equipment Archives | City Magazine Wed, 10 Jul 2024 06:55:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Home Decorating Mistakes: 8 Decorating Mistakes That Make Your Home Look Like Chaos Wed, 10 Jul 2024 06:55:32 +0000

Everyone wants their home to be neat and attractive. However, some decorative choices can have the opposite effect. In this post, we explore eight common decorating mistakes that can make your home look messy and chaotic. If you avoid them, your space will work more harmoniously and pleasantly.

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What colors to choose for a children's room? Sat, 29 Jun 2024 03:32:32 +0000

Choosing the right color for a child's room can be a pleasant but at the same time challenging task. The right color can create a stimulating environment that evolves with your child as they grow. The wrong color can mean that you will soon be holding a painting tool in your hands again. In this article, we present five color options for children's rooms, along with decorating tips to help you create a space that is both fun and functional.

The post Kakšne barve izbrati za otroško sobo? appeared first on City Magazine.

5 small steps to a stylish apartment: quick tricks for big changes Wed, 21 Feb 2024 06:36:42 +0000

Your home is more than just a place where you sleep and eat; it is a reflection of your personality, a refuge where comfort, functionality and aesthetics meet. But sometimes it seems that the path to elegance and style is shrouded in mystery. So how do you make your home truly reflect your personal aesthetic and become the pinnacle of timeless charm? The secret is not in the accumulation of valuable objects, but in the art of deprivation. By de-cluttering and choosing every element thoughtfully, from the front door to the bathroom towels, you can transform your home into a stylish space that breathes with you. Are you ready to take a journey down the path of less is more that will breathe new life into your home? Follow us into the heart of this article, where we reveal how, with a few simple steps, you can turn your home into a real haven of elegance and style. It's 5 steps to a stylish apartment.

The post 5 majhnih korakov do elegantnega stanovanja: hitri triki za velike spremembe appeared first on City Magazine.

What are the most popular bathroom trends for 2024? Thu, 01 Feb 2024 07:53:36 +0000

The year 2024 brought a breath of fresh air to bathroom design, where functionality and privacy traditionally meet. This year's bathroom trends are designed to create a space that serves as a refuge from the outside world and a place for revitalization.

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5 items you need to get rid of to make your home look more stylish and modern Mon, 16 Oct 2023 05:13:07 +0000

In the field of interior design, trends dictate that it is necessary to furnish the home in such a way that it works both pleasantly and elegantly. Sometimes achieving a stylish look requires more than just adding new pieces; it's about making intentional choices and letting go of items that may be getting in the way of your home. Let's explore the key items to remove and replace to make your home more stylish.

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Do you want to furnish your home sustainably? These expert tricks will make the task easy Tue, 30 Aug 2022 05:42:14 +0000

Once upon a time, minimalism was in trend, then a number of different trendy styles of interior decoration followed, but today sustainability is the main guide. This is not only a current trend, but a necessity if we want to create an environmentally friendly society and preserve our planet. Check out some tips for more sustainable home furnishing.

The post Želite trajnostno opremiti svoj dom? S temi triki strokovnjakov bo naloga enostavna appeared first on City Magazine.

Camping Gear: Cool Outdoor Camping Gadgets Wed, 15 Jun 2022 04:08:19 +0000

We all know that camping can be a relaxing escape from everyday life. You can bathe in the forest, exchange the sound of traffic for the songs of wind, water and birds, and make memories with friends and family. For pleasant and comfortable camping in nature, you also need accessories that will make your life in nature easier, and we reveal these to you in the article.

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Home trends 2022: JYSK presented trends for home furnishings Tue, 15 Feb 2022 09:26:54 +0000

The 2022 is designed to meet the expectations of customers in terms of new colors and shapes, as well as the type of material that is becoming increasingly important in the choice. JYSK has created three new trends for the spring and summer season, which complement each other and at the same time contain different products that work perfectly on their own.

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14 things every man needs in his home Thu, 23 Sep 2021 04:02:00 +0000

Just like the clothes you wear, the space you live in says a lot about you. From what's in your bathroom cabinet to the state of your bedroom and kitchen. So if the contents of your home paint a picture of who you are, make sure the first impression is sophisticated. So what does every man need in his home?

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Tricks for quick home renovation: with low costs to a tidy apartment Thu, 22 Jul 2021 04:01:05 +0000

A thorough renovation of the apartment is not only a burdensome process for the members of the household, but also puts a considerable burden on the family budget. We usually decide to do this every few years, so it's important to plan everything carefully in advance.

The post Triki za hitro prenovo doma: z nizkimi stroški do urejenega stanovanja appeared first on City Magazine.

10 things every adult should have in their home Thu, 03 Jun 2021 04:20:03 +0000

Most people who move to a new or even their first apartment bring with them things that do not belong in the new home. Many people also have an overwhelming desire to buy various items that they can't seem to live without. But all this leads to unnecessary expenses and junk that accumulates in the apartment. That's why there's a rule about basic gear that shows you're grown up.

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Best hiking gear for women 2021 Fri, 19 Feb 2021 05:00:21 +0000

Make sure you equip yourself with the best hiking gear for women 2021 before you hit the hills. Because only suitable and comfortable gear will ensure that your endeavors will be safe, warm, dry and memorable. A period of beautiful days is ahead of us, so don't delay at all and head out into nature well prepared. This is the best hiking gear for women 2021!

