
新婚夫婦は33カ国を訪問 - 花嫁はいつもウェディングドレスを着ていた

新婚夫婦は33カ国を訪問 - 花嫁はいつもウェディングドレスを着ていた


Mladoporočenca Nick in Zoe Aust sta dve leti varčevala za sanjsko poroko世界中を旅する. Željo sta tudi 達成したporočila sta se in leto 2018 意図されました po različnih svetovnih destinacijah. Prepotovala sta 33 dežel, nevesta je pustila službo, da bi se lahko odpravila na medene tedne življenja in vse sta dokumentirala na svojem profilu na Instagramu.

Nick in Zoe sta se spoznala v srednji šoliエネルギー med njima ni bila dovolj 強い, da bi že takrat začela svojo ljubezensko zgodbo. Leta kasneje sta se ponovno srečala in začutila 火花, ki ju je pripeljala do oltarja.


From the moment I bought my wedding dress, people hesitantly asked me to see it. Picking up on their nervousness I’d reply, ‘I’m only wearing it for one day so might as well show everyone and get a little more out of it’…And then it clicked. Who says I can only wear this dress for one day? Why can’t I bring the dress that makes me feel the most beautiful to the most beautiful places around the world with us? I mentioned the idea to Nick and he quickly came back with the concept of ‘Marry Me In’. If you’ve been confused on our name or what we’re doing, here it goes… We’re newlyweds, Nick and Zoe, who quit our jobs in the States to have a year long honeymoon around the world. We’re going everywhere we’ve ever wanted, doing things we’ve always wanted to do and we brought my dress along because… Why not? Life is short. Go on that vacation. Wear your wedding dress again and again. Change your job. Move to a new place. Do whatever it is that makes you happy. And most importantly be sure follow along on our adventure and see where •Marry Me In• takes us. . . . . . . . #marrymein #bangkok #wedding #weddingdress #marrymeinbangkok #travel #wanderlust #vacation #visiting #instatravel #instago #trip #holiday #photooftheday #tourism #tourist #instapassport #instatraveling #travelgram #igtravel #thailand

がシェアした投稿 Nick, Zoe & Pierre 🐶 (@marrymeintravel) on

Leto in pol sta hodila、 いつ Nick Zoe povedal, naj ničesar ne načrtuje za vikend, ker se bosta odpravila na アイスランド, nato bosta šla v パリ. Zadnji dan potovanja je bil 特別, saj sta se na poti do レストラン, kjer naj bi pojedla 朝食, ustavila pred Eifflovim stolpom – tam je Nick šel na kolena そして彼女 zaprosil za roko.

Že takrat sta vedela, da si želita sanjsko poroko in skupno 旅行, zato sta opravljala različna dela, da bi prihranila čim več denarja. Zavedala sta se, da življenje teče zelo hitro in je bil ‘prav takrat’ pravi trenutek, da se odpravita na pot.

Prepotovala sta 33 dežel, ki sta bili na njuni ‘wish’ listi. Ker sta preprosto želela izstopiti iz svojega območja udobja, sta se odločila, da bosta potovala v poročni obleki.

Ustvarila sta nepozabne 思い出 の上 desetmesečnem potovanju, Nicku je bila najbolj všeč 日本 なぜなら 文化, 台所歴史の, Zoe je očarala 七面鳥, in sicer kraj Cappadocia.




Hard to believe that a week ago we were standing in front of Mount Everest. It’s honestly really difficult to put into words what we were feeling this day. Moments like this are the exact reason we took this trip and started #marrymein. It’s always been about doing something different. Getting out of a routine. Out of our comfort zones. Not caring what other people think even if they don’t understand exactly what we’re doing. Experiencing the moments we once looked at on someone else’s Instagram. So if you get anything from our posts or our page we hope you get a push outside your comfort zone, whatever that might mean for you 🙌🏼 . . . . Marry Me In… Nepal, at Mount Everest. And a special thanks to @himalayanglacier for making this moment possible. Blog post coming soon! 🚁🏔 . . . . . . #MarryMeInNepal #MountEverest #Everest #Nepal #MountEverestOfficial #iamtb #thediscoverer #dirtybootsandmessyhair #wanderingweddings #authenticlovemag #firstandlasts #belovedstories #WDOfficial #nepal8thwonder #himalayanglacier #nepalheart #thewanderingtourist #girlsabroad #exploretheworld #sidewalkerdaily #YOLOLTTW #starttheadventure #girlaroundtheworld #thattravelblog #femaletravelbloggers #shewhowanders #watters #lookslikefilm #theknot #weddingwire

がシェアした投稿 Nick, Zoe & Pierre 🐶 (@marrymeintravel) on


If you’re new here we’re Nick and Zoe. 3 1/2 months ago we got married in New Jersey and then left on the adventure of a lifetime traveling the world. Our hope is that by following us one of you (hopefully more) feel pushed to do something outside your comfort zone. Whatever that might mean for you! For us it means creating #marrymein and wearing our wedding attire in the most incredible places in the world. Would you believe us if we told you this was taken today in New Zealand?! If you want to read more about our adventure head to the link in our bio because @dailyvoicebergencounty just did a story on it! 📰 . Marry Me In… New Zealand at Mount Cook 🏔 . . . . . . #MarryMeIn #MarryMeInNewZealand #NewZealand #newzealandguide #newzealandvacations #newzealandfinds #wonderlustnewzealand #ig_newzealand #newzealandvacations #newzealandnatural #dirtybootsandmessyhair #wanderingweddings #authenticlovemag #firstandlasts #belovedstories #WDOfficial #exploretheworld #girlsthatwander #watters #theknot #theglobewanderer #passionpassport #hikevibes #travelblogger #worldplaces #travelandleisure #femmetravel #exploringtheglobe #igtravel #instapassport

がシェアした投稿 Nick, Zoe & Pierre 🐶 (@marrymeintravel) on

2004 年からあなたとともに

年から 2004 私たちは都市のトレンドをリサーチし、情熱を刺激するライフスタイル、旅行、スタイル、製品の最新情報をフォロワーのコミュニティに毎日お知らせします。 2023 年からは、世界の主要言語でコンテンツを提供します。