
Tips for a successful career: how to get a good job?

Important career advice

Photo: envato

Do you want good career advice but don't always have time to read voluminous books and articles? Today you are in luck, because we have selected some short career tips that will help you get the job you want

Whether you're looking for a job, building your resume, wanting to connect with colleagues, or looking for general career advice, you've come to the right place! These are the best tips to help you succeed career.

  • A first impression is made in less than 30 seconds.
  • Want to increase your charisma? Work on your energy and optimism.
  • If you work for a company, remember that you are always representing them and representing them and yourself at all times.
  • Work is reflected not only at the computer, but also in a pleasant, fun conversation over coffee with colleagues.
  • Success never comes overnight, it takes time.
Appreciate your colleagues and they will appreciate you. Photo: Kobu Agency / Unsplash
  • Be kind both at work and in your private life.
  • If you want to really influence others, listen to them more than you talk to them.
  • Every person you meet represents a potential door to a new opportunity, personal or business.
  • Stop apologizing.
  • If you want to be seen as a leader, you need to be able to deal with changing environments.
  • If you send your resume on Monday, you have a better chance of getting hired.
  • Do not write about your "specific" hobbies in your resume.
  • A resume should be very clear about your accomplishments. Attach facts and figures.
  • If you want to tell someone or the world who you are - a resume will never be enough.
  • In a cover letter, employers want to read not only about you, but also about themselves.
  • The secret to a good cover letter - pretend you're writing to someone who respects you.
  • There is no room for slogans and sayings in a cover letter.
  • The arrogant and pompous scope of your cover letter can detract from the importance of these accomplishments.
  • Not qualified for the job you want? Don't apologize for it in your cover letter.
  • Stand up and smile during a phone interview even though no one can see you.
  • The first thing to do when researching a potential employer is to find out what sets them apart from the competition.
  • Just because you came across photos of your employer on vacation doesn't mean you should mention it to them.
  • The most productive people know how to balance their energy, not just their time.
  • Have a spare minute and want to be productive? Delete the app that steals your attention.
Be positive. Photo: Brooke Cagle/Unsplash
  • Studies have shown that self-imposed deadlines are less effective when it comes to completing a task.
  • A white office can increase team productivity.
  • A poorly furnished office can harm your creativity and productivity.
  • Got an angry customer? Calling him by name during a phone conversation can calm him down.
  • Being honest about what you don't know can be a huge step forward in your career.
  • You can overcome your fear of public speaking with practice, time and planning.
  • Do you want employers to notice you? Make your official website and sign up on Linkedln.

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