illustrations Archives | City Magazine Mon, 10 May 2021 14:30:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The artist, who makes people cry with her comics, this time drew the sad fate of a baby elephant in captivity Thu, 14 May 2020 04:01:51 +0000

How cruel humans can be...

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Not all women want children, and this artist perfectly illustrates why there's nothing wrong with that! Tue, 05 May 2020 04:01:22 +0000

Kate McDonough, an illustrator from South Dakota, USA, doesn't want children, and some people around her (as well as in the wider area) just can't come to terms with it.

The post Vse ženske si pač ne želijo otrok, in ta umetnica odlično ilustrira, zakaj s tem ni nič narobe! appeared first on City Magazine.

We've had enough of bad news: positive news in 2019 that warms the heart Fri, 13 Dec 2019 05:01:44 +0000

The media is saturated with bad news, so we quickly overlook the positive ones. Let's take some time and see what beautiful things we were treated to this year.

The post Dovolj nam je slabih novic: pozitivne novice leta 2019, ki ogrejejo srce appeared first on City Magazine.

Love is EVERYTHING: heartwarming illustrations you'll both relate to Thu, 20 Jun 2019 04:01:43 +0000

Mary Park is an artist from Los Angeles who goes by the moniker Murrz - she is mainly concerned with illustrating the everyday moments of life that slip by most people unnoticed. Her illustrations shed light on how important and precious these ordinary, quiet and, at first glance, almost insignificant moments actually are.

The post Ljubezen je VSE: prisrčne ilustracije, s katerimi se bosta poistovetila tudi vidva appeared first on City Magazine.

Cute lustrations: this is what famous characters from cartoons and movies would buy in the store! Fri, 14 Jun 2019 06:30:03 +0000

Linda Bouderbala used her imagination and combined it with her drawing talent to create these fun illustrations of what famous characters would buy at the supermarket. Maybe your favorite movie or cartoon character is among them?

The post Srčkane lustracije: to bi slavni liki iz risank in filmov kupili v trgovini! appeared first on City Magazine.

This is what popular brands would be if they were people Sat, 18 May 2019 04:01:14 +0000

Companies spend large amounts of time and money trying to personalize their brands, because in this way they want to get consumers to take them as their own and see them as friends. Have you ever wondered what your fictional friends look like in real life?

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Don't Read Before Bedtime: Scary Comics With a Surprising Twist Sat, 27 Apr 2019 04:01:20 +0000

Writer Ehud Lawski and illustrator Yael Nathan create comics that completely surprise us with their twist at the end. We present to you three of their new creations. The video galleries below feature scary comics with a surprising twist. Read them carefully and at your own risk!

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The double standards of our society through illustrations Wed, 10 Apr 2019 04:01:42 +0000

Our society celebrates the achievements in the field of equal treatment, but there is really a lot more to be done in order to be able to call ourselves open, without prejudices and stereotypes. Double standards are part of our society and the proof is right before your eyes.

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If you don't love yourself, no one will: illustrations that show you how to fall in love Sat, 16 Feb 2019 05:01:13 +0000

Personal growth manuals and life coaches can help us fall in love to a certain extent, but the greatest teacher is ourselves. Our mind, heart and soul must sense that it is time to live a life full of love, admiration and self-respect. The process is long and never-ending, but even the hardest nut can succeed. Why can't you do it too?

The post Če nimaš rad sebe, te nihče ne bo: ilustracije, ki ti pokažejo, kako se vzljubiti appeared first on City Magazine.

An artist fed up with the negativity in our society draws the most positive news of 2018 Mon, 31 Dec 2018 05:01:28 +0000

"I'm not a journalist or an influential person, but I want to introduce some positivity with my art," wrote artist Mauro Gatti alongside his illustrations, who proved that in a sea of negative events, something good can also be found. There is clearly a light at the end of the tunnel.

The post Umetnik, naveličan negativnosti v naši družbi, nariše najpozitivnejše novice leta 2018 appeared first on City Magazine.

Lust vs. Love: Illustrations showing the difference between love and lust Tue, 25 Dec 2018 05:01:33 +0000

The difference between love and lust is more than obvious - if you're still not sure what you're feeling, check out the illustrations in which this artist compares the two emotions by illustrating them in the same situation.

The post Lust vs. Love: ilustracije, ki prikazujejo razliko med ljubeznijo in poželenjem appeared first on City Magazine.

