
Predtým, ako sa stali matkami: ako veľmi sa žena zmení, keď sa stane matkou?

Byť rodičom je jednou z najväčších životných povinností. To najmenej, čo môžeme na oplátku urobiť, je poďakovať ľuďom, ktorí nás vychovali. A dobre si to uvedomuje aj fotografka Vaida Razmislavičė, ktorá ako poďakovanie pripravila celú sériu fotografií mamičiek, pred aj po dieťati.

Becoming A Mother je projekt, katerega namen je pokazati, kako porod spremeni žensko. Vaida Razmislavičė je tako fotografirala 33 žensk in se pri tem osredotočila na njihove oči. “Za ta projekt sem izbral zelo preprost format, kot da bi fotografirala za osebne dokumente,” je zapisala. “Želela sem poudariti njihov pogled in odvzeti vse, kar bi ga lahko motilo (tj. trebuh).”

Pozrite si tento príspevok na Instagrame

I always observe people’s eyes. I have noticed, how the gaze of woman changes when she becomes a mother. I’ve got an idea to show this photographically by two portraits: one during pregnancy, and one after giving birth. The idea was to go beyond traditional pregnancy photography, and focus on the face and eyes. When a woman becomes a mother, they connect with their natural part, their intuition increases, they know things they never knew before. And woman’s eyes change, they become deeper, wiser. However, with modern values in the background, these awakened strengths fades, women get carried away by routine, they lose connection with the meaningful. The goal of this project is to capture the daughter-to-mother transformation and the tremendous change of woman’s inner quality, in times when motherhood (and woman as a womb of humankind) is increasingly depreciated. The two portraits would be a reminder to women about something sacred, something outside the commonness, something forgotten. Target group has been selected based on one condition – women had to expect their firstborn. I have chosen a very simple portrait format – close to passport photography. 33 women participated in this project. One portrait on pregnancy (left), second one when woman became mother (right). All photos you can see at my web page gallery (see the link at the bio) Thank you @agnemay @egle_aukskalne @martapaliukas @vilkesnamaivilnius @cibulskaitedovile @studijam #pregnancy #firsttimemoms #firstimemom #womanportrait #photography #portraitphotography #photoproject #lithuania #tapimasmama

Príspevok zdieľaný používateľom Vaida Markeviciute (@vaida_markeviciute) on

Kako zelo se spremeni pogled ženske, ki je postala mama, si lahko ogledaš tudi v galeriji. Morda pa te ta sreča, ki sije z njihovih oči, navduši, da tudi sama razmisliš o materinstvu.

Galerija: Preden so postale mame: kako zelo se spremeni ženska, ko postane mamica?

S vami od roku 2004

Od r 2004 skúmame mestské trendy a denne informujeme našu komunitu sledovateľov o najnovšom životnom štýle, cestovaní, štýle a produktoch, ktoré inšpirujú vášňou. Od roku 2023 ponúkame obsah v hlavných svetových jazykoch.