you know he loves you no matter what. Otherwise, science also has an answer for the first fart in a relationship. When do you think you can release a dove in front of your partner for the first time?

The post Kdaj lahko pred partnerjem prvič spustiš golobčka in kdaj ga lahko predstaviš staršem? appeared first on City Magazine.

Which astrological sign should you never, ever, date? Sat, 22 Sep 2018 04:01:08 +0000

Any astrological sign can technically fall in love with any other astrological sign. But according to the compatibility of the zodiac, unfortunately, not all love relationships are written in the stars. Find out which astrological sign you really should never be in a relationship with.

The post S katerim astrološkim znamenjem nikoli, prav nikoli, ne bi smeli v razmerje? appeared first on City Magazine.

Can you guess the culprit behind over 200 divorces in 2018? Thu, 20 Sep 2018 04:01:48 +0000

Couples divorce for a variety of, often even bizarre, reasons. Nevertheless, we assure you that you have not thought of such a thing. Believe it or not, recently more and more divorces are to blame...

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A strange 'double-headed' hood is the best test of your relationship Wed, 18 Jul 2018 04:01:40 +0000

If your relationship isn't flourishing or you and your friend don't get along well, maybe a 'double-headed' hoodie is a miracle 'potion' that will bring you back together. It's worth a try.

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This is how you recognize a man who will turn your life into a nightmare Wed, 04 Apr 2018 04:01:07 +0000

A third of couples meet on social networks, and here are the online profiles of men who will turn your life into a nightmare.

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9 'rules' for a hot long-term relationship that every couple should know Tue, 02 Jan 2018 07:02:13 +0000

Individuals change over time, and so does our sex life - what once aroused us may no longer have the same weight today. Experts say that the key to a happy and fulfilling sex life in a long-term relationship is to experiment, change and explore. We have prepared 9 'rules' for a hot long-term relationship that every couple should know.

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This is what the wives of the richest people in the world look like Sun, 29 Oct 2017 05:01:59 +0000

Are the wives of billionaires really spoiled supermodels who spend their days between hairdressers and parties? No way. We dispelled the myths surrounding the wives of billionaires and decided to show you what the wives of the richest people in the world are actually like.

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You know you've already nailed it: how do couples tease each other? Sat, 15 Apr 2017 04:05:44 +0000

Conflicts and problems are present in every relationship, and with a magnifying glass you should look for an individual who is comfortable with this kind of relationship dynamic and enjoys it. But occasional, mischievous teasing is far from a serious problem. On the contrary, a gentle prank here and there is the perfect remedy for a relationship that becomes boring or cramped. In the video below, you can see how the couples tease each other.

The post Veš, da si tudi ti že to ušpičil: kako si pari med seboj nagajajo? appeared first on City Magazine.

If you are doing these 5 things, then the 'problem' in the relationship may be you Tue, 04 Apr 2017 06:02:11 +0000

Only an incredibly self-confident person admits that he is the one who made a mistake. Although admitting it is painful, it is the first step towards positive change. Of course, it takes two for a bad partnership, and we can sabotage it ourselves without even realizing it. If you are doing these 5 things, you are almost certainly the one who is the 'problem' in this relationship.

The post Če počneš teh 5 stvari, potem si ‘problem’ v razmerju lahko prav ti appeared first on City Magazine.

Why should you cut your hair after breaking up with your partner? Tue, 14 Mar 2017 07:03:33 +0000

The phenomenon of cutting hair after breaking up with a partner has already become known to the public. In the past, some of the most popular celebrities faithfully followed this. And the fact that the paparazzi and the media have turned this phenomenon into a real ritual is not so bad. Here are the reasons why you should consider cutting your hair after breaking up with your partner.

The post Zakaj bi si morali po razhodu s partnerjem postriči lase? appeared first on City Magazine.

The cutest couple in the world who have been dressing together for 37 years Wed, 08 Mar 2017 07:02:49 +0000

While some of us struggle to find matching pairs of socks every day, this coordinated couple from Japan struggles to match their outfits. And as you can see from the photos, they are probably the cutest couple in the world!

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What compliments should men not give to women? Wed, 08 Mar 2017 07:02:32 +0000

When it comes to flattering a woman, some men are total incompetents! In order to at least make things a little better, we've collected some well-intentioned comments from women on some of the compliments, please stop giving them!