How to wrap a present if you have a cat? Sat, 22 Dec 2018 05:01:05 +0000

Once a cat enters your life, everything changes. Try wrapping a present near her, and you might understand what we're talking about.

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Brutally honest test: what is your best quality? Wed, 19 Dec 2018 05:01:37 +0000

We have prepared an interesting test that showed you what is your best feature?

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Hilarious illustrations: this is how the rich face everyday "problems" Tue, 18 Dec 2018 05:01:19 +0000

Every person dreams of becoming rich. If you haven't managed to do that yet, you can at least look at the hilarious illustrations that vividly show how the rich face everyday "problems".

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9 things we all do in the shower, illustrated Sun, 25 Nov 2018 05:01:34 +0000

If you shower at least five times a week, then you spend 35 hours a year in the shower. This covers a lot of nudity and standing on the tiles while water sprays everywhere. And that's when the craziest ideas come to us, or we realize that certain things are not what we thought they were.

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A husband shows in funny comics that life with a woman can be extremely tiring Wed, 21 Nov 2018 05:01:12 +0000

Living with a loved one is probably the most beautiful thing that a partner can experience. But the best thing is when you have a wife by your side, with whom life turns into a lovely hell.

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16 illustrations with which artists paid tribute to comic book legend Stan Lee Wed, 14 Nov 2018 08:49:33 +0000

Stan Lee once said that he was ashamed that he was just an ordinary comic book creator while other people were building bridges and being successful in medicine. Then he realized that entertainment is one of the most important things in a person's life. Without it, we are on the verge of collapse. "If you can entertain people, you are doing a good thing."

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7 scary silent stories that will scare you to death Tue, 30 Oct 2018 05:01:13 +0000

In the article you can see 7 scary silent stories that will scare you to death. Each of the photographs tells a story completely without the use of words. However, that doesn't make their narrative any less terrifying. At the end of the comic, you will always find a surprising and terrifying twist, communicated completely without dialogue. Do you dare to see everything?

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What would the most famous people of all time be as modern day hipsters? Thu, 25 Oct 2018 04:01:38 +0000

The modern hipster trend is certainly something that has experienced a boom in recent years on our soil as well. Hipster culture is often associated with an alternative look, but in its content it is much more than an external image. But it cannot be denied that hipsters have set new 'fashion guidelines' with their distinctive pieces of clothing. But how would the most famous people of all time find themselves in this role?

The post Kakšne bi bile najbolj znane osebe vseh časov kot sodobni hipsterji? appeared first on City Magazine.

The brutally honest difference between our expectations and reality when we shop for clothes Tue, 25 Sep 2018 04:01:46 +0000

Shopping is moving more and more online, because for many people who have precious time, this is the most optimal way. But clothes shopping can save a lot of money — as evidenced by this brutally honest difference between our expectations and reality when shopping for clothes.

The post Brutalno iskrena razlika med našimi pričakovanji in resničnostjo, ko nakupujemo oblačila appeared first on City Magazine.

Would you like to have a puppy, but are you undecided? These illustrations will give you a hint! Sat, 08 Sep 2018 04:01:01 +0000

The love for dogs can be strong, but the doubt of having a puppy at home can be stronger. These illustrations will help you decide.

The post Imel bi kužka, a si neodločen? Te ilustracije ti bodo dale namig! appeared first on City Magazine.

The artist creates drawings that are completed by real ants Thu, 06 Sep 2018 04:20:39 +0000

Ants love sugar. But if we sprinkle it in the right way, we get a colony of ants that creates interesting shapes.

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The illustrator shows the funny side of cartoon characters ... and they are completely different from what we know Mon, 30 Jul 2018 04:01:48 +0000

Have you ever wondered how Johnny Bravo does a crazy hairdo behind the scenes or what Darth Vader looks like while he's defecating on the toilet? Now you will get the answer.

The post Ilustrator prikaže smešno plat risanih junakov … in ti so popolnoma drugačni, kot jih poznamo appeared first on City Magazine.

Illustrations: love and intimacy between couples that you can feel Thu, 28 Jun 2018 04:01:58 +0000

Dreamy glances, gentle touches, longing and the eyes of a person in love are captured in illustrations that show how strong love between two people can be.

The post Ilustracije: ljubezen in intimnost med pari, ki ju lahko začutiš appeared first on City Magazine.

This is what superheroes will look like when they retire Mon, 25 Jun 2018 04:01:07 +0000

Have you ever wondered what would happen if our favorite superheroes grew old and retired like every person in the world?

