Service Archives | City Magazine Fri, 14 Jun 2024 04:59:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 9 signs that you're actually making progress in life, even though it might not seem like it Fri, 14 Jun 2024 04:53:42 +0000

Learn how to spot progress you might not notice. How to recognize that you are moving forward in life.

The post 9 znakov, da pravzaprav napredujete v življenju, čeprav se vam morda ne zdi tako appeared first on City Magazine.

3 psychological tips that will help you excel at a job interview Thu, 18 Jan 2024 07:46:50 +0000

A job interview can often be a chore, but not if you follow these tips.

The post 3 psihološki nasveti, s katerimi boste blesteli na razgovoru za službo appeared first on City Magazine.

2024 Horoscope and Career: These 4 Astrological Signs Will Change Jobs Thu, 28 Dec 2023 09:44:32 +0000

Entering the new year brings fresh hope and new possibilities. Astrology predicts that the four zodiac signs will experience key changes in their careers in 2024. If you are one of them, get ready for an exciting journey to new professional challenges. These are signs that will change jobs.

The post Horoskop in kariera za leto 2024: ta 4 astrološka znamenja bodo zamenjala službo appeared first on City Magazine.

Do you want to become a digital nomad?! Here are some advantages of working remotely, as well as disadvantages Wed, 27 Dec 2023 08:00:47 +0000

A digital nomad is one who can do his work, even from a paradise beach or a safari in Namibia's Etosha.

The post Si želiš postati digitalni nomad?! Tu je nekaj prednosti dela na daljavo, pa tudi slabosti appeared first on City Magazine.

How to manifest your dream job in 6 steps Sat, 16 Dec 2023 05:58:15 +0000

A career path is often intertwined with different roles and experiences, but what if you could realize your dream job and match your passion with your salary? Unleash the power of manifestation and embark on a transformative career journey that transcends the mundane. We reveal six steps to landing your dream job and creating a career path that resonates with your deepest desires.

The post Kako v 6 korakih manifestirati svojo sanjsko službo appeared first on City Magazine.

If you have such a job, you are twice as likely to have cardiovascular disease Thu, 16 Nov 2023 07:15:50 +0000

Cardiovascular diseases are one of the main factors for premature death in the Western world.

The post Če imate takšno službo, imate dvakrat več možnosti za srčno-žilne bolezni appeared first on City Magazine.

Research confirms: People who include this habit in their daily life earn more money in life Sun, 12 Nov 2023 06:12:07 +0000

A new study has shown that people who exercise regularly in life earn more money. Check.

The post Raziskave potrjujejo: Ljudje, ki v svoj vsakdan uvrstijo to navado, v življenju zaslužijo več denarja appeared first on City Magazine.

11 things that separate an emotionally intelligent boss from a narcissistic boss Wed, 18 Oct 2023 04:47:56 +0000

How to tell if you have an emotionally intelligent boss or a narcissistic boss.

The post 11 stvari, ki razlikujejo čustveno inteligentnega šefa od narcističnega šefa appeared first on City Magazine.

Echo of Silence: Mutalk, your private personal microphone Tue, 17 Oct 2023 04:43:05 +0000

In the age of digital communication, we often find ourselves in situations where the privacy of a conversation is a luxury. Do you remember the last time you were on a conference call in a coffee shop and had to almost hold your ears to hear the other person? Shiftall, a subsidiary of Panasonic, has brought a device on the scene - Mutalk, which promises to solve such problems. It's called Mutalk, a wearable soundproof Bluetooth microphone that reduces your voice by -20 decibels or more, meaning the person sitting next to you won't hear you.​​

The post Odmev tišine: Mutalk, vaš zasebni osebni mikrofon appeared first on City Magazine.

Research has shown that you absolutely need THIS to be happy in the workplace Thu, 12 Oct 2023 04:54:59 +0000

What determines happiness at work? Experts reveal what it takes to achieve happiness.

The post Raziskava je pokazala, da TO nujno potrebujete za srečo na delovnem mestu appeared first on City Magazine.

