
Películas documentales que marcaron el año 2013 y que competirán por el Oscar de este año

Armstrongova laž
Armstrongova laž

La Academia Estadounidense de Artes y Ciencias Cinematográficas seleccionó 13 de los 147 documentales que quedan en la selección al Oscar al mejor documental.

En los últimos años han dokumentarni filmi vedno bolj priljubljeni, saj so velikokrat bolj zanimivi od klasičnih filmov, hkrati pa od dveh ur sedenja pred ekranom, odnesemo še kakšno koristno informacijo. Med najbolj zanimivimi naslovi so gotovo “The Act of Killing” (Dejanje uboja) , “Tim’s Vermeer” (Timov Vermeer) ter “The Armstrong Lie” (Armstrongova laž). Če ste ljubitelj dokumentarnih filmov, boste zagotovo veseli sledečega seznama. Spodaj si lahko ogledate predfilma filmov “The Armstrong Lie” ter “The Act of Killing”.

1. “The Armstrong Lie,” The Kennedy/Marshall Company

2. “The Act of Killing,” Final Cut for Real

3. “Blackfish,” Our Turn Productions

4. “The Crash Reel,” KP Rides Again

5. “Cutie and the Boxer,” Ex Lion Tamer and Cine Mosaic

6. “Dirty Wars,” Civic Bakery

7. “First Cousin Once Removed,” Experiments in Time, Light & Motion

Loves Uganda,” Full Credit Productions

8. “Life According to Sam,” Fine Films

9. “Pussy Riot: A Punk Prayer,” Roast Beef Productions

10. “The Square,” Noujaim Films and Maktube Productions

We Tell,” National Film Board of Canada

11. “Tim’s Vermeer,” High Delft Pictures

12. “20 Feet from Stardom,” Gil Friesen Productions and Tremolo Productions

13. “Which Way Is the Front Line from Here? The Life and Time of Tim Hetherington,” Tripoli Street

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