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Astrological Signs as Goddesses - Which Represents You? Sat, 16 Jun 2018 04:01:49 +0000

Even if you don't believe in astrology, you can admire these beautiful illustrations of astrological signs as goddesses.

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Hot Illustrations That Are Ultra Naughty (Couples) Tue, 15 May 2018 04:01:04 +0000

If you'd like to tickle your fancy, check out a series of hot illustrations for ultra-naughty couples.

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8 funny intimate illustrations of what couples do behind closed doors Tue, 01 May 2018 04:01:23 +0000

We present to the public only what we want them to know. What goes on behind closed doors is our little secret. And this is proven by these funny illustrations, which show what the day of an average couple is like between four walls. They will surely find each other.

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10 illustrations about the sad truth of modern times Mon, 16 Apr 2018 04:01:41 +0000

Every century we haven't witnessed has faced the Earthlings of that time with good and bad things. For the 21st century, some would say critically that it is a time when the world is turned upside down and we have never had it worse - we are facing many unimaginable changes or, as this Italian illustrator calls them, the sad truths of modern times.

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Fun illustrations you can relate to if your sweet girl likes to 'stick' to you Sat, 10 Mar 2018 03:01:57 +0000

Illustrations of couples in love have been extremely popular on the Internet and various social networks for the past year. Some of them really touch us. In the photo gallery you can see fun illustrations that you can identify with. if your cute girlfriend likes to 'stick' to you.

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These are the jobs of the future Thu, 01 Feb 2018 05:01:43 +0000

Even the new generations find it difficult to explain to their parents how much times have changed compared to theirs, and that the forms of employment and work are now quite different. But given the speed at which the world is developing, it may be even more difficult for us to understand our children.

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25 candid illustrations of moms that show it's the hardest job in the world Sun, 22 Oct 2017 04:01:51 +0000

Being a mom? Something the most beautiful and the hardest at the same time. And French illustrator Nathalie Jomard would certainly agree with that. She created 25 sincere illustrations that show that being a mother is the hardest job in the world. You agree?

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What would Disney princesses look like today? Tue, 26 Sep 2017 04:01:56 +0000

Today we can witness different modern versions of the Disney princesses we grew up with and admired. But this latest interpretation by Chilean digital artist Fernanda Suarez is the most important of all. Why?

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VI. biennial of Slovenian independent illustration Sat, 02 Sep 2017 04:02:56 +0000

VI. Biennale of Slovenian Independent Illustration will take place in Cinema Šiška and Dobra Vaga from October 16 to November 20, 2017. Biennale of Slovenian Independent Illustration is a periodic event that has been exploring the field of contemporary visual art since 2007. This year, Evgen Čopi Gorišek, Gašper Kunšič, Milica Golubović, Luka Seme and Ivana Bajec will present themselves at the biennial. You are welcome.

The post VI. bienale slovenske neodvisne ilustracije appeared first on City Magazine.

Your own boss: illustrations that perfectly show why it's good to live alone Mon, 28 Aug 2017 06:31:56 +0000

Sharing an apartment with a best friend or a loving boyfriend is full of good surprises, but living together can often be extremely stressful. And these illustrations perfectly show why it is good to live alone and why your own corner is a necessary element of happiness.

The post Sam svoj šef: ilustracije, ki odlično prikažejo, zakaj je dobro živeti sam appeared first on City Magazine.

Provocative illustrations that show what is wrong with our society Sat, 17 Jun 2017 04:02:01 +0000

Argentinian illustrator Al Margen reminds us with his illustrations that our society is far from perfect. Take a look at these satirical illustrations that are sure to make you think.

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These illustrations brilliantly summarize the double standards women face Thu, 25 May 2017 04:02:54 +0000

Illustrator Daisy Bernard perfectly summed up the ridiculous and often contradictory expectations and standards that women face every day with her illustrations.

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Majestic Wine: instead of the content on the label, the feelings conjured up by the wine Wed, 26 Apr 2017 06:01:41 +0000

French illustrator Jean Jullien has designed new labels for wines of the Majestic Wine brand, which, instead of the name, awards and type of wine, use pictorial images to describe the feelings conjured up by the wine. Jean Jullien Majestic Wine is a series of wines that are so beautiful that the bottles alone are worth buying.

The post Majestic Wine: namesto vsebine na nalepki občutki, ki jih pričara vino appeared first on City Magazine.

