
Illustrated Tweets - When a tweet becomes a comic book story

Illustrated tweets

Have you always wanted one of your tweets to end up as a template for a comic? Then Jamier Tanner can make your wish come true. It turns the desired tweet or any of your other posts on social networks into a short comic story. More. Your illustrated tweet will land in his upcoming Always On Brand book.

Illustrator and cartoonist Jamie Tanner he has an unusual hobby. You tweet and other social media posts as inspiration for surrealistic "two-liners" comics. The illustrations can be collected in the book Always On Brand, for the release of which he is raising funds on a crowdfunding platform Kickstarter.

READ MORE: Twitter extended the length of videos to 140 seconds

If you support his project, Tanner will be yours turned the desired tweet into a comic book story, included it in his book, and for less than ten euros you will get more digital copy these. What should you do? Send a tweet (or any other social media post) and that's it!

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