
The Planet chair: maximum comfort for your home

Comfort is something we strive for. Either at home, at work or during transport. And it's nice when we come across a piece of furniture that invites us over and over again, because we feel great on it or next to it, relax or just admire it for a short time. The Planet chair will evoke some similar feelings from you.

A chair The Planet is designed so that when you sit in it, you will have time for yourself and yours personal space. It resembles one of the planets in shape. The basic purpose of the shape of The Planet chair is that in a working environment, if you don't have it for yourself, you still get it own corner, where you hear only your thoughts, but at the same time you are accessible and can interact with the environment.

The interior of The Planet chair is padded, has USB input for charging electronic devices, LED light, system speakers and even solar panels. It's a chair modular, so that you can compose the design according to your taste and needs.

You'll have to shell out for the comfort of The Planet chair 2,800 euros.

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