employment Archives | City Magazine Wed, 25 Oct 2023 05:25:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.5 6 steps to be effective and successful in your job search https://citymagazine.si/en/6-steps-to-be-effective-and-successful-when-looking-for-a-job/ Wed, 25 Oct 2023 05:25:30 +0000 https://citymagazine.si/en/?p=567546

Job hunting often feels like navigating a maze. With the right tools and a little organization, you can turn your job search journey into a seamless and purposeful adventure. In this post, we reveal simple steps that will help you not only survive, but thrive in the ever-evolving career exploration environment.

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HR experts advise which mistakes in the job search can cost you new jobs https://citymagazine.si/en/hr-experts-advise-which-mistakes-when-looking-for-employment-can-cost-you-new-jobs/ Wed, 19 Jul 2023 04:30:46 +0000 https://citymagazine.si/en/?p=555451

Choosing a new job can be a challenging process, and mistakes in your job search can cost you your dream job.

The post Kadrovski strokovnjaki svetujejo, katere napake pri iskanju zaposlitve vas lahko stanejo nove službe appeared first on City Magazine.

Slovenian TikTokers Swarzzi and Laura Petrinec take you to work https://citymagazine.si/en/slovenian-tiktokers-swarzzi-and-laura-petrinec-take-you-to-work/ Thu, 07 Apr 2022 10:57:13 +0000 https://citymagazine.si/en/?p=517076

TikTok is currently the most popular social network among young people. And that's where new stars are born - new influencers who create interesting content for their many followers. Among them are certainly the Slovenian TikTokers Swarzzi and Laura Petrinec, who joined the JYSK campaign I'll take you to work.

The post Slovenska TikTokerja Swarzzi in Laura Petrinec te peljeta v službo appeared first on City Magazine.

JYSK among the best employers in the world: dedication, work and talents are always rewarded https://citymagazine.si/en/jysk-among-the-best-employers-in-the-world-dedication-work-and-talents-are-always-rewarded/ Tue, 29 Mar 2022 10:00:18 +0000 https://citymagazine.si/en/?p=515740

JYSK, the Danish furniture and interior design brand, has built its success story on employee satisfaction since its inception in 1979. It was for this purpose that they activated the global campaign Bring dedication, which they named in Slovenia I'm taking you to work. In the campaign, they want to present JYSK in an innovative way as an employer that takes excellent care of its employees and offers them the possibility of advancement and incentive pay.

The post JYSK med najboljšimi delodajalci na svetu: predanost, delo in talenti so vedno nagrajeni appeared first on City Magazine.

Tips for a successful career: how to get a good job? https://citymagazine.si/en/tips-for-a-successful-career-how-to-get-a-good-job/ Mon, 10 Jan 2022 06:09:31 +0000 https://citymagazine.si/en/?p=506963

Do you want good career advice but don't always have time to read voluminous books and articles? Today you are in luck, because we have selected some short career tips that will help you get the job you want

The post Nasveti za uspešno kariero: kako dobiti dobro zaposlitev? appeared first on City Magazine.

CityJob 2020: we are looking for confident communicators https://citymagazine.si/en/cityjob-2020-we-are-looking-for-confident-communicators/ Fri, 11 Sep 2020 13:19:47 +0000 https://citymagazine.si/en/?p=460602

City Magazine enjoys the status of the most read lifestyle online portal, aimed at both sexes. It is visited by an average of 50,000+ different devices on a daily basis. Posts also have more than 10,000 reads.

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7 reasons why working from home is better than you thought! https://citymagazine.si/en/7-reasons-why-working-from-home-is-better-than-you-thought/ Sat, 14 Mar 2020 05:01:45 +0000 https://citymagazine.si/en/?post_type=article&p=408424

You spend the whole day in your pajamas, you don't commute to and from work, you avoid your colleagues, no one bothers you, and you still sip a cocktail in peace and without a guilty conscience while doing your job perfectly. Did we manage to convince you? There are a million more reasons why working from home is better than you thought - take a look below!

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11 reasons why freelancing is better than working in an office https://citymagazine.si/en/11-reasons-why-freelancing-is-better-than-working-in-an-office/ Sun, 08 Dec 2019 04:01:57 +0000 https://citymagazine.si/en/?post_type=article&p=418378

Working from home, flexible schedule, holidays, whenever we want them... These are just some of the advantages of people who "freelance" or are self-employed.

The post 11 razlogov, zakaj je “freelancanje” boljše kot delo v pisarni appeared first on City Magazine.