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Couples explain what cheating is to them - but what is cheating to you? Fri, 03 Mar 2017 07:02:09 +0000

Cheating is always a hot topic. Just remember the recent clip 'He cheated on her. Now she wants to now why.', which raised a lot of dust. Although it seems that cheating is unambiguously defined, that we all interpret it in the same way, but - as you will find out below - it is actually a very broad concept. Have you ever asked your partner what he considers to be cheating? The answer may surprise you, as well as many couples in this video, which will not leave you indifferent.

The post Pari pojasnijo, kaj je zanje varanje – kaj pa je varanje za vas? appeared first on City Magazine.

The couple took pictures of their breakup. People don't know what to think. Sun, 26 Feb 2017 07:03:08 +0000

Love is wonderful and many people want to perpetuate the partnership in which I feel at home. But what happens if someone decides to document their breakup? The young couple did exactly that, causing an avalanche of confused responses. The photos are really emotional and we certainly go on a real emotional merry-go-round with them. But what do we feel when we look at them?

The post Par je fotografiral svoj razhod. Ljudje ne vedo, kaj naj si mislijo. appeared first on City Magazine.

The painful confrontation of a deceived girl with an adulterer Sat, 18 Feb 2017 04:15:43 +0000

Get ready, you will not remain indifferent when watching this video. The video, simply subtitled 'He cheated on her. Now she wants to now why.' (He cheated on her. Now I want to know why.), is a six-minute-and-44-second emotional trauma that holds within it what most cannot: forgiveness.

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It's time to forget them: male stereotypes about women that do not hold true at all Sat, 18 Feb 2017 04:01:08 +0000

It is often difficult for women to build a happy and harmonious relationship with a man ... because in their minds they often have various myths and stereotypes about what is right and what is wrong and what really attracts men about them. .

The post Čas je, da nanje pozabite: moški stereotipi o ženskah, ki sploh NE DRŽIJO appeared first on City Magazine.

It won't cross your mind: these movies will discourage you from cheating Tue, 10 Jan 2017 07:03:36 +0000

If you've been with someone for five weeks, five months, or twenty-five years, you know that loyalty is often tested. Even if you love your partner, you may encounter temptations and people who are simply attracted to you. Why people cheat is hard to pin down—no doubt a strong physical attraction is involved, as well as a host of emotional reasons. But you shouldn't cheat anyway! This has negative consequences for both your partner and yourself, and it can push some people to the very edge of what is 'allowed'. Here are the movies that will convince you that cheating is not worth it!

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Why should you be in a relationship with an only child? Tue, 08 Nov 2016 07:15:30 +0000

Although single men and women are often labeled as extremely spoiled, this is not always true. This is mainly due to some self-centered and spoiled individuals who, by some unfortunate coincidence, are also only children. It is true that individuals may be recognized more quickly, but this is not necessarily a bad thing. They are also known for bringing a lot of love to a partnership. Here are 5 reasons why you should be in a relationship with an only child.

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A paranoid girl wrote to a boy 10 rules of behavior that he must adhere to on a trip Tue, 09 Aug 2016 05:21:17 +0000

Do you also have a girlfriend who constantly tells you what to do and what not to do, who controls your behavior, is overly jealous, impatient and obsessed with you? Do you think your girlfriend is possessive? What can only Kieran Lumsden say then, to whom his girlfriend Whitney Travers wrote 10 rules of behavior - the second commandment says: No girls! You must not look at them, talk to them or touch them! – which he must stick to on an outing with friends, otherwise nothing good will be written about him.

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How to drive him crazy — the man you like? Wed, 22 Jun 2016 06:35:54 +0000

Wondering how to drive the man you like crazy? Driving him crazy isn't just a "coincidence" of your character traits or fashion style. Much more is needed for this. There are countless reasons why we fall in love with someone (besides his/her cuteness, of course). And when we truly understand the rules of attraction, we will be masters of seduction! Of course, it all starts with attraction, but to really warm to someone, we have to have the desire to connect with them. So, how do you drive a man you like crazy?

The post Kako ga obnoreti — moškega, ki ti je všeč? appeared first on City Magazine.

