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Francúzsky balayage je účes na jeseň 2020: úspešne vymazáva roky z tváre a lichotí najmä brunetkám

Prirodzená a jemná francúzska balayage sa hodí ku každému typu a farbe vlasov a prax ukazuje, že poskytuje aj mladistvý vzhľad a lichotí najmä brunetkám.

Mnoge ženske prisegajo na balayage, saj gre za eno najbolj vsestranskih frizur, ki med drugim laska številnim tipom las.

Kaj je francoski balayage?

Gre za novo tehniko nanašanja pramen, ki je sestavljena iz svobodnega barvanja las, zaradi česar daje mešan in naraven videz, ki ne zbledi po večkratnem pranju las! Zato velja za popolno, dolgotrajno rešitev.

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Here are some Ribbons for Monday Morning! ⁣ Pro talks sectioning/placement real quick:⁣ ⁣ ▪️Vertical l ➡️ this creates very defined lines or stripes (did you know that a Mohawk and Short hair placement is actually vertical?)⁣ ⁣ ▪️Horizontal — ➡️ this creates sheets that diffuse as the hair spreads out at the end⁣ ⁣ ▪️Diagonal / ➡️ this lands somewhere in between depending on the angle and whether it is diagonal forward or back. ⁣ ⁣ So for diagonal back sectioning – a steeper angle is more defined and closer to vertical and a flatter angle is more diffused and closer to a horizontal. ⁣ ⁣ 🔑 Knowing and understanding this 👆🏻will help you choose your placement to get the results you are visualizing ⁣ ⁣ Was this helpful? #frenchbalayage #mastersofbalayage #hairpainters #haircolorist #balayagefeatured #LorealProfindia #lorealprofnorth1 #loreallnc @loreallnc

Príspevok zdieľaný používateľom Vinod Kumar (@vinod.kumar_pro) on

Frizerji pravijo, da ta tehnika ni rezervirana le za svetlolaske in da še posebej laska rjavolaskam, ne glede na vaš tip čas pa boste s to frizuro poudarile njihovo naravno lepoto – videti bodo sijoči in zdravi.

Rezultat te tehnike je subtilna in naravna posvetlitev obstoječe barve las od sredine las do konic, ne da bi pri tem spreminjali barvo pri koreninah. Zato lahko prav s tako pričesko dosežemo naravni videz.

Frizerski mojstri še dodajajo, da bo izjemno laskal ženskam v zrelejših letih, saj tovrstna posvetlitev las takoj pomladi videz in z obraza briše leta!

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i love you guys 🌩💛

Príspevok zdieľaný používateľom Bella 🦋 (@bellahadid) on

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Introducing our brand new colour service Premium Conditioning Balayage & Gloss. We will create a beautiful, bespoke, multi-dimensional Balayage result using the latest product innovation from L’Oreal professional. We are now able to lighten your hair by up to 9 levels while protecting the feel of your hair. L’Oreal Smartbond will also be added to the colour. The ultimate bond strengthening treatment protects and strengthens the hair during the lightening process. Your colourist will then finish your look with a glossing treatment, neutralising the result and personalising it further. A Balayage & Gloss treatment offers beautiful shine and takes care of the hair for an optimal glossy finish. No more brass. Way more shine. Ask your colourist for your beautiful bespoke Balayage & Gloss service for a natural and luminous result! Price from £120 Colour by Colour Specialist Nadine @nadine_at_lauraleighhair

Príspevok zdieľaný používateľom Laura Leigh Hair & Beauty (@lauraleighhairbeauty) on

S vami od roku 2004

Od r 2004 skúmame mestské trendy a denne informujeme našu komunitu sledovateľov o najnovšom životnom štýle, cestovaní, štýle a produktoch, ktoré inšpirujú vášňou. Od roku 2023 ponúkame obsah v hlavných svetových jazykoch.