
Café Dalgona: as pessoas são obcecadas por "café de trigo". Como você o prepara?

Vsak med nami ima tip kave, ki mu najbolj ustreza. Nekateri prisegajo na črno brez dodatkov, drugi dodajo mleko (kravlje ali rastlinsko), tretji pa ne želijo nič drugega, kot najnovejšo kreacijo kave, ki jo je navdihnil barista. Zadnji trend je t.i. "stepena kava", poznana tudi kot kava dalgona.

Gre za kavo, ki nastane z mešanjem instant kave s sladkorjem in vodo. Ko je pripravljena, se jo z žlico nežno prenese nad mleko. Da je kava dalgona oziroma “stepena kava” postala tako viralna, gre zahvala videoposnetku z omrežja TikTok, ki ima že več kot 10 milijonov ogledov.

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I have officially been influenced by these whipped coffees I’m seeing all over the internet 😬 ever since I had a tumor on my adrenal gland a few years ago I was unable to drink large amounts of caffeine due to panic attacks. The tumor was pressing against my gland causing too much adrenaline to release, so I was basically anxious constantly. Even worse when I had caffeine. Even though it’s been removed I still get a little anxious when I drink too much at once. ANYWAYS, I saw @foursigmatic instant coffee so I ordered some to make this since it only has 50 mg of caffeine in a serving plus other good stuff. This was super easy to make and I’ll probably be making it a lot. 1 packet @foursigmatic lions mane instant coffee 1 tbsp coconut sugar 1 tbsp hot water Place all ingredients in a bowl and use a hand mixer on high speed to mix until whipped. Place over iced @califiafarms vanilla almond milk, stir & enjoy! Double recipe for 2 servings. Also, I got these cups at @target for only $2!!

Uma postagem compartilhada por Megan 🥑 (@goodhealthgoodvibes) on

Priprava kave ni tako zapletena, kot se zdi na prvi pogled, v teh dneh pa bo več kot odlično nadomestila kavarniško specialiteto, ki bi si jo sicer privoščili v družbi prijateljev. Ljudje s celega sveta jo že pridno pripravljajo, svoje noro dobre kreacije pa delijo na Instagramu.

Recept za kavo dalgona (“stepeno kavo”)


  • 2 jedilni žlici kave
  • 2 jedilni žlici sladkorja
  • 2 colheres de sopa de água
  • mleko po izbiri


V mešnico kave in sladkorja dodajte vodo in s pomočjo metlice ali mešanika stepite kremasti kavni “nadev”. Dodate ga lahko na mleko po vaši izbri, mrzlo ali vroče. Če želite lahko na vrh dodate tudi čokoladne mrvice ali pa prelijete s čokoladnim prelivom.

Pripravo si lahko ogledate tudi v tem videoposnetku.

Kava dalgona oziroma “stepena kava” je viralna na vseh družbenih omrežjih. Če boste na Instagramu iskali pod “hashtagom” #dalgonacoffee in izpeljankami, boste dobili več kot 120 tisoč rezultatov!

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☕💥KETO DALGONA HORCHATA💥☕⁠ .⁠ Dalgona coffee has been a popular item on social media and a great change up to your coffee game during this pandemic! But fret not, this isn't your typical dalgona that's bitter as hell! Haha! Quite honestly, I am not a fan of the original! So, I went HAM on it to actually make it look good and taste divine! Low and behold Keto Dalgona Horchata! Click the link in my bio for the full recipe! Enjoy⁠ .⁠ Tag someone you would love to show this to below!⁠⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⁠ .⁠ 🥚The Incredible Edible Egg eBook is now available! Click the link in bio to get your copy today!⁠🥚⁠ .⁠ Looking for more of my delicious wholesome keto foods. Follow the link in bio for more of my stellar recipes!⁠ . #keto #ketoaf #ketofam #ketofood #ketomeals #ketomom #ketorecipes #ketogenic #coffee #dalgonacoffee #morningbrew #tasty #foodporn #food #foodie #yummy #delish #lowcarbhighfat #lowcarb #lchf #lchfdiet #paleodiet #glutenfreerecipes #highfatlowcarb #healthyrecipes #eatfattolosefat #easyrecipes #ketocommunity #ketolife #ketogenicdiet

Uma postagem compartilhada por Chef Max | T1D Advocate (@ketochefmax) on

Čeprav nas socialna distanca “sili”, da ostajamo med pandemijo koronavirusa doma, imamo priložnost, da pripravimo res hudo kavo brez da zapustimo svoj dom! Eksperimentirajte koliko lahko, da boste našli svoj idealen način priprave te kave!

Pa veliko užitkov vam želimo!

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