
Sono orgogliosi della loro differenza: uomini sexy che denunciano le regole di bellezza

Sono orgogliosi della loro differenza: uomini sexy che denunciano le regole di bellezza

È meraviglioso quando la vita ti premia e nasci come se fossi stato creato secondo le regole del libro. È ancora meglio se non pensi alle regole e ti accetti per come sei. Questi uomini lo hanno fatto.

Ti moški so se rodili “drugačni” ‒ no, njihov zunanji videz je drugačen, poseben. Niso se tudi zmenili za lepotna pravila, ampak so poskrbeli za to, da so svetu pokazali, kako posebni so.

Zhengyang Zhang, model

Zhang je eden tistih modelov, ki nam večno ostane v spominu. Skoraj 10 let se je učil tradicionalne kitajske plese, kar se tudi kaže v njegovi “filozofiji gibanja telesa”. Le oglejte si njegove fotografije in vam bo jasno, o čem govorimo.

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W Magazine by Steven Meisel.

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Christiano, igralec

Christiano je brazilski bloger in gledališki un attore. V prostem času ustvarja video posnetke za svoj kanal in uživa v pohodništvu ‒ te trenutke deli s svojimi naročniki.


Kaine Buffonge, model

Kaine je zelo hitro uspel v svetu modelinga, saj je vse očaral s svojim obrazom in očmi. Nikoli naj ne bi želel postati modello, saj je sovražil fotografia e lo ha fatto sramoval il tuo aspetto. Ljudje v njegovi bližini so mu uspeli provare, da nanj mora biti ponosen.

Bera, pevec

Bera Ivanishvili je gruzijski pevec in tekstopisec, ki se je rodil v Francia. Ni edini albino v družini, saj je tudi njegov brat Tsotne videti isto.

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Hola Miami 🌞

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Moostapha, model

Moostapha je profesionalni model iz Južne Afrike, ki ima neverjeten vitiligo.

Sanele Junior Xaba, model

Sanele opozarja na to, da marsikaterega albina omejuje njegov videz. Ljudje s takšnim stanjem so redko vabljeni na komercialna fotografiranja, ma loro agenzie raje najamejo za nenavadne ali provokativne projekte.

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I've learned throughout life and experience that presence has no cost but a reward. Energy is a real thing, your thoughts vibrate and bring back what your mind projected and if everything is connected to your tongue, why not speak what you actually what to see/hear/experience rather than what scares you the most? fear is paralyzing, it’s a sandcastle built on shore where waves visit often, that’s not a place to build a home… you have to choose your thoughts wisely on where to plant this home and you are capable, we all are. it’s simple, make the decision, protect it, stick to it and build a fence around it. Don’t be divided. it’s not cliché when people say ‘you can be anything and everything you want to be’ that’s reality. but you have to project that. You have to believe in your own thoughts even when everything around you is at war trying to prove that you’ve lost your mind. Trust your instincts more than you do with people who don’t experience the same patterns that your heart does. I’ve always said, I’d rather burn with a house that i built on my own because I trusted its foundation than find myself to ashes with a mansion someone else built for me that never feels like home. trust in what you know. there’s a lot of truth in that. I hope you find yours. 🎲 #TheIcePrince ________ Photographer @michellevdijk Stylist @kristivlok MUA @juliettedenouden Retoucher @zillavandenborn

Un post condiviso da Sanele Junior Xaba (@sanele_xaba) on

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Self love is Revolutionary!!!! I will never stress it enough, take some time to heal yourself. get to know who you are behind the mask, the layers, the quiet, the screams, the loss, the aching, the pain, the constant battle between humility and saving face. Underneath chaos, there's always war. Get to know what that is for you. When you realize you're a part of the problem you separate and tend to yourself better. practice forgiveness. Things that is/or has happened in your life is not your fact. The people you've lost, the jobs you couldn't keep, the drug addiction, giving your body to people who didn't deserve it, being taken advantage of, not knowing how to confront your own demons. this is not your fault. Get familiar with that. make peace with that. Hurt a little, it's in that pain you'll find your stages of grief that finally bring you home and center. Back to yourself and the worth you have through existing alone. You are DOPE, you are cared for, you are loved, you are everything circumstances have convinced you that you aren't. Allow that fire to start burning. My mom once told told me as a teen finding it hard to love myself that "There's salvation in finding love within your own body without having to reach outside of it" ANYWAYS!!! Tag someone who may need this. 🌹 Happy Friday

Un post condiviso da Sanele Junior Xaba (@sanele_xaba) on

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