Dream job: Stay in the best hotels around the world and earn $9,000 Sat, 07 Oct 2023 05:13:58 +0000

Is this your dream job? It seems so!

The post Sanjska služba: bivajte v najboljših hotelih po svetu in zaslužite 9.000 dolarjev appeared first on City Magazine.

Want to become a digital nomad? With these professions it is possible… Sun, 01 Oct 2023 06:14:12 +0000

These are some of the careers that come into play if you want to become a digital nomad.

The post Želite postati digitalni nomad? S temi poklici je to mogoče… appeared first on City Magazine.

5 tips to make it easier to return to work after vacation Fri, 11 Aug 2023 05:47:55 +0000

It is not easy when we return to work after a few days or weeks of vacation. But with these tips, it will also be much easier.

The post 5 nasvetov, kako se lažje vrniti nazaj v službo po dopustu appeared first on City Magazine.

Dream job: If you review bars in your city, you will be rewarded with cocktails Sun, 06 Aug 2023 10:30:07 +0000

If your dream job is to drink cocktails for free, then go for it!

The post Sanjska služba: če boste ocenjevali lokale v vašem mestu, boste nagrajeni s koktajli appeared first on City Magazine.

HR experts advise which mistakes in the job search can cost you new jobs Wed, 19 Jul 2023 04:30:46 +0000

Choosing a new job can be a challenging process, and mistakes in your job search can cost you your dream job.

The post Kadrovski strokovnjaki svetujejo, katere napake pri iskanju zaposlitve vas lahko stanejo nove službe appeared first on City Magazine.

3 Signs It's Time to Change Jobs Tue, 09 May 2023 04:30:18 +0000

Most people spend a large part of their lives at work, so it's only natural that you want to feel fulfilled and happy at your workplace. However, there may come a time when you start to feel stuck and unsatisfied. But how do you know when it's time to change jobs?

The post 3 znaki, da je čas, da zamenjate službo appeared first on City Magazine.

6 Negative Beliefs Blocking Your Career Thu, 15 Dec 2022 08:30:24 +0000

We can all agree that work is an important part of our lives that can be fulfilling, but it can also fill us with worries and negative feelings. That is why it is very important to choose the right career for yourself and not to accept a less satisfactory position, but to make an effort to find a workplace that suits you better.

The post 6 negativnih prepričanj, ki blokirajo vašo kariero appeared first on City Magazine.

Do not reveal these things to colleagues: there is a thin line between private and business Tue, 25 Oct 2022 04:05:41 +0000

Business relationships very often develop into friendships, and hanging out after work or during breaks strengthens the team's strength, the sense of community and belonging, so it often happens that colleagues also socialize outside of working hours. We have prepared tips on what not to say at work.

The post Teh stvari sodelavcem nikar ne razkrivajte: tanka je meja med zasebnim in poslovnim appeared first on City Magazine.

5 things you should not have on your desk Thu, 13 Oct 2022 04:13:32 +0000

What's on your desk at work? Is it full of papers? Leftovers from lunch? Did you know that certain things attract failure, reduce productivity and concentration?

The post 5 stvari, ki jih ne smete imeti na pisalni mizi appeared first on City Magazine.

These astrological signs are the most likely to get fired at work: are you one of them?! Mon, 22 Aug 2022 04:01:05 +0000

Do you wonder why you are constantly in conflict with your colleagues or superiors? You seem to do nothing wrong.

The post Ti astrološki znaki največkrat dobijo odpoved v službi: ste med njimi?! appeared first on City Magazine.

3 Toxic Habits That Are Ruining Your Career Mon, 25 Apr 2022 09:51:42 +0000

What habits are good to avoid to help you find your way to success? Sometimes you try and try, but real success doesn't come out of nowhere. Are you wondering why? What are you doing wrong?

The post 3 strupene navade, s katerimi uničujete svojo kariero appeared first on City Magazine.

