
The Grand Astoria, La Otracina, Barka Tone en Bele Plombe, Kadavar, Gent

The Grand Astoria (RU) - Struikelde psychedelische/stoner rock die seks had met metal. (Kantine) http://www.myspace.com/thegrandastoria http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9-QzeCLqDQ&feature=related La Otracina (VS) - Ruimtevaart op LSD met illegale doses lawaai, metal en psychedelia uit de jaren 70. ...

Belangrijke gegevens
Metelkova, Ljubljana

The Grand Astoria (RU) – Tripped out psychedelic/stoner rock having sex with metal. (Menza)



La Otracina (USA) – Space travel on LSD with illegal doses of noise, metal and 70’s psychedelia. (Gromka)



Barka Tone in Bele Plombe (SLO) – Weirdos that’ll show us their first album Jasna slika črni oblak, which was recorded in Menza pri Koritu and is still in mastring in Bajta in Železniki. (Menza)


Kadavar (DE) – One of them has a beard and they play 70’s spaced-out rock. Also, their names are LINDEMANN, MAMMUT and TIGER! (Gromka)


The Ghen (SLO) – Don’t ask what the name means. The answer lies deep within you… (Menza)




Dobrososedski odnosi Gromke in Menze so se utelesili tako, da bo dogodek potekal v obeh klubih, vstopnina pa bo ena (5€). Brez skrbi, poskrbeli smo, da je tak line-up, da se bandi ne bodo prekrivali, ker vas imamo radi in si želimo vaših ljubečih objemov. 


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