
Dream job: Become a professional chocolate taster

Professional chocolate tester

Are you fed up with the job you are doing? Then you must apply for the position advertised by Mondelez International - whose portfolio includes brands such as Milka, Barni, Tuc, Halls, Trident, Toblerone and Jacobs coffee - as a professional chocolate taster. If it's not your dream job…

Life is sweet. This is especially true if you make a living as professional chocolate taster. It sounds too dreamy to be true, but this is exactly the kind of job an international company has advertised for Mondelez International.

Can you imagine being paid well for eating chocolate?
Can you imagine being paid well for eating chocolate?

What will your job duties be? Tasting chocolates and cookies Milka, Oreo, Prince and Calbury.

READ MORE: Oreo Beer - Oreo flavored chocolate beer

It should be added that in this case you will have to move to England, or rather to a city Reading. And what are the requirements? Mondelez International does not require special experience, but it probably goes without saying that you like sweet things. It is recommended that you like to try new things, that you have well-developed palates and are sincere.

Become a professional chocolate tester.
Become a professional chocolate taster.

A lucky person will have reduced working hours, he will only have to work 7.5 hours a week, namely from Tuesday to Thursday between 12:15 and 2:45.

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You can apply for a job here:

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