Does your astrological sign reveal whether you were born to be a boss? Mon, 17 Jan 2022 05:47:53 +0000

Do you have leadership skills? Do you find yourself put in the lead or frozen? Are you a good leader? What does astrology say about it?

The post Vaš astrološki znak razkriva, ali ste rojeni za šefa? appeared first on City Magazine.

Tips for a successful career: how to get a good job? Mon, 10 Jan 2022 06:09:31 +0000

Do you want good career advice but don't always have time to read voluminous books and articles? Today you are in luck, because we have selected some short career tips that will help you get the job you want

The post Nasveti za uspešno kariero: kako dobiti dobro zaposlitev? appeared first on City Magazine.

Job interview: how to make a good impression at a job interview? Fri, 12 Nov 2021 05:04:20 +0000

A job interview with a potential employer is an event that is just as stressful as a college exam. To make the first impression you make as good as possible, we have prepared some tips for you on how to make the most of the first moments of the meeting and how to prepare for it. These job interview tips will help you look more confident and maybe convince the HR manager for the new position.

The post Razgovor za službo: kako pustiti dober vtis na razgovoru za službo? appeared first on City Magazine.

It's the most stressful job in the world! Wed, 30 Jun 2021 04:01:08 +0000

In every job, there comes a time when everything doesn't go as it should or as you imagined it would. After years of research, scientists have discovered what is the most stressful job in the world. Can you guess which job it is?

The post To je najbolj stresno delo na svetu! appeared first on City Magazine.

Happy people often have higher wages and less time off work Wed, 02 Jun 2021 04:05:19 +0000

Many people believe that they will be happy when they become successful because of hard work, is this really the case? Scientists say that success often depends on the feeling of happiness, that is - enthusiasm, joy and cheerfulness is what promotes success in the workplace.

The post Srečni ljudje imajo pogosto višjo plačo in so manj časa odsotni z dela appeared first on City Magazine.

Professions in which the most psychopaths work Mon, 10 May 2021 04:02:19 +0000

Oo, have you also chosen the career path of a psychopath? Maybe it's time to rethink.

The post Poklici, v katerih dela največ psihopatov appeared first on City Magazine.

Do you want this job? 6 phrases you should not say to your employer! Sat, 27 Mar 2021 03:59:11 +0000

No, you cannot schedule a vacation before your first day of work.

The post Si želite to službo? 6 stavkov, ki jih delodajalcu ne smete izreči! appeared first on City Magazine.

These 10 jobs are the most attractive to psychopaths! Mon, 15 Mar 2021 09:01:46 +0000

It's not easy to identify a psychopath, but psychologist Kevin Dutton says all we have to do is ask the person how they live. If he's in any of these ten professions, chances are he's a psychopath.

The post Prav teh 10 služb najbolj privlači prav psihopate! appeared first on City Magazine.

7 habits that seem "for lazy people", but actually get a lot MORE done with them Thu, 25 Jun 2020 04:01:39 +0000

In 1850, the French economist Claude-Frédéric Bastiat published his famous essay "Ce qu'on voit et ce qu'on ne voit pas" or "What is seen and what is not seen". In it, he objects to the "bad economist" who looks only at the initial effect of the measures taken and not at their further consequences.

The post 7 navad, ki se zdijo “za lenuhe”, toda z njimi dejansko naredite veliko VEČ appeared first on City Magazine.

Watch this: the worst experience to work in Planica Thu, 06 Feb 2020 05:01:54 +0000

Zavarovalnica Triglav offers an incredible experience to male and female students who want to participate in the preparations for the ski jumps in Planica and test how the organization of the largest sports event in Slovenia is organized.

The post Pazi to: najbolj huda izkušnja za delo v Planici appeared first on City Magazine.

11 reasons why freelancing is better than working in an office Sun, 08 Dec 2019 04:01:57 +0000

Working from home, flexible schedule, holidays, whenever we want them... These are just some of the advantages of people who "freelance" or are self-employed.

The post 11 razlogov, zakaj je “freelancanje” boljše kot delo v pisarni appeared first on City Magazine.

