
ソーシャルメディア詐欺: それが真実と写真の違いです

ソーシャルメディア詐欺: それが真実と写真の違いです

人々はソーシャル ネットワーク上で自分自身を最高の光で表現したいと考えています。これが、自分の人生の写真を公開するときに、良い写真やビデオを得るために別の見知らぬ人の人生を生きていることがよくあるほど現実を操作する理由です。

To, da želimo s svojimi objavami na družbenih omrežjih svoje življenje prikazati karseda pozitivno, ni nič nenavadnega – ljudje smo že po svoji naravi takšni, da želimo na vsak način vzbuditi 他人の賞賛.

Še preden posnetke objavimo, se moramo prepričati, ali je vse v najlepšem redu – najprej je potrebno iz množice posnetih fotografij izbrati najprimernejšo, ki jo nato v programih za urejanje slik in videov prilagodimo našim zahtevam. Pa naj gre za fotografijo ljubkega kužka, slastnega obroka, čudovite narave ali selfi – v vsakem primeru nam ustvarjanje objave, ki jo želimo deliti s svojimi sledilci, vzame veliko časa in truda.
In čemu vso to igranje? Zakaj ne bi enkrat za spremembo na Instagram objavili 写真, s katero boste predstavili svoj vsakdan?

V nadaljevanju vam prilagamo fotografije, ki dokazujejo, da NISMO vsi lepi, NISMO vsi bogati, NE JEMO vsi najboljše hrane, NE HODIMO na dopust na najboljše turistične destinacije … – te fotografije odražajo razlike med objavami na družbenih omrežjih in resničnim življenjem.

1. Kaj vse je potrebno za dobro sliko?


Instagram vs Reality – What goes on behind the scenes!! 💁‍♀️ — The lengths we go to to get Insta worthy photos 😂😂 Here's me climbing up a pile of wobbly rocks after taking the photo on the left!! 😂😂 — Nobody looks perfect 24/7 it's physically impossible and most of the time we only show the good photos not the ones where we are struggling to flawlessly climb up these rocks gracefully 😂😂 — People always tell me how tiny my waist is or how they wish they had bigger legs like mine!! Even though my legs are probably the part im most self conscious with!! Don't get me wrong I've worked really hard on my journey so far to get were I currently am and I'm finally starting to embrace and love my body let's face it we can all try and change our bodies as much as we like and it will work to a certain extent but genetics also play a massive part so we have to love what we have been blessed with I'm far from perfect, We all know what angles make us look our best however our camera roll is also full of so many photos where we got those angles so wrong 😂 But you will rarely see those… — Stop comparing yourselves to anyone else on social media or to what society deems as "perfect" and start embracing your own beauty that you already have and becoming more comfortable in your own skin!! There is only one of us and that is so powerful it's what makes us all unique!! 💙

がシェアした投稿 Maddy Gayton (@maddygayton_fituk) on

2. Pri miru ne pustimo niti hišnih ljubljenčkov.

3. Popolna družina

4. Zdravo prehranjevanje

5. Sanjski moški


6. Brezskrben dan ob morju

7. Čistoča na vrhuncu

8. Uživanje na vodni blazini

9. Oglasi ne odražajo resničnega stanja.


10. Ljubek par


••• Instagram vs. Reality. ••• Hach, ich feiere diesen Schnappschuss so sehr. Beide Bilder zeigen uns. Schmachtend und noch immer schwerverliebt – und uns ärgernd und so tuend als wäre Liebe etwas nervtötendes. Das sind halt wir – verliebte Spinner. Und das ist gut so. Wir sind gut so. Liebe ist gut so. Alles ist gut so. Das Leben ist gut so. Gut so mit dir. Gut so mit mir. Gut so mit uns. Gut so für immer. #Stinkiliebe ❤️💩 ________________________________ #instagramvsreality #instagramvsreallife #liebe #love #relationshipgoals #relationship #happiness #fun #quality #gutso #dankbar #thankful #happygirl #smile #qualitytime #beyourself #beyourbest #beach #beachvibes #beachlife #mv #stralsund #balticsea #ostseekinder #liebe #always #altefähr #glücklichsein

がシェアした投稿 How you doin’? (@richvanea) on

11. Čudežna moč ličil in Photoshopa


I look at other girls Instagram sometimes and get super insecure because of their perfect skin and perfect body and perfect life. But then I remember that Instagram literally doesn’t say shit about a person or their life. We don’t see their struggles or THEIR insecurities (bc spoiler alert: EVERYONE has them), we just see what they choose to show us. If you go around on social media comparing yourself to others you’re basically comparing yourself to someones highlight reel, not their real life. You’re comparing yourself to photoshop, lighting, the right angle, sucking in, fake laughing, 2hrs of hair and makeup, a bomb photographer and about 1000 more things. I’m not saying people are fake, I’m just saying this is a platform where people choose what to show you, they choose their best photos. No one wants to highlight their insecurities, struggles, heartbreaks and their anxiety. Stop the comparison game. Stop getting down on yourself because you don’t look like that. They might not even look like that. _______________________________________________________ #embraceyourreal #instavsreality #selflovefirst #skinproblems #acne #acnescarring #comparisonisthethiefofjoy #youareenough #youarebeautiful #acnesufferer #postacne #acnescars #nomoreacne #hyperpigmentation #selflovewarrior #keepingitreal

がシェアした投稿 Lea Alexandra 🔮 (@skinwithlea) on

12. Crkljanje z našimi partnerji

13. Zavajanje turistov

14. Zdrav zajtrk

15. Vse za gladko in mehko kožo

2004 年からあなたとともに

年から 2004 私たちは都市のトレンドをリサーチし、情熱を刺激するライフスタイル、旅行、スタイル、製品の最新情報をフォロワーのコミュニティに毎日お知らせします。 2023 年からは、世界の主要言語でコンテンツを提供します。