
Jex Thoth

SLO (scroll down for english text)

중요한 정보
Metelkova , Ljubljana
페이스북 이벤트

SLO (scroll down for english text)

Po pevki poimenovana skupina Jex Thoth je mitološki psihedelični rock/doom kvintet iz San Francisca. V njihovi glasbi najdemo nekaj iztočnic od Black Sabbath in nekaj retro eksperimentiranja sposojenega od npr. Amon Düül II ali kakšne druge 70’s drugged out hipijade.

Jedro skupine sestavljata pevka Jessica (Jex) in basist James Jackson Toth, kateri je znan tudi po tem, da je vodja eksperimentalne skupine Wooden Wand. 

Pričeli so pod imenom Totem, a po izidu EPja z istim imenom, so se prekrstili v Jex Thoth in se spravili k sestavljanju polnomastnega albuma s pomočjo kitarista Silasa Paina, bobnarja Johnnyja Deeja in klaviaturista Zodiaca.

Album so dokončali leta 2008 in z njim preplavili ušesa svetovnega prebivalstva. Za sabo imajo od takrat vsega fuk festivalskih (Roadburn festival, Hammer of Doom, Stoned from the Underground itd.) in nefestivalskih koncertov.

Na tokratni turneji nas maja blagoslovijo v Gromki, ki je idealna dvorana za zblojene počasnosti.

Glede na to, da bo delovni dan, se bo koncert končal še pred polnočjo (odpremo ob 22h in koncert se začne 10 minut po tem)

Vstopnice na voljo v predprodaji pri meni (Celje, Ljubljana in okolica ali preko pošte – pišite na evkaliptus666@gmail.com ali na zasebno sporočilo) ali preko On Parole spletne trgovine:http://www.on-parole.com/shop/en/35704-jex-thoth-ljubljana-17052012-ticket.html

Predprodajna cena je 10€


Jex Thoth is a mythological psychedelic rock / doom metal five-piece band from San Francisco, California, United States formed in 2007.

Named after the band’s striking female vocalist, Jex Thoth take their cues from the metallic strains of Black Sabbath and the retro experimentalism of Amon Düül II.

Jex Thoth (formerly Jessica Toth) and bassist James Jackson Toth, leader of the experimental outfit Wooden Wand, and credited here as Grim Jim, form the core of the group, which originally took shape under the name Totem. 

After issuing an EP with that moniker, the group rechristened itself Jex Thoth and set to work on a full-length album, with guitarist Silas Paine and drummer Johnny Dee joining the lineup during the process. Keyboardist Zodiac completed the lineup, and Jex Thoth debuted in 2008 with a self-titled album of thudding, psychedelic acid rock.

Since the concert takes place on a weekday it will end before midnight. We open the doors at 22.00 and the concert will start 10 minutes later.

Tickets in presale cost 10€ and are available on evkaliptus666@gmail.com or onhttp://www.on-parole.com/shop/en/35704-jex-thoth-ljubljana-17052012-ticket.html

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