10 men's professions that make women's knees wobble Mon, 02 Dec 2019 04:05:25 +0000

An attractive man is a mixture of different factors: appearance, charisma, humor... and obviously also profession. In these 10 male occupations, girls' knees are shaking. Do you fall for them too?

The post 10 moških poklicev, ob katerih se ženskam šibijo kolena appeared first on City Magazine.

CityJob 2019: Would you write for us? Mon, 25 Nov 2019 05:01:34 +0000

City Magazine breaks the records of reading and visits every day and thus enjoys the status of the most read lifestyle online portal, intended for both sexes. It is visited by an average of 50,000 devices (sessions) on a daily basis. Better articles also have more than 10,000 reads. That's why we invite new colleagues to join our ranks, journalists with a heart who would independently cover their areas of writing. If you know someone with a flair for writing about our topics, please share this post or forward it via email.

The post CityJob 2019: Bi pisal za nas? appeared first on City Magazine.

These are the 12 jobs in which we humans are the most unhappy Wed, 30 Oct 2019 05:01:00 +0000

What jobs do people enjoy the least? According to research, these are the 12 jobs in which people are the most unhappy.

The post To je 12 služb, v katerih smo ljudje najbolj nesrečni appeared first on City Magazine.

Not everything went smoothly: these are the first jobs of the world's billionaires Sat, 21 Sep 2019 04:01:16 +0000

Today they are rolling in the millions and millions, but how did these greatest innovators of today and extremely successful businessmen even get started? Believe me, it didn't go like clockwork!

The post Ni šlo vse kot po maslu: to so prve službe svetovnih milijarderjev appeared first on City Magazine.

Why is it better to pay off a loan and work in an office than to travel the world and be a freelancer? Wed, 26 Jun 2019 04:01:13 +0000

Most likely, you have already come across stories on the Internet where people escaped from the routine and today live on an island and earn 3 times more money than before. With this, they tell us that working in an office is horror and fear. On the other hand, traveling around the world, "freelancing", 4-hour working days and enjoying every moment are the pinnacle of life. But that's only one side of the story.

The post Zakaj je bolje odplačati kredit in delati v pisarni kot potovati okoli sveta in biti freelancer? appeared first on City Magazine.

That's it! You absolutely need a nap table at work Mon, 03 Jun 2019 04:01:51 +0000

If you can't possibly get enough sleep before going to work, the solution to your problems may be hiding in a nap table, which would also come in handy at work.

The post To je to! Mizo za dremež nujno rabiš v službi appeared first on City Magazine.

Christmas gift ideas 2018: treats for your boss Sat, 15 Dec 2018 05:01:19 +0000

Are you already thinking about gifts of smaller values that you intend to give to your colleagues? Maybe this year is the time to surprise not only them, but also the boss.

The post Ideje za božična darila 2018: pozornosti za vašega šefa appeared first on City Magazine.

Christmas gift ideas 2018: cool gifts for colleagues under 30 euros Thu, 06 Dec 2018 05:01:16 +0000

Colleagues - they become your second family without even realizing it. You spend a lot of time with them, share good times and bad times and know each other more than you think. When the holidays come around, your inner feeling probably tells you that it would be nice to cheer them up with something small. Since the list of gift recipients is likely to be large this year as well and the wallet will literally 'dry up', we have prepared ideas for gifts under 30 euros. You will delight them with a unique gift, and save money.

The post Ideje za božična darila 2018: kul darila za sodelavce pod 30 evrov appeared first on City Magazine.

This year's selection of the dumbest employee excuses for not coming to work Wed, 05 Dec 2018 05:01:21 +0000

If you're employed, it's probably clear to you that your excuse for not coming to work is the adult version of a child's excuse for not doing their homework. When you want to stay at home, that's when your imagination is incredibly rich. These people who took part in the research had excuses so crazy it hurts.

The post Letošnji izbor najbolj neumnih izgovorov zaposlenih, zakaj niso prišli v službo appeared first on City Magazine.

