
What would the most famous people of all time be as modern day hipsters?

What would the most famous people of all time look like as modern hipsters?

The modern hipster trend is certainly something that has experienced a boom in recent years on our soil as well. Hipster culture is often associated with an alternative look, but in its content it is much more than an external image. But it cannot be denied that hipsters have set new 'fashion guidelines' with their distinctive pieces of clothing. But how would the most famous people of all time find themselves in this role?

There are many controversies about hipster culture in our environment - some associate this concept with behavioral, stylistic and visual characteristics, which is supposed to be hipster culture as well represent. Others claim that there are no real hipsters in our environment, because 'with us' this concept only relates to external appearance, with which individuals want to achieve the title a hipster.

Regardless of definitions, appearance certainly matters role, because through him a person is often identified as a member of the hipster culture. In this context, too Amit Shimoni, illustrator from Tel Aviv, creates series of photographs with the title HIPSTORIES, on which it shows, what the most famous people would look like if they adapted to the modern hipster trend.

Each of the persons who in illustrations show it, get yours a unique interpretation based on her real life. So we can see on Obama tattoo of his favorite book Moby Dick, Einstein can boast of painting nobel prizes, and Princess Diana with markings that suggest hers activism.

Since the year 2014 the artist creates these special illustrations, and recently published a series new photos, which show how to Frida Kahlo, Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali, Vincent Van Gogh and Andy Warhol found as hipsters. On artist's website you can also see how they are Vladimir Putin, Angela Merkel, Kim Jong Un or Hillary Clinton look like hipsters.

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