
Åbning af MEDIAFEST festivalen: "No boundaries" og "Sauerkraut Synthesizer"

ÅBNING AF MEDIAFEST FESTIVALEN 2011 Åbning af Monika Bačičs fotoudstilling - "No boundaries" og intermedia performance af Gordon Monahan (Canada) - "Sauerkraut Synthesizer".

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Celjski mladinski center, Celje
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Otvoritev fotografske razstave Monike Bačič – “No boundaries” in intermedijski performans Gordona Monahana (Canada)– »Sauerkraut Synthesizer«.


“Skozi izkušnje v življenju ljudje spoznavamo sami sebe in s tem tudi naše hobije. Prvo soočenje s fotografijo sem doživela v času srednje šole. Tako je iz zanimanja fotografija postala strast. S pomočjo trenutnega dela v medijih kot fotograf oz. novinar, se strast do fotografije samo še krepi. Tako združujem »prijetno s koristnim«. Trenutno se najbolj posvečam koncertni fotografiji ter portretom, sicer pa moje zanimanje v fotografiji sega v mnogo različnih smeri. Od narave, do tihožitja, makro fotografije itd. Z objektivom skušam ujeti trenutke emocij, katerih se ljudje mnogokrat ne zavedamo, pa vendar so tam. Vsak od nas nosi v sebi trdno voljo in pogum, da uresniči svoje sanje. Od posameznika pa je odvisno ali jih bo dosegel.

Zato sami sebi recimo »BREZ MEJA! ZMOREM!«” (Monika Bačič)

Več njenih fotografij (prispevkov) si lahko ogledate na spletni strani Monika B. Photography.


Fruits and vegetables become voltage input controllers for a software-based audio synthesizer. Six fruits and vegetables are placed on a table. A zinc terminal and a copper terminal are inserted into each fruit and vegetable, so that each organic object becomes an acid battery that produces approximately one volt of electricity. The voltage output from the fruit/vegetable network is varied by attaching a second set of terminals arranged in reverse polarity to the first set of terminals. The second reverse-polarity terminals serve to ‘pull-down’ the voltage level of the first set, as the depth of insertion of the terminals is varied by hand, so that a potentiometer effect results. These variable voltages are transmitted to the computer via an Arduino interface, which brings the signals into a ppooll software patch through the computer’s USB-serial port. The voltage signals are routed to various control parameters of the ppooll synthesizer, so that as the depth of insertion of the battery terminals into each fruit or vegetable is changed, parameters of the synthesized sounds can be altered in real-time. A live video camera displays the real-time manipulation of the fruits and vegetables on a video projection screen. A second video projection shows the actual voltage changes in real time as the fruit and vegetable network is manipulated.

MCC Kavarna. Vstop je prost.

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