
20 paesi con le donne più belle del mondo secondo gli esperti

20 paesi con le donne più belle del mondo secondo gli esperti

La bellezza è negli occhi di chi guarda, quindi è difficile determinare quale paese abbia le donne più belle. Abbiamo preferito lasciare questo compito al sito Missosology, che ha anche stabilito dove si trovano le donne più belle quest'anno.

pagina web missosology.com è anche quest'anno organizirala spletno lepotno tekmovanje, na katerem so iskali 20 držav z najlepšimi ženskami na svetu. Zbrali so podatke z vseh lanskoletnih lepotnih tekmovanj E analizirali vsako državo posebej glede na to, kolikokrat je določena predstavnica zmagala v primerjavi z drugimi državami.

Kot smo lahko pričakovali, è anche quest'anno al primo posto Paese, ki že 18. leto ponosna ‘lastnica’ najlepših žensk na svetu. Preden ugotovite, kje so le donne più belle, vas opozarjamo na eno stvar: količina lepote v tem članku je smrtno nevarna!

20. Nizozemska

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Un post condiviso da Doutzen Kroes (@doutzen) on

19. Avstrija

18. Belorusija

17. Jamajka

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Un post condiviso da Noemi Campbell (@naomi) on

16. Avstralija

15. Brazilija

14. Poljska

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Unpublished by @chriscolls

Un post condiviso da Anja Rubik (@anja_rubik) on

13. Japonska

12. Romunija

11. Nepal

10. ZDA

9. Kolumbija

8. Indonezija

7. Portoriko

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#LIMITLESS VIDEO OUT NOW I’ve been getting a lot of questions about the video… so here is what I wanted to say with it… There is a little girl or boy inside all of us who’s always there no matter how old we are and that little person is the one who’s always fighting and getting back up and helping us thru every moment. The one we need to protect but also keeps us optimistic and full of hope…The hill symbolized life itself and how when you’re born a woman from the get it’s an uphill battle it’s a struggle. At the beginning of the video I am standing there and there is a change in the weather and the lil girl in me is chasing after one of the leaves 🍁… the storm gets more intense…the girls in the RED hallway represent the women of today…a strong army of women on fire (red 👠 and tights) who are actually creating this storm!! This storm of change which eventually reaches all the way to the ocean 🌊 changing the world… they have realized their power, drawing on one another’s strength and removing a suit that doesn’t quite fit, revealing that they are stronger, more beautiful and more unstoppable together in unison and in their own skin…at the end of the video we find that what our girl was chasing all along, what she was searching for was always there inside of her. It was the realization that she and all the limitless power she could ever need is right there in her. Always was. Always will be… #limiltess #theonlythingstoppingyouisyou #SECONDACT

Un post condiviso da Jennifer Lopez (@jlo) lui

6. Tajska

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Have faith and believe in yourself❤️

Un post condiviso da Sophida Jiratritarn (@ningsophidaa) on

5. Vietnam

4. Republika Južna Afrika

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Ready to take on the next phase of my life.🙏

Un post condiviso da Tamaryn Green (@tamaryngreen) on

3. Mehika

2. Filipini

1. Venezuela

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Un post condiviso da IVIAN SARCOS Miss World 2011 (@iviansarcos) on

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