
10+ viktiga saker som hände under 2018 som vi kanske har missat

Vi har gått in i ett nytt år - vi har också vänt på ett nytt blad som erbjuder oss ett obegränsat antal möjligheter, och i våra händer finns makten som avgör hur vi kommer att använda de 365 dagar som är tillgängliga för oss. Det är också dags att analysera vilka stora vändpunkter som hände under 2018. Var det ditt år eller vill du helst glömma det? Världen kommer att minnas år 2018 väl för det hände saker som kan kallas ett mirakel.

Leto 2018 bo verjetno ostalo v dobrem spominu, saj so se odvili številni prelomni dogodki, ki nakazujejo, da svet postaja boljši kraj. To je 10+ viktiga saker som hände under 2018 som vi kanske har missat.

1. Severnokorejski voditelj Kim Jong Un je prvič po letu 1958 vstopil v Južno Korejo. Kmalu zatem so se številne korejske družine, ki jih je ločila meja, prvič po tolikih letih tudi združile.

2. Japonska princesa Ayako se je odpovedala kraljevskemu statusu, zato da bi se poročila z ‘navadnim človekom’, ki nima naziva.

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October 28, 2018- Wedding of Princess Ayako of Takamado and Kei Moriya at the Meiji Shrine in Shibuya, Tokyo Princess Ayako of Takamado is the youngest daughter of Norihito, Prince Takamado and Hisako, Princess Takamado. She was the first member of the Imperial Family to be born in the Heisei era. Her father is a first-cousin of Emperor Akihito. On 29 October 2018, Princess Ayako married businessman Kei Moriya, a Keio University graduate who works for the shipping firm Nippon Yusen. The wedding took place at the Meiji Shrine (shrine is dedicated to Ayako’s great-great-grandfather, Emperor Meiji.) She received a lump sum of $950,000 from the Japanese government for living expenses. In accordance with the Imperial Household Law, Princess Ayako renounce her imperial title and left the Japanese Imperial Family. She will be known as Mrs. Kei Moriya. #japaneseroyals #japaneseroyalty #princessayakooftakamado #princessayakoofjapan #keimoriya #mrskeimoriya #emperorakihito #emperormeiji #mejishrine #asianroyals #asianroyalty #royals #royalty #japaneseimperialhousehold #norihitoprincetakamado #royalwedding

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3. Islandija je uvedla zakon, ki prepoveduje, da bi bile ženske manj plačane kot moški.

4. Kanada je legalizirala marihuano.

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Canadian lawmakers on Tuesday approved landmark legislation that will make it legal for adults to buy and consume marijuana across the country. The Cannabis Act allows the government to license producers to grow and sell marijuana seeds and products, and for citizens to grow up to four plants. Adults will be allowed up to an ounce of weed for recreational use, although local governments could make stricter rules for consumption and sales. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his cabinet will now decide when the law to goes into effect 🇨🇦🍁(📷: Getty) . . . #weed #420 #cannabis #cannabisculture #420life #kush #weedstagram420 #weedgram #weedlife #legalweed #hightimes #highlife #marijuana #hemp #smoke #legalizeit #recreationalmarijuana #canada #canadian

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5. Nadia Murad, ujetnica, ki je preživela mučenje in posilstva s strani militantov ISIS, in Denis Mukwege, ginekolog, ki je delal s žrtvami vojnih posilstev, sta prejela Nobels fredspris.

6. Parlament v Queenslandu v Avstraliji je glasoval za legalizacijo splava.

7. Predsednica vlade Nove Zelandije, Jacinda Ardern, je prva svetovna voditeljica, ki se je udeležila zasedanja Generalne skupščine Združenih narodov s till sina barn.

8. Britanska policija je več dni lovila en tjuv, ki je videti kot David Schwimmer, igralec iz serije Prijatelji.

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On Tuesday, Blackpool Police in the UK shared a photo of a suspect wanted in connection with a theft at a local restaurant on their Facebook page. The photo immediately exploded in popularity with more than 102,000 comments from the public telling the police that the man in the photo looks a bit like David Schwimmer, aka Ross from “Friends.” The police then confirmed Schwimmer was in America on the date in question. Swipe 👉 to see Schwimmer’s epic response and alibi video 😂 (📷: Blackpool Police / Facebook, NBC, @_schwim_) – #rossgeller #ross #friends #friendsshow #friendstvseries #friendsfan #davidschwimmer #thief #suspect #wanted #theft #police #officer #policeofficer #policeofficers #coplife #cop #facebook #blackpool #blackpoolpolice #england #uk #british

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9. Fotograf Parisa Pourtaherian se je spomnila, kako spremljati nogometno igro v Iranu (ženske niso dovoljene na nogometnih stadionih) ‒ s strehe.

10. Ženske v Savdski Arabiji  so dobile pravico, da lahko vozijo en bil.

11. Mačka je ‘vdrla’ na catwalk.

12. BTS je prva K-pop skupina, ki je kadarkoli govorila v Združenih narodih.

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Korean boy band BTS (@bts.bighitofficial) has become the first K-pop group to ever address the United Nations. On Monday, with his band members behind him, BTS’s leader, Kim Nam-joon, also known by his stage name RM, gave an inspiring speech at the UN General Assembly in New York encouraging young people to love and believe in themselves and to find their voices. The speech launched UNICEF’s new “Generation Unlimited” youth campaign, a global partnership dedicated to getting every young person into quality education, training or employment by 2030 🇰🇷❤️🙌 (🎥: Reuters) – #bts #rm #namjoon #kimnamjoon #kpop #unitednations #un #unga #unicef #genunlimited #ENDviolence #youth2030 #btsarmy #bangtan #bangtanboys #bangtanarmy #bangtansonyeondan #loveyourself #loveyourselftear #loveyourselfher #방탄소년단 #방탄 #yoongi #taehyung #hoseok #jungkook #jin #jimin #southkorea #korean

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13. Banksyjeva bild, ki se je prodala za 1,3 milijona dolarjev, se je samouničila.

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Going, going, gone…

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14. Starbucks je odprl prvo trgovino v Mexico Cityju, kjer so zaposleni le starejši državljani.

15. Enda tajski oče je za materinski dan nosil žensko obleko, da se njegov sin ne bi počutil izobčenega.

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