5 amazing jobs that don't exist yet, but will be extremely interesting in 2030 https://citymagazine.si/en/5-amazing-jobs-that-dont-exist-but-will-be-extremely-interesting-in-2030/ Sun, 25 Aug 2019 03:03:36 +0000 https://citymagazine.si/en/?post_type=article&p=407184

Do you still remember what life was like before the invention of the iPhone, the YouTube platform or the Instagram social network? Well, if it seemed impossible years ago, today, in the 21st century, people are actually making money from the comfort of their homes through said media. This is proof that there is hope and that everyone can create their own business - if a certain profession does not exist, just invent it and be the first.

The post 5 neverjetnih služb, ki še ne obstajajo, a bodo izjemno zanimive leta 2030 appeared first on City Magazine.

The resume is dead. This is what innovative companies use when recruiting https://citymagazine.si/en/resume-is-dead-this-is-the-emperor-are-innovative-companies-used-in-recruitment/ Tue, 15 Jan 2019 05:01:25 +0000 https://citymagazine.si/en/?post_type=article&p=378937

A 1998 study found that previous work experience is actually one of the weakest predictors of job success. So why is it still the main tool we rely on when recruiting? What innovative companies like Tesla, Accenture, LinkedIn, and others use in recruiting are aggressively innovative practices, and the resume has no role in that.

The post Življenjepis je mrtev. To je tisto, česar se inovativna podjetja poslužujejo pri zaposlovanju appeared first on City Magazine.

How to deal with 4 types of bosses? https://citymagazine.si/en/how-to-deal-with-4-types-of-safes/ Sun, 09 Sep 2018 04:01:53 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=362203

A good relationship with your boss will definitely help you at work. However, since we are all different people, an appropriate approach should be taken when meeting with a superior. What tactic should you use in your next meeting?

The post Kako se spopasti s 4 vrstami šefov? appeared first on City Magazine.

CityJob 2018: we are hiring an assistant editor https://citymagazine.si/en/cityjob-2018-lets-hire-an-assistant-editor/ Wed, 24 Jan 2018 10:38:37 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=336340

City Magazine breaks the records of reading and visits every day and thus enjoys the status of the most read lifestyle online portal, intended for both sexes. We invite a new colleague to join our ranks, who will participate in the editorial team and have a key influence on the development of our medium.

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13 Signs You're About to Be Fired https://citymagazine.si/en/13-signs-that-indicate-that-you-will-be-fired/ Wed, 29 Nov 2017 05:01:26 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=329623

Have you gotten a weird feeling at work lately? Do you feel like he is whispering about something behind your back? Are you panicking that you might not be popular, or worse, that you'll be fired? Many people experience similar feelings. When we are told at work that we are no longer needed, we are overcome with sadness and fear. You might be interested in how to better understand the signs that indicate that you are going to be fired so that you can prepare more easily?

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CityJob 2017: Would you write for City Magazine? We are looking for wordsmiths! https://citymagazine.si/en/cityjob-2017-would-write-for-city-magazine-iscemo-masters-of-words/ Fri, 29 Sep 2017 04:40:49 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=322188

City Magazine breaks the records of reading and visits every day and thus enjoys the status of the most read lifestyle online portal, intended for both sexes. Due to expansion plans and better coverage of interesting topics, we invite new colleagues to our ranks who would independently cover their areas of writing. If you know someone with a flair for writing about our topics, please share this post or forward it by email.

The post CityJob 2017: Bi pisal za City Magazine? Iščemo mojstre besed! appeared first on City Magazine.

Dream job: Become a professional chocolate taster https://citymagazine.si/en/dream-job-become-a-professional-chocolate-taster/ Sun, 19 Feb 2017 04:01:25 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=290202

Are you fed up with the job you are doing? Then you must apply for the position advertised by Mondelez International - whose portfolio includes brands such as Milka, Barni, Tuc, Halls, Trident, Toblerone and Jacobs coffee - as a professional chocolate taster. If it's not your dream job…

The post Sanjska služba: postani poklicni pokuševalec čokolade appeared first on City Magazine.

Slovenian McDonald's with fresh strength in restaurants - pensioners! https://citymagazine.si/en/slovenian-mcdonalds-with-united-power-in-restaurants-pensioners/ Wed, 28 Dec 2016 07:03:38 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=279525

Is Slovenian McDonald's saying goodbye to students in its fast food restaurants? No, they just strengthened their team with retirees. In November, McDonald's organized a call to attract pensioners who wanted to work. They will work in Ljubljana and Maribor from January 2017.