7 promises you make when you start a new job, but never keep Mon, 12 Nov 2018 05:01:04 +0000

The holidays have been over for a long time. Some of you may have changed jobs with the new season, others have finished your studies and are just entering the job market. A new job does not only mean a new location and new colleagues, but for an individual it is also a moment when he can turn over a new leaf and at least partially change his life. But it quickly becomes clear that habit is an iron shirt and that it is often difficult to keep an oath. Here you can read a list of 7 promises you make when you start a new job, but find it difficult to keep them.

The post 7 obljub, ki si jih postaviš, ko začneš z novo službo, a jih nikoli ne izpolniš appeared first on City Magazine.

6 Highest Paid Fashion Bloggers Online Tue, 06 Nov 2018 05:01:36 +0000

In our space, blogging is only understood as 'stupid' photography, wasting time and bragging. Every new face that appears in the blogging scene is subjected to a lot of criticism, with which negative people want to clip their wings. Whoever defeats them wins. Abroad, bloggers simply excluded envious people from their lives, followed their dreams, earned their first millions and succeeded. Let someone else say that blogging is not a job.

The post 6 najbolje plačanih modnih blogerk na spletu appeared first on City Magazine.

They're drooling: 12 MOST ATTRACTIVE women's jobs according to men Tue, 06 Nov 2018 05:01:18 +0000

A poll conducted by media outlet Listerati asked men about the sexiest jobs for women. Here are the 12 sexiest jobs for women according to men, and number 1 may surprise you.

The post Cedijo se jim sline: 12 NAJPRIVLAČNEJŠIH ženskih poklicev po mnenju moških appeared first on City Magazine.

4 things most people lie about in their resumes Thu, 11 Oct 2018 04:01:30 +0000

During adulthood, we have to face many responsibilities. For this reason, we are ready to do practically anything for a good job. Yes, lying also comes into play.

The post 4 stvari, o katerih največkrat lažemo v življenjepisu appeared first on City Magazine.

If science is to be believed, we will only work 4 days a week in the future Wed, 03 Oct 2018 04:01:05 +0000

People who earn their salary based on the work done usually want to finish their tasks in as little time as possible. So why is it necessary to visit the workplace 5 days a week?

The post Če je verjeti znanosti, bomo v prihodnosti delali le 4 dni na teden appeared first on City Magazine.

What should you post on social media to increase your chances of getting hired? Sun, 16 Sep 2018 04:01:26 +0000

Are you tired of your current job and longing for a new job? Vacation photos in which you're visibly drunk and posted on social media won't help you in your job search. But how can social media and your posts help you increase your job prospects anyway?

The post Kaj morate objavljati na družbenih omrežjih, da boste povečali možnosti za zaposlitev? appeared first on City Magazine.

They're drooling: 10 male occupations that are most attractive to women Wed, 05 Sep 2018 04:01:27 +0000

Many things make a man attractive - looks, charisma, humor... and profession. Yes, there are male occupations that are most attractive to women!

The post Cedijo se jim sline: 10 moških poklicev, ki so ženskam najprivlačnejši appeared first on City Magazine.

Tattoos won't stop you from getting a job, says research Tue, 21 Aug 2018 04:01:28 +0000

You probably remember the belief that entered our society years ago that people with tattoos can't get a job. Many with tattoos have tried to prove that this is not true, but they have failed. With this research, scientists may finally put to rest the myth that tattoos make people unemployable.

The post Tatuji ti ne bodo preprečili, da dobiš službo, pravi raziskava appeared first on City Magazine.

In these six countries, employees have incredibly long lunch breaks Sat, 18 Aug 2018 04:01:51 +0000

It's hard to find a person who wouldn't be at least a little bit pleased by a lunch break. After a few hours at work, a cup of coffee and some food is definitely in order. But what if the break usually goes by in the blink of an eye.

The post V teh šestih državah imajo zaposleni neverjetno dolge odmore za malico appeared first on City Magazine.

