
10 steps to the best beauty sleep of your life

Beauty sleep

Do you know the benefits of beauty sleep? If you find it hard to fall asleep after you've laid down in bed, check out our 10 steps to the best beauty sleep. A good sleep is not only necessary for well-being, but also for a good and fresh appearance.

Do you know the secret of beauty sleep? Say goodbye once and for all to dark circles, bad mood and headlong morning rush - we have prepared for you 10 steps to the best beauty sleep of your life. Check out what you need to do to wake up sleepy, lively and beautiful tomorrow.

1. Do not drink coffee before going to bed

If you want a peaceful and sound sleep, give up coffee and other caffeinated drinks in the afternoon.

2. Stick to a routine

Our bodies work best when we stick to a routine, so try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day. Also, do not try to replace sleep during the day, as this can disrupt your biorhythm.

3. Drink a cup of soothing tea

Before going to bed, treat yourself to any herbal tea that does not contain caffeine, because a warm cup of fragrant drink before bed calms the mind and body. You can also add a spoonful of honey to the tea, which also affects better sleep.

4. Relax with the help of lavender

Lavender's scent has a calming effect, perfect for calming down before bed. Before going to bed, spray your pillow with lavender water, take a bath with lavender essential oil, massage a few drops of lavender essential oil into your scalp before going to bed and treat yourself to a gentle massage...

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5. Treat yourself to a hot bath

Warm water with the addition of soothing essential oils is like a balm for the soul and body. Relax before bed with a soothing bath and soothing background music. A good night's sleep will be guaranteed!

6. A quality pillow

Next to the mattress, the pillow is the most important sleeping aid, so make sure that its thickness, filling and comfort suit you.

7. Watch what you eat before bed

Eat no later than two hours before going to bed, and make sure that dinner does not put too much strain on your digestive tract. Heavy food quickly causes indigestion, which hinders restful sleep.

8. Close the curtains

Darkness is crucial for a good night's sleep, so close the curtains before going to bed, turn off or remove all electrical devices with flashing lights from the bedroom and do not look at the bright screen of a smartphone or laptop.

9. Read

If you like to read before bed, this is a great way to relax, as reading calms your mind and body. Just make sure you don't pick a suspenseful novel for your evening reading that you won't be able to put down until morning.

10. Wake up earlier

Make an effort and wake up earlier than usual and do all the things in the morning that you normally do in the evening. Exercise, read the newspaper, clean the apartment... It will definitely be easier to fall asleep if you have a full and fully fulfilled day behind you.

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