
Este casal está casado há 80 anos... e dizem que apenas UMA coisa fará seu relacionamento durar para sempre

Ta par je 80 let poročen: le zaradi ENE stvari bo tudi vajino razmerje večno

O casal japonês, que conta dois séculos juntos, está casado há 80 anos. Casaram-se em 1937 e hoje têm 13 netos e 25 bisnetos. Como eles conseguiram manter um casamento longo e feliz?

Čeprav se je življenjska doba ljudi podaljšala, je še zmeraj več tistih, ki doživijo le 80. leta. Neverjetno pa se zdi, da nekdo toliko desetletij preživi v zakonu – Masau Matsumotu in njegovi ženi Miyako je to uspelo!

Japonca sta najstarejši živi par na svetu …  in sta se tako vpisala v Guinnessovo knjigo rekordov. Masao je star 108 let, Miyako pa 100. Poročila sta se oktobra 1937, a nikoli nista naredila slavja v čast nujnega zakona, saj je bila takrat na Japonskem vojna, katere del je bil tudi njen soprog. To ju ni oviralo pri ustvarjanju srečnega zakona in družine – sta ponosna starša petih hčera, ki so jima podarile 13 vnukov in 25 pravnukov.

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Masao and Miyako Matsumoto from #Japan are now officially the world’s oldest living married couple with an aggregate age of 208 years 259 days as of Wednesday 25 July. On that day Masao was 108 years 16 days while his Miyako was confirmed as being 100 years 243 days old. The couple married in 1937 with their 81st wedding anniversary coming up in October. In that time they’ve had five children (all daughters), 13 grandchildren and 24 great-grandchildren, with their 25th expected this month. Miyako was still preparing family meals at the age of 98 while her husband continued to watch sport until earlier this year when his eyesight reached a point which meant he was no longer able to watch his favourite games on TV. Nevertheless, their love for each other has seen them enter the record books. #guinnessworldrecords #marriage #marriages #marriagelife #marriedcouple #loveofmylife #foreverlove #centenarian #congratulations🎉 #celebration🎉 #familycelebration

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