
Šunikos vattenlund: smaragdpölar av vatten, som tillskrivs helande egenskaper

Šuniks vattenlund, som du hittar mitt i Triglav nationalparks oförstörda natur, i Lepenadalen, är ett avkopplande hörn av vattenenergier, och den tillskrivs också helande egenskaper.

Če radi prisluhnete bučanju in šumenju vode, je Šunikov vodni gaj odličen kraj za sprostitev. Tukaj je namreč potok Lepenjica tik pred sotočjem s potokom Šunik izdolbel 100 metrov dolga in 10 metrov globoka korita z barvitimi zelenimi tolmuni. Čarobni slapovi so najbolj vodnati spomladi, poleti, ko padajo nekoliko bolj ležerno, pa ustvarjajo kristallklara pooler.

Energijsko bogato območje Šunikovega vodnega gaja pa naj bi po mnenju nekaterih blagodejno vplivalo tudi na naše zdravje in počutje ter celo blažilo različna bolezenska stanja. Kopanje tukaj ni primerno, zato naj bi zdravilni učinek vode izhajal iz dejstva, da lahko naš čustveni sistem, ki je v sozvočju z vodo, iz vodnih kapljic vsak trenutek prikliče informacijo, ki je koristna za zdravje človeka kot celote.

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The source of the Lepenjica stream (also known as the Lepenjca) is situated at the end of the Lepena valley. After the first high waterfall, there are several smaller waterfalls. This picturesque corner in the pristine nature of the Triglav National Park is a popular tourist destination for people looking to relax in natural surroundings. Especially interesting is a part, where the stream carved out approximately 100 m long and up to 10 deep gorge, named Šunikov vodni gaj. (www.soca-valley.com) LOCATION🌎: Lepena ARTIST📷: @andreasresch_np Visit @andreasresch_np gallery and show some support! 😊 And don't forget to tag #igposocje to get a chance to be featured on our page. #lepena #lepenjica #triglavnationalpark #julianalps #sunikovvodnigaj #igposocje #igslovenia #slovenia #visitslovenia

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Kako do Šunikovega vodnega gaja?

Do Šunikovega vodnega gaja vodi nezahtevna označena pot. Obstajata dve različici poti. Če so vam ljubši daljši sprehodi, se lahko podate na na 3 kilometre dolgo krožno pot, ki ima izhodišče v bližini kampa Klin. Krajša pot se začne po cesti še naprej, pri tabli za Šunikov vodni gaj.

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The Lepenjica stream has carved gorges about 100 metres long and up to 10 metres deep with colourful green pools right before the confluence with the Šunik stream. If you like to listen to the roaring and humming of the water, then the Šunik water grove is an excellent place for relaxation. Take a moment for yourself while listening to the loud melody of the water, which echoes in the shelter of woods, and drink in the scenery of the moss covered rocks. Look into the magical waterfalls, which are rich with water in spring, while in summer, they fall somewhat more leisurely and create the most beautiful crystal clear pools. (www.soca-valley.com) LOCATION 🌍: Šunikov vodni gaj ARTIST 📷: @ninalozej Visit @ninalozej gallery and show some support! 🙌 And don't forget to tag #igposocje to get a chance to be featured on our page. #sunikovvodnigaj #socavalley #igposocje #igslovenia #visitslovenia #slovenia #geoslo

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We feel Slovenia 🇸🇮

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Šunik water hurst is place where you recharge batteries. It’s written that this is very energetic place..and truly it is. There is round trail with numerous waterfalls and small streams and if you know hidden place, there is everything in moss. How good is to be local 😎. #igposocje #ifeelslovenia #visitslovenia #kampadanes #hribovc #splendid_earth #igworldglobal #dream_spots #earthexperience #ourlonelyplanet #unlimitedplanet #exquisiteearth #majestic_earth #naturepower #lensbible #mint_shotz #ig_nature_naturally #planetoutside #naturehub #naturen #pocket_world #natgeo100contest #longexposure_shots #longexpohunter #longexpoelite #longexposhots #longexposure_photos

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IG igposocje / Nina Lozej

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