
Centuries-old folk beliefs: what does it mean if you sit in the house with your arms crossed?

Photo: envato

There's something about demons that we can't quite resist, even if we're not superstitious. Is there a person anywhere who has never grabbed a button when meeting a chimney sweep? Or, who has never knocked on wood? Even if we are not superstitious, devils arouse doubt, but what if it might be true?

Are you superstitious? Have you or not, how many times have you heard the phrases "don't walk under the ladder" or "knock on wood"? There are a number of unwritten rules about things that can bring bad luck or good luck. It depends on how superstitious you are.

Before you are old folk beliefs that most people still believe.

1. If a swallow builds a nest on the roof of a house, peace will come to that house.

2. What you dream about on the first night in a new apartment will come true. Also, when you sleep in someone else's bed for the first time, remember what you dreamed, because only that will come true.

3. Never put red and white flowers together in a vase. This combination brings misfortune.

4. If you see a stork sitting peacefully on the roof of your house, get ready for a period of peace and happiness.

Do you have a stork on your roof? Photo: Jeremy Wermeille/Unsplash

5. When a guest leaves the house without sitting down, it is believed that he has taken peace from the house.

6. If the glass breaks in the house, it predicts good luck.

7. An egg with two yolks means that someone will get married soon. Black spots on the yolk are a bad sign, while an egg without a yolk represents an extremely bad omen and great misfortune.

8. When you see a spider on you, on your dress, luck awaits you.

9. When you help a dog, cat or any animal in need, charity is returned.

10. If your nose itches, you will probably have a fight with someone soon.

11. Spilled coffee represents cash flow.

Oops spilled coffee, what does that mean? Photo: Rodnae Productions / Pexels

12. If a strange dog comes in front of the house and barks, it is a sign of good luck and you should not chase the dog away.

13. Never get up with your left foot, because then you will be in a bad mood for the whole day.

14. There is an old legend that the finder of a rare four leaf clover is supposed to bring positive energy and good luck. It is recommended that you store the found clover somewhere and ensure a permanent influx of positive energy.

15. Crossed arms - it is not appropriate to sit in the house with crossed arms, as this portends misfortune or sadness.

16. Whoever drinks coffee from a broken cup will marry a widower or marry a widow.

17. If you want to have money in the house, keep a broom with the handle facing down.

Be careful not to break the mirror. Photo: Feyza Tuğba / Pexels

18. You must not sit on the edge of the table while eating, because then you will never get married.

19. A broken mirror is said to bring seven years of bad luck to the home.

20. A black cat crossing your path is said to bring bad luck.

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