
6 tips on how to get over a breakup as quickly as possible


It doesn't matter if you and your partner have been together for just three months or a decade - breaking up always hurts. When we fall in love and let a new person into our lives, with whom we share all areas of our lives, our body is flooded with hormones of happiness, while the breakup of a relationship and the departure of a partner can feel like complete destruction. Even if we are not the initiator of the end of a love relationship, we can feel great sadness when our partner leaves. Here are 6 tips to get over a breakup as quickly as possible…

When we fall in love, our body is flooded with hormones of happiness, due to which we feel extreme pleasure and satisfaction. Since the opposite happens when a relationship breaks up, we have prepared 6 tips on how to get over a former love as quickly as possible.

Let's give ourselves time to grieve

If we were in a relationship for six months or less, we allow one week to mourn. But if we were in a relationship for several years, don't expect to get over your ex-partner in less than a month. Let's admit that we are sad and give ourselves a few days to grieve, then give up and follow the advice below.

Let's cut off all contact

Cut off all contact with your ex-partner for at least one month. Let's delete him/her from Facebook and other social networks, delete his/her phone number and avoid places where he/she likes to hang out. It's hard to get over someone if we're up to date every day on what they're doing, where they are, who they're hanging out with...

Let's surround ourselves with friends

It often happens that while we are in a relationship, we forget about the whole world. After the end of a relationship, it is time to rekindle friendships and connect with people we were with before entering the relationship. If we haven't forgotten about them in the relationship, so much the better!

Let's not forget sports

Let's ride bikes, run, swim, box! Any daily activity will contribute to our overall well-being and great physique, which will make us feel much more confident (especially when we meet our ex).

Let's focus on the future

Let's avoid constantly thinking about ex-love and dreaming about the possibility of rekindling the relationship. We prefer to focus on the future, take care of our health, well-being and social life. Everything else will take care of itself.

Let's stay positive and not rush

Let's replace toxic thoughts like "it's all my fault" and "I'll never meet anyone like him again" with thoughts "I'm worthy" better" and "I finally know what I want". Also, let's not rush and jump into the arms of the first bidder/s. Let's let the wounds heal well and forget about poor-quality plasters that come off too quickly...

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