The post Najboljša pohodniška oprema za ženske 2021 appeared first on City Magazine.

Dog lovers reveal where the best deals on dog equipment and food are Tue, 12 May 2020 04:15:38 +0000

If you're a dog owner, you definitely want the best for your furry friends. That's why it's good to choose quality food and treats for them, occasionally reward them with a new toy and make sure that their life is optimal even when they are left alone during the day. Dog lovers have let out a secret that you can buy all this and more from this online retailer!

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The Planet chair: maximum comfort for your home Wed, 24 Jan 2018 05:01:36 +0000

Comfort is something we strive for. Either at home, at work or during transport. And it's nice when we come across a piece of furniture that invites us over and over again, because we feel great on it or next to it, relax or just admire it for a short time. The Planet chair will evoke some similar feelings from you.

The post Stol The Planet: največje udobje za vaš dom appeared first on City Magazine.

Ikea with furniture you can assemble without tools Wed, 08 Mar 2017 07:02:05 +0000

Assembling Ikea furniture was already quite simple, but it will become even easier in the future. Ikea has invented a way to assemble furniture units without any tools!

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Ikea named the products after the interpersonal problems they solve Sun, 11 Dec 2016 07:06:07 +0000

They say that for every disease a rose grows, and Ikea says that for every problem in an interpersonal relationship its product 'grows'. Ikea is known for having products with interesting names. This is no coincidence, as the founder is dyslexic. Therefore, instead of product codes, he invented a naming system to make products easier to remember. He named garden furniture after Swedish islands, gave chairs and tables male names, larger products after major Swedish places... Now Ikea turned to Google for inspiration and named the products after the most searched terms in the field of relationship problems. Each product solves the problem for which it was named.

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Stone Rug: a futuristic carpet made of stone veneer Tue, 05 Jan 2016 04:46:27 +0000

Stone Rug is a futuristic carpet made of flexible stone veneer. Designer and architect Dominik Raskin drew inspiration for the unusual carpet from polyart, a popular digital technique. Raskin has long been involved in 3D printing and modeling, and with the Stone Rug, digital forms have crossed over into the real world.

The post Stone Rug: futuristična preproga iz kamnitega furnirja appeared first on City Magazine.

LifeStraw straw - a must-have for every adventurer Fri, 09 May 2014 04:10:16 +0000

If you like camping or going on a multi-day trip, the LifeStraw should become your must-have. It is intended for drinking water from any water source in the middle of nature. The water filter inside works with hollow fiber technology and eliminates harmful organisms down to 0.2 microns in size. We tested the LifeStraw and we guarantee it works!

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Extreme and vital to the new specialty store Thu, 13 Mar 2014 06:23:53 +0000

There are quite a few of us rooters who have already gone down the slopes with our bicycle mounts and checked whether we are missing any piece of equipment. From now on, we can also look for it in the newly opened Extreme Vital bike shop, which has sprung to life in the capital.

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A stool that turns into a coffee table or bookshelf Thu, 27 Feb 2014 06:02:45 +0000

At first glance, it may seem like an ordinary chair that surprises with its functional simplicity. The design chair made of ash wood and steel can easily be transformed into a coffee table or even a bookshelf. The Steel Stool comes from the design studio Noon. It is a concept that preserves the interaction created by the dynamics of the use of different materials, the manufacturing process and the designer.

The post Stolček, ki se spremeni v mizico ali knjižno polico appeared first on City Magazine.

An intimate mobile library Fri, 22 Nov 2013 11:12:10 +0000

Dymitr Malcew is an architect and designer who creates primarily in the field of public, work spaces and shops.

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Elegant and innovative faucets by Daniel Rubinettetrie Wed, 13 Nov 2013 07:06:05 +0000

When we furnish or renovate an apartment, it often happens that we don't pay enough attention to certain elements of the equipment.

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Colorful hangers like you've never seen before Sat, 09 Nov 2013 13:22:34 +0000

The simple idea of the French company Swabdesign puts a smile on our faces.

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The Chiarodì collection of lamps Fri, 01 Nov 2013 13:16:23 +0000

Part of the new Chiarodì collection, the high-end lighting manufacturer Metal lux, are ceiling lights that leave a strong impression in every room.

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A tree as a bookshelf Thu, 31 Oct 2013 09:27:32 +0000

A bookshelf in the shape of a tree is a real revitalization of a room, be it a children's room or an office.

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Modern Scandinavian furniture Gervasoni Wed, 30 Oct 2013 09:21:07 +0000

Another collection of furniture by the Italian designer, Paola Navona, fascinates and stuns us with its lines, colors and materials.

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A hotel in the style of Desigual was created in Barcelona Wed, 30 Oct 2013 07:33:27 +0000

Desigual furnished a significant part of the Barcelona Princess Hotel and brought its optimistic character to it.

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The homely atmosphere of a Swiss holiday villa Tue, 29 Oct 2013 08:41:24 +0000

Since it's vacation time, it's all the more appropriate to rest and set sail with your thoughts to beautiful vacation spots.

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