
The 10 most (un)conventional and innovative romantic comedies

If you find typical romantic comedies "too sweet", we suggest you check our list of unconventional romantic comedies, which with a different approach will charm even the sworn enemies of this genre.

"They came together" (2014) with Paul Rudd and Amy Poehler starring, is the latest parody to target romantic comedies.

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A fun film that goes crazy from typical romantic comedies, but it is far from the only one that would dare to do something like that. So let's see 10 Unconventional Romantic Comedies, which erase the boundaries of film genres with their innovation.

1. “(500) Days of Summer” (2009)

2. “Amélie” (2001)

3. “Annie Hall” (1977)

4. “Frances Ha” (2012)

5. “Harold and Maude” (1971)

6. "Lars and the Real Girl" (2007)

7. “Newlyweeds” (2013)

8. “Punch-Drunk Love” (2002)

9. “Silver Linings Playbook” (2012)

10. “Some Like It Hot” (1959)

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