
Svetlopolta ženska, ki si je s pomočjo injekcij spremenila barvo kože, razburja svetovno javnost

Nekdanji "glamour" model, Martina Big, se je rodila kot svetlopolta ženska, zdaj pa si s pomočjo injekcij spreminja barvo kože. S čim je tako razburila svetovno javnost?

30-letna Martina Big (ironično, kajne) in njen mož, 31-letni Michael Eurwen, uporabljata injekcije Melatonan, ki temnijo kožo. Martina, ki je imela številne lepotne operacije, da je dosegla velikost prsi kar 80S, zdaj išče dom v Keniji, kjer upa, da bo lahko vzgojila družino.

Medtem je se je že krstila in spremenila svoje ime v Malaika Kubwa, kar v svahiliju pomeni Veliki angel. Za The Sun je povedala: “Ne samo, da sem videti kot Afričanka, zdaj se tudi počutim kot Afričanka. Lani sem nekaj časa preživela v Keniji in se počutila kot doma. Zdaj me vabijo iz cele Afrike.”

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White glamour model Martina Big from Germany has shocked the world by trying to "turn herself black" with tanning injections. ⁣ ⁣ After years of melanin injections, she says that she now "identifies as a black woman". ⁣ ⁣ Now, she has claimed on TV that she and her husband, who is also white, have been told by doctors that they will be able to have a black baby, though no medical details were given.⁣ ⁣ Many people have criticized her, including the Race Equality Foundation, whose spokesperson says they feel Ms. Big has a "limited understanding" of the challenges ethnic minorities face in Europe and America. ⁣ ⁣ “It’s a very sad and disappointing situation really if people assume it’s just skin colour that makes you black… Her story distracts from the problems black people are truly facing today.” the spokesperson says. ⁣ ⁣ SWIPE to see her before and after transformation. And then sound off in the comments: what do YOU think about all of this??

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Na svoje profilu na Facebooku je že prej spregovorila o svoji želji, da bi imela otroke, ki si jih želi vzgajati v Afriki. “Najprej bi se rada sama poučila o afriški kulturi, da bom potem lahko svoje bodoče otroke izobraževala v tej kulturi.”

Prav tako je povedala, da so se ji z jemanjem injekcij spremenili barva oči in lasje, vendar dodaja: “To je sprememba, ki je tako v meni, kot tudi zunaj mene. Te spremembe niso površinske, ampak so globoko v meni.”

Na večji odpor je Martina letos naletela, kot se je pojavila v oddaji This Morning, kjer je gostiteljema Holly Willoughby in Johnu Barrowmanu povedala, da je ji je “zaradi injekcij uspelo spremeniti raso” og ja “pričakuje, da bodo njeni otroci temnopolti ali mešane rase, kljub temu, da sta se z možem rodila z belo poltjo”.

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Martina Big, who is known for taking injections to make herself darker, appeared on This Morning again with her husband and discussed how she now identifies as a black woman. . . She says she completely feels that she is a black woman and said that she has also learned about black and African culture after visiting Kenya. . . Do you think it is possible to identify as another race? Share your thoughts below ⬇️ . . We also have an article on our website about transracialism that you can check out at: https://www.tcsnetwork.co.uk/does-transracialism-make-sense/ . . ____________________________________________________ #tcs #tcsnetwork #news #media #socialmedia #instagram #twitter #debate #conversation #discussion #racism #transracial #blackwoman #martinabig #identity #race

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