Students and retirees - so different, yet so similar Mon, 24 Apr 2017 06:01:59 +0000

At first glance, you would say that the lives of a student and a pensioner could not be more different, but when we look a little closer, we realize that they actually have a lot in common. The emphasis is on the word very. Don't believe it? See for yourself!

The post Študenti in upokojenci – tako različni, a tako zelo podobni appeared first on City Magazine.

When dirty cars become amazing works of art Thu, 20 Apr 2017 06:01:48 +0000

Russian illustrator Nikita Golubev proved that dirty cars can be real art. And at a really high level. So when someone makes fun of your dirty car again, you can now explain to them that you support art.

The post Ko umazani avtomobili postanejo neverjetne umetnine appeared first on City Magazine.

Illustrations of girls you would like to meet in real life Mon, 13 Feb 2017 07:02:01 +0000

Laura Bernard is a talented illustrator from Australia who mainly draws girls that you would like to meet in real life. They are decorated with a unique style of clothing, and they all have realistic body proportions, which makes it easier to identify with them. The girl with the flower tattoo is the cutest for us, how about you?

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'Oh no' illustrations of our lives Sun, 22 Jan 2017 07:01:21 +0000

English artist Alex Norris has prepared a witty series of illustrations entitled 'Oh No' (Oh No), where he touches on our most everyday life 'struggles'. Which of these illustrations can you most quickly relate to?

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Scott Uminga - geometric silhouettes of cities and landscapes that amaze Mon, 16 Jan 2017 07:01:08 +0000

Every artist is looking for their own style, and illustrator Scott Uminga found it in layering. Its geometric style is actually an illustrated derivation of Fong Qi Wei's unique photographs, showing all the nuances of the day in one photograph.

The post Scott Uminga – geometrične silhuete mest in pokrajin, ki osupnejo appeared first on City Magazine.

Fun illustrations that every woman can relate to Fri, 16 Dec 2016 06:45:45 +0000

21-year-old Canadian Cassandra Cailin is enthralling the web with illustrations that humorously depict the everyday problems of women. Every woman will recognize herself in them.

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Popular songs through sarcastic humorous illustrations Fri, 02 Dec 2016 07:05:29 +0000

There is no doubt that every song has some hidden meaning and that each of us understands the song slightly differently. Have you ever tried to interpret a song in a literal way? Well, an Icelander tried it and created some extremely comical illustrations. If you haven't had your dose of laughter today, then quickly continue reading the article and take a look at our gallery.

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The first Slovenian erotic coloring book reAdult reColoring reBook has been published Mon, 28 Nov 2016 10:15:46 +0000

We never looked at coloring books as a short-term activity for adults. Until now, these were exclusively the domain of children. Until recently, when the trend of coloring books for adults spread around the world. Slovenians are also following the trend, and now we have our own erotic coloring book. The first Slovenian erotic coloring book is the work of Aja Vesna Ginovska and Juret Samac.

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12th Slovenian Illustration Biennale: Lifetime Achievement Award to Marjan Manček Thu, 24 Nov 2016 06:52:38 +0000

The largest overview of Slovenian illustration, the Slovenian Biennale of Illustration, at which artists of different generations and orientations compete for prizes, plaques and recognitions of Hinko Smrekar, will be held for the twelfth time this year in Cankarjev dom between December 21, 2016 and March 1, 2017.

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What would Disney princesses look like as celebrities? Mon, 21 Nov 2016 07:03:15 +0000

Have you ever wondered what it would look like if Disney princesses like Ariel, Cinderella and Elsa posed for fashion magazines like Vogue, GQ and W, walked the red carpet and set the spotlight? This idea was played by the photographer and illustrator Gregory Masouras, who imagined the Disney princesses as real celebrities, such as members of the Kardashian clan, Cara Delevingne and Alessandra Ambrosio.

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Look how drastically the internet has changed our lives Sun, 20 Nov 2016 07:04:33 +0000

Do you remember how it was when we had to look for information in books? The younger generation probably can't even imagine it, but that's what life was like before the Internet. Did you know that we Slovenians entered the digital age 25 years ago, when we got our first Internet connection, after which data flowed at a snail's pace? Everything else is history. Life after the Internet is no longer the same. We do many things much differently today than before. What a very different, endearing way they outline these illustrations.

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If things could talk… Sun, 20 Nov 2016 07:01:32 +0000

Have you ever wondered what everyday things would say if they had the gift of speech? We've recently looked at a series of photos where art pictures talk, and Alvin Juono will brighten your day with cute illustrations in which he imagines what some everyday things would discuss if they could talk.