Do you want a new job? We suggest that you submit your application at this exact time Sat, 11 Aug 2018 20:05:37 +0000

Are you having no luck looking for a new job lately? The reasons for this may be hidden in details that you certainly did not even think about. Sometimes even a good cover letter will not be enough to earn you an interview.

The post Si želite novo službo? Predlagamo, da prijavo oddate ob točno tem času appeared first on City Magazine.

These are the 3 best countries for digital nomads working online Mon, 30 Jul 2018 04:01:49 +0000

Can you imagine that you could build a career only with the help of your computer and your own ingenuity? This would mean that you could live anywhere in the world (or even travel all the time) while still earning a basic living wage. For such a life, however, some limitations must be taken into account - you need a good Internet connection and, if possible, also low basic costs. We reveal to you the 3 best countries for digital nomads working online. If you are one of them, consider moving to one of the cities on the list.

The post To so 3 najboljše države za digitalne nomade, ki delajo prek spleta appeared first on City Magazine.

Happy to go to work after vacation Mon, 30 Jul 2018 04:01:32 +0000

During vacations, we spend time relaxing, spending time with family and gaining new strength. If the work environment is encouraging, pleasant and we are adequately rewarded for our work, we return to our colleagues full of energy after a break.

The post Po dopustu z veseljem v službo appeared first on City Magazine.

A stressful event can affect your memory even before it happens Sat, 21 Jul 2018 04:01:43 +0000

Stress is an inevitable part of our everyday life. Not every form of stress is negative – even a birthday surprise is a form of positive stress called eustress. However, negative stress or distress is the form of stress that can harm us in the long run. Among other things, negative stress also affects our memory. And not only when we experience it. A stressful event can affect your memory even before it happens.

The post Stresen dogodek lahko vpliva na vaš spomin, še preden se zgodi appeared first on City Magazine.

The man didn't go to work for ten years, and no one found out Sat, 14 Jul 2018 04:01:53 +0000

Would you defend yourself if the company transferred your monthly salary to your bank account every month, and you didn't even go to work?

The post Moški ni hodil deset let v službo, nihče pa tega ni ugotovil appeared first on City Magazine.

Such is life in the air: things flight attendants don't want to talk about Tue, 10 Jul 2018 04:01:08 +0000

Being a flight attendant is 'the most romantic job', but beautiful girls who are always smiling hide a lot of secrets that they don't reveal to passengers - the things that flight attendants don't want to talk about.

The post Takšno je življenje v zraku: stvari, o katerih stevardese ne želijo govoriti appeared first on City Magazine.

Women who wear make-up get paid more (according to research) Thu, 14 Jun 2018 04:01:01 +0000

If you're not a fan of makeup, then maybe it's time to start wearing it, as a new study finds that women who wear makeup are better paid.

The post Ženske, ki se ličijo, so plačane več (glede na raziskavo) appeared first on City Magazine.

5 subtle signs that you need to go on vacation today Fri, 25 May 2018 04:01:57 +0000

It's not just the calendar that tells you it's vacation time. Our behavior and our body can also tell us this. Here are 5 subtle signs that you need to take a vacation today.

The post 5 subtilnih znakov, da morate na dopust že danes appeared first on City Magazine.

In these countries, people work the hardest, Slovenia is ranked among the top 15 Wed, 23 May 2018 04:01:49 +0000

It is often heard that the recipe for success in any field lies in hard work. That is why, if you are one of the most diligent workers, you have more chances to advance at work.

The post V teh državah so ljudje najbolj delovni, Slovenija uvrščena med prvih 15 appeared first on City Magazine.

This one thing alone can turn your morning into an extremely productive one Mon, 09 Apr 2018 04:01:37 +0000

We have heard many times that creating to-do lists helps to increase the productivity of an individual. Is that really the case? Or maybe one list is not enough for time well spent?

The post Samo ta stvar lahko tvoje jutro spremeni v izjemno produktivno appeared first on City Magazine.