Zveza na daljavo: par, ki na domiseln način kljubuje ”črni statistiki” Sat, 21 Nov 2015 04:43:06 +0000

The rare long-distance relationship is doomed to success. At least this is how we can understand many studies that have shown that partners break up sooner or later. A long distance relationship can be very frustrating. And what to do when even Skype is no longer enough? A Korean couple currently in such a situation has come up with an ingenious way to connect with each other through art (a photo collage), successfully defying the "black statistics".

The post Zveza na daljavo: par, ki na domiseln način kljubuje ”črni statistiki” appeared first on City Magazine.

6 tips on how to get over a breakup as quickly as possible Sat, 03 Oct 2015 03:35:55 +0000

It doesn't matter if you and your partner have been together for just three months or a decade - breaking up always hurts. When we fall in love and let a new person into our lives, with whom we share all areas of our lives, our body is flooded with hormones of happiness, while the breakup of a relationship and the departure of a partner can feel like complete destruction. Even if we are not the initiator of the end of a love relationship, we can feel great sadness when our partner leaves. Here are 6 tips to get over a breakup as quickly as possible…

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15 signs that we are in a relationship with the right man Wed, 15 Apr 2015 06:10:54 +0000

When it comes to partnerships and interpersonal relationships, we often wonder how some people can get involved with others. We wonder why they don't just walk away if they're not happy, and hopefully they appreciate their partner if they've hit it off, so to speak. Where is the normal limit, when it is necessary to evaluate a healthy relationship, it is sometimes difficult to determine, but we can ask ourselves how good the person we are in a relationship with is. This time, we have compiled a list of qualities that testify to how good a man is in a relationship with a woman, or what are the signs that show that we are in a relationship with the right man. Of course, these traits and signs also apply to women. For a healthy and good relationship, both of you have to make an effort.

The post 15 znakov, da smo v vezi s pravim moškim appeared first on City Magazine.

Matching tattoos of couples who believe in eternal love Mon, 23 Mar 2015 07:05:47 +0000

True love and tattoos have a lot in common - they are eternal, they don't fade, their meaning doesn't fade away and they can definitely be painful. If you're thinking of immortalizing your love with a tattoo that, like your feelings, will be with you "forever", check out our selection of the most beautiful and romantic (as well as fun) matching tattoos for couples before making a decision.

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Before-after photos of couples that prove that love can last forever Fri, 27 Feb 2015 06:55:46 +0000

We have proof that love can last forever. Don't believe it? Photos of elderly couples still in love are solid proof that even years after marriage, some people still can't wait to throw themselves into the arms of their loved one every day. See before-and-after photos of couples that prove love can last forever...

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First Kiss: One Year Later – parodija na vse njune ”prve” Thu, 05 Feb 2015 05:12:31 +0000

Last year, Tatia Pilieva asked 20 strangers to kiss for the first time in front of the camera (First Kiss). A good year ago, BarelyPolitical prepared a video where she filmed a parody of all the first things that happened to them in their almost one-year relationship with the couple who were brought together by the First Kiss.

The post First Kiss: One Year Later – parodija na vse njune ”prve” appeared first on City Magazine.

Little Riot, Pillow Talk: The bracelet that connects couples Sun, 04 Jan 2015 05:25:28 +0000

There are few things as challenging as a long distance relationship. No matter how many distractions we give ourselves, we will still be glued to our phones most of the time, waiting for a call or text. The Pillow Talk bracelet, created by Little Riot, is a great alternative that will bring you and your partner closer.

The post Little Riot, Pillow Talk: zapestnica, ki povezuje pare appeared first on City Magazine.

Nine gestures of a true cavalier Sat, 13 Dec 2014 05:00:16 +0000

In a world full of quick flings, one-night stands and, unfortunately, infidelity, the easiest thing we can do is to adapt. Women thus tremble during the first months of a relationship and just wait for something to go wrong, be it the result of experience or just caution. It is a welcome relief that there are also those true cavaliers in the world who exude chivalry even in the smallest of actions and remind us not to give up just yet. So what are the nine most common gestures of a gentleman?

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Questions that we must ask our partner before marriage Sun, 16 Nov 2014 05:15:38 +0000

We are all looking for a magic formula that would help us maintain good relationships in a mutually loving relationship for the rest of our lives. They say that marriage is not only a blessing, but also a curse, so marriage should be a conscious and well-thought-out decision. Read which questions we must ask both our partner and ourselves before marriage.

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