The post Če bi stvari lahko govorile … appeared first on City Magazine.

Comic illustrations that only women will understand Fri, 11 Nov 2016 07:07:08 +0000

Women hardly joke about painful cramps and mood swings. But these comical and brutally honest illustrations about those days of the month will honestly make you laugh!

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This is how artists reacted to Donald Trump's victory Thu, 10 Nov 2016 07:03:27 +0000

Ever since Donald Trump was elected as the 45th president of the United States, we have been listening to the reactions of politicians, businessmen, celebrities and other individuals whose words count for something. Since you probably already have the statement at the top of your head, we preferred to look at how artists reacted to the election of the Slovenian son-in-law to the position of American president.

The post Tako so se na zmago Donalda Trumpa odzvali umetniki appeared first on City Magazine.

Stereotypical job interviews at well-known companies Mon, 07 Nov 2016 07:04:48 +0000

Every large company has its own characteristics and stereotypes associated with it. The hashtag is inextricably linked to the Twitter social network, Ikea to the assembly of furniture, Starbucks is known for writing the names of its customers on pots... Leonid Khan played with stereotypes about world-famous companies and included them in his illustrations on the subject job interviews.

The post Stereotipni razgovori za službo pri znanih podjetjih appeared first on City Magazine.

Witty illustrations that summarize the lives of girls between the ages of twenty and thirty Tue, 25 Oct 2016 06:04:41 +0000

Bad dates, impossible hours of fitness, the desire for a perfect image and lack of money... All this was combined in witty and sarcastic illustrations by Julie Houts, who thus illustrated the life of girls between the ages of twenties and thirties.

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This is how our attitude towards work changes over time Mon, 03 Oct 2016 06:02:09 +0000

New job, new challenge. When we start working in a new job, we all experience certain emotions. On the one hand we are excited and full of momentum, on the other we feel a kind of restlessness. Eventually, the initial drive, the initial enthusiasm and the initial love subside, and the job becomes just a job, a necessary evil that cuts our bread. Take a look at the fun illustrations that show the differences between the first working days at a new job and when we have been employed by the same employer for a long time. Does the sequence of events remind anyone else of a partnership?

The post Tako se čez čas spremeni naš odnos do službe appeared first on City Magazine.

8 reasons why your 30s are better than your twenties Sat, 01 Oct 2016 06:07:07 +0000

Let's face it. Things in our lives change drastically once we step into our thirties. It is an important turning point. Relative carelessness replaces responsibility and society expects us to have things in our lives as much as possible in our heads by then. Of course, the reality is often quite different, which is why many people don't want to grow up. But the thirties are actually much better than the twenties. Find out why below.

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Differences between expectations and reality when we jump between the sheets with someone for the first time Wed, 21 Sep 2016 06:04:11 +0000

Sex with a new chosen one is different and special. Most people have pretty high expectations for first time sex, but as it usually turns out, they're always set too high. Brilliant illustrations by Victor Rosas II. and Amelie B. humorously show us the differences between expectations and reality. Life is not a romantic movie!

The post Razlike med pričakovanji in realnostjo, ko z nekom prvič skočimo med rjuhe appeared first on City Magazine.

If women thought like men and men behaved like women Tue, 13 Sep 2016 06:09:26 +0000

Men are from Mars and women are from Venus. Despite different patterns of behavior and different thinking that we can't really explain, we cannot live without each other. Are you interested in what it would be like if women thought like men and men acted like women? Fortunately, you don't have to just imagine it, because we've dug up illustrations that caricature just that.

The post Če bi ženske razmišljale po moško in bi se moški vedli kot ženske appeared first on City Magazine.

HuskMitNavn: playing with paper for an amazing 3D effect Sun, 11 Sep 2016 06:00:44 +0000

Danish artist HuskMitNavn only needs a white sheet of paper and a pen for his creations. By cutting and folding paper drawn with illustrations, he creates amazing 3D effects that bring the illustrations to life.

The post HuskMitNavn: igranje s papirjem za neverjeten 3D-učinek appeared first on City Magazine.

Lucas Levitan: a fun caricature invasion of Instagram photos Sat, 03 Sep 2016 06:06:36 +0000

Lucas Levitan, a self-proclaimed 'photo trickster', is a Brazilian artist who mixes two worlds. Reality and caricatures. As a canvas for his digital illustrations, he uses photos of strangers posted on Instagram, to which he adds illustrated characters that give the scenes a new meaning.

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