

100 let stare fotografije najlepših žensk prejšnjega stoletja.


Lepoto dojemamo na različne 方法. Moda se spreminja na tedenski ravni, tako da ni čudno, da je pred  stoletjem bil videz  lepotic popolnoma drugačen. Okusi se razlikujejo, a ne moremo zanikati, da fotografije žensk, ki smo jih zbrali v galeriji slik, prikazujejo njihovo naravno in ‘čisto’ lepoto, brez lepotnih posegov.

Mar ni njihova lepota sanjska?

Lina Cavalieri, italijanska operna pevka

Ione Bright, broadwayska igralka


Cleo de Merode, francoska operna pevka



がシェアした投稿 Catherine Pettinger Pleimling (@catherinepettinger) on

Carolina Otero, francoska igralka in pevka


~ The famous dancer, La belle Otero ~ . Carolina “La Belle” Otero (1868–1965) was a Spanish actress, dancer and courtesan. Born Augustina del Carmen Otero Iglesias in Valga, she was the daughter of a Spanish single mother, Carmen Otero Iglesias, and a Greek army officer, named Carasson. Her family was impoverished, and as a child she moved to Santiago de Compostela working as a maid. At ten she was raped, and at fourteen she left home with her boyfriend and dancing partner, and began working as a singer/dancer in Lisbon. In 1888 she found a sponsor in Barcelona who moved with her to Marseilles in order to promote her dancing career in France. She soon left him and created the character of La Belle Otero, fancying herself an Andalusian gypsy. She was pretty, confident, intelligent, with an attractive figure. She wound up as the star of Folies Bèrgere productions in Paris. One of her most famous costumes featured her voluptuous bosom partially covered with glued-on precious gems, and the twin cupolas of the Hotel Carlton built in 1912 in Cannes are popularly said to have been modeled upon her breasts. Within a short number of years, Otero grew to be the most sought after woman in all of Europe. She was serving, by this time, as a courtesan to wealthy and powerful men of the day, and she chose her lovers carefully. She associated herself with the likes of Kaiser Wilhelm II, Prince Albert I of Monaco, King Edward VII of the United Kingdom, Kings of Serbia, and Kings of Spain as well as Russian Grand Dukes Peter and Nicholas, the Duke of Westminster and writer Gabriele D'Annunzio. Her love affairs made her infamous, and the envy of many other notable female personalities of the day. Six men reportedly committed suicide after their love affairs with Otero ended. In August 1898, in St-Petersburg, the French film operator Félix Mesguich (an employee of the Lumière company) shot a one-minute reel of Otero performing the famous "Valse Brillante." . #labelleotero #carolinaotero #dancer #courtesan #history #historylover #woman #queen #strong #art #artlover #arthistory #historyofart #artist #painting #womenfromhistory

がシェアした投稿 ~Women from History~ (@womenfromhistory) on

Maude Fealy, igralka

Jean Aylwin, igralka

Rita Martin, igralka


Olga, hči carja Nikolaja II.


Luzonka s Filipinov

Lily Elsie, igralka in pevka


Mary Pickford, igralka

Valli “Valli” Knust, igralka


Gabrielle Ray, pevka, igralka in plesalka

Doris Stocker, glasbenica in igralka

Agnes Ayres, filmska zvezda

2004 年からあなたとともに

年から 2004 私たちは都市のトレンドをリサーチし、情熱を刺激するライフスタイル、旅行、スタイル、製品の最新情報をフォロワーのコミュニティに毎日お知らせします。 2023 年からは、世界の主要言語でコンテンツを提供します。