The post Slovenski McDonald’s s svežo močjo v restavracijah – upokojenci! appeared first on City Magazine.

CityJob: We are looking for a proofreader - an expert in the Slovenian language https://citymagazine.si/en/cityjob-is-looking-for-a-reader-expert-for-the-slovene-language/ Tue, 21 Jun 2016 05:58:57 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=237861

The team of City Magazine and Hedonizma invites to its ranks a proofreader with extensive experience and nerves of steel and a sense for modern and urban language.

The post CityJob: Iščemo lektorja – strokovnjaka za slovenski jezik appeared first on City Magazine.

CityJob: Would you write for City Magazine? We are looking for wordsmiths! https://citymagazine.si/en/cityjob-i-would-write-for-city-magazine-we-want-masters-of-words/ Mon, 21 Mar 2016 11:06:37 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=220123

City Magazine breaks the records of reading and visits every day and thus enjoys the status of the most read lifestyle online portal, intended for both sexes. Due to expansion plans and better coverage of interesting topics, we invite new colleagues to our ranks who would independently cover their areas of writing. If you know someone with a flair for writing about our topics, please share this post or forward it by email.

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Anyway, Job opens wide the door to the dream job for three young people https://citymagazine.si/en/anyway-job-opens-the-door-to-a-dream-job-for-three-young-people/ Sun, 13 Mar 2016 04:30:56 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=218923

Nowadays, it is difficult to get a job that one wants. Fortunately, there is the Itak Job challenge, which will make the path that is impassable for many easier for three young people. In any case, he will support the trio in finding the desired employment in their professional field. The winners of the Itak Job challenge will thus address potential employers with a personally tailored campaign, with the help of career guru Gorazd Prah, and the creative team of the Itak Job challenge will also add their expert voice.

The post Itak Job trem mladim na široko odpira vrata do sanjske službe appeared first on City Magazine.

Did you know that social networking can be a tip in the balance when you're looking for a job? https://citymagazine.si/en/did-you-know-that-social-networking-can-be-a-tip-in-the-scale-when-looking-for-employment/ Fri, 18 Sep 2015 06:07:31 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=184822

The power of social networks is much greater than you might think. Even so much that it can affect your employment! Today, it is not enough to impress a potential employer with a CV, you also need to shine with your online image, otherwise you may reject them. Today's recruiters not only carefully examine your references in your resume, but they will also search the Internet to get to know your "human" side, the less ironed version of who you are.

The post Ste vedeli, da je lahko družabno omrežje jeziček na tehtnici, ko iščete zaposlitev? appeared first on City Magazine.

The trait you must have to get hired by Mark Zuckerber, the father of Facebook https://citymagazine.si/en/feature-that-you-must-have-to-take-you-in-the-service-of-mark-zuckerber-oce-facebook/ Sat, 07 Mar 2015 07:15:40 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=146297

Would you like to work for Mark Zuckerber? If you've always wanted to work for Facebook, which would make sense for most of us, considering how much time we spend on it, then it's worth listening to the advice of Facebook's founder, who revealed what he's looking for in Barcelona at MWC 2015 people who are looking for employment with him.

The post Lastnost, ki jo morate imeti, da vas v službo vzame Mark Zuckerber, oče Facebooka appeared first on City Magazine.

Ranking of the most affordable places for young people to live https://citymagazine.si/en/affordable-best-places-for-young-people/ Fri, 05 Dec 2014 05:30:57 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=article&p=121471

You are a young person with big entrepreneurial dreams and plans to change the world, and sooner or later you would like to look beyond the borders of your country, where you can further upgrade your skills. But rent and expenses will have to be paid. So where is it wise to move?

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Nagradna igra – Žur z razlogom za zaposlitvene priložnosti mladih https://citymagazine.si/en/raffle-game-zur-with-the-reason-for-employment-opportunities-for-youth/ Mon, 18 Aug 2014 08:17:36 +0000 http://citymagazine.si/?post_type=event&p=91104

On the last Saturday in August, the 13th Party with a Reason will take place in Ljubljana's Tivoli Park. Umek, one of the best DJs in the world, will traditionally encourage young people to charity. Charitable funds collected at this year's Party with a Reason will be allocated to Employment Clubs, which help young people find work and increase their employability. So don't miss the mega party and take part in a raffle that, with a little luck, can brighten up your summer.

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