
아직 늦지 않았습니다: 30세 이후에 명성을 얻은 사람들

아직 늦지 않았습니다: 30세 이후에 명성을 얻은 사람들

현대 사회는 우리가 어린 나이에 사회적 지위를 오르기를 기대합니다. 그러나 이것이 나중에 성공할 수 없다는 의미는 아닙니다.

Mnogi ljudje, ki jih danes poznamo praktično vsi, so velik del svojega življenja veljali za navadne smrtnike, ki so slavo dosegli po smrti ali v zelo poznem življenjskem obdobju. Vsak od njih pa je na takšen in drugačen način doprinesel naši družbi in si zasluži, da jih predstavimo. Ti ljudje dokazujejo, da nikoli ni prepozno!


Stan Lee

Legendarni pisec stripov, ki je preminil lanskega novembra, je z delom začel že pri 17. letih. Trud se mu je povrnil leta 1961, ko je pri 39. letih izdal svoj prvi strip, danes pa so njegovi liki uprizorjeni v filmih, ki veljajo za najbolj gledane ta hip.

모건 프리먼

Freeman je bil nad igralstvom navdušen že od mladih let. Po končani srednji šoli se je pridružil letalski veji oboreženih sil ZDA, a nad svojimi sanjami, da bi postal igralec, ni obupal. Prvo vidnejšo vlogo je v filmu Street Smart (Street Smart, 1987) odigral šele pri 50. letih.

사무엘 L. 잭슨

Samuel L. Jackson si je pot do slave utrl z upodobitvijo Julesa Winnfielda v Tarantinovi uspešnici Šund (Pulp Fiction, 1994). Takrat je imel 46 let.

해리슨 포드


Harrison Ford na začetku svoje igralske kariere nikakor ni mogel najti vloge, s katero bi bil zadovoljen. Iz tega razloga se je odločil, da postane mizar. Pri 35. letih, ko mu je pripadla vloga Hana Sola v filmu Vojna zvezd (Star Wars, 1977), so njegove želje le postale uslišane.

크리스토프 왈츠

Avstrijsko-nemški igralec je skozi svojo kariero nastopal v filmih in serijah, mednarodni sloves pa si je zagotovil z vlogo Hansa Lande v akciji Neslavne barabe (Inglorious Basterds, 2009).

Colonel Sanders

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"Im too drunk to taste this chicken." -Colonel Sanders Harland David Sander born on September 9, 1890, in Henryville, Indiana. After his father died when he was 6 years old, Sanders became responsible for feeding and taking care of his younger brother and sister. Beginning at the age of 10, he held down numerous jobs, including farmer, streetcar conductor, railroad fireman and insurance salesman. At age 40, Sanders was running a service station in Kentucky, where he would also feed hungry travellers, Sanders eventually moved his operation to a restaurant across the street, and featured a fried chicken so notable that he was named a Kentucky colonel in 1935 by Governor Ruby Laffoon. After closing the restaurant in 1952, Sanders devoted himself to franchising his chicken business. He travelled across the country, cooking batches of chicken from restaurant to restaurant. Striking deals that paid him a nickel for every chicken the restaurant sold. His first franchise sale went to Pete Harman of Salt Lake City. In 1964, with more than 600 franchised outlets, he sold his interest in the company for $2 million to a group of investors. Kentucky Fried Chicken went public in 1966, and was listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 1969. More than 3,500 franchised and company- owned restaurants were in worldwide operation when Heublein Inc. acquired KFC corporation in 1971 for $285 million. KFC became a subsidiary of R.J Reynolds Industries, Inc, when Heublein Inc. was acquired by Reynolds in 1982. KFC was acquired in October 1986 from RJR Nabisco, Inc by PepsiCo, Inc., for approximately $840 million. "The east way is efficacious and speedy, the hard way arduous and long. But, as the clock ticks, the easy way becomes harder and the hard way becomes easier. And as the calendar records the years, it becomes increasingly evident that the easy way rests hazardously upon shifting sands, where as the hard way builds solidly a foundation of confidence that cannot be swept away." -Colonel Sanders Cited: Biography.com

님이 공유한 게시물 Huhsling (@huhsling) on

Oče verige restavracij Kentucky Fried Chicken je v svojem življenju opravljal različna dela. Svojo prvo restavracijo je odprl v 30. letih 20. stoletja, medtem ko je slavno franšizo ustanovil pri 62. letih (leta 1952).

리암 니슨

Liam Neeson se je, preden je postal slaven, preizkušal kot voznik viličarja 그리고 tovornjaka. Svojo prvo igralsko vlogo je dobil pri 25. letih, slavo pa je s filmom Schindlerjev seznam (Schindler’s List, 1993) dosegel pri 40. letih.

조앤 롤링

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We all the know the story of how #JKRowling went from being a single mum struggling to put food on the table, to being a multi-billionaire with her #HarryPotter franchise. It’s inspiring for so many reasons, firstly she really had to fight to get any publisher to believe in her first book, but also because she did all this fighting in the most difficult circumstances. Her children were counting on her and she never gave up. This is motivation for all of us mums who are busting our guts to make our dreams come true, because it’s not just for us, we want to give our children the best life we possibly can! #book #author #billionaire #dreams #ambition #hustle #hardwork #mumpreneur

님이 공유한 게시물 Mums In Control (@mumsinctrl) on

Slavna pisateljica se je pred izidom knjig o Harryju Potterju morala ukvarjati s številnimi težavami (ločitvijo, revščino in depresijo). Z vsemi ovirami je uspešno opravila in leta 1997, ko ji je bilo 32. let, izdala prvi del priljubljene knjižne zbirke.

Susan Boyle

TV-oddaja Britanija ima talent 2009 je škotski pevki Susan Boyle ostala v spominu kot življenjska prelomnica. S svojim čudovitim glasom je zablestela pri 47. letih.

실베스터 스탤론


Sylvester Stallone je imel v mladosti težave pri iskanju služb, na neki točki svojega življenja pa naj bi bil celo 노숙자. Stvari so se popolnoma spremenile, ko si je pri 30. letih prislužil vlogo Rockyja.

2004년부터 당신과 함께

연도부터 2004 우리는 도시 트렌드를 연구하고 열정으로 영감을 주는 최신 라이프스타일, 여행, 스타일 및 제품에 대해 매일 팔로워 커뮤니티에 알립니다. 2023년부터 글로벌 주요 언어로 콘텐츠를 제공합니다.