
10 best "plus-size" models

Jennie Runk

When, a few days ago, Calvin Klein's "Perfectly Fit" campaign declared the model Mylo Dalbesio with a clothing size of 38 a "plus-size" model, we were met with indignation and public disapproval. To care for the health and respect the image of each individual, we have prepared a selection of the best "plus-size" models. How much they really are "plus", judge for yourself.

Sometimes it seems that everything and everyone in this world has to be "skinny" - juices that will reduce calories, yoga that will keep us in top shape and every now and again some new diet that really works. And all the attention paid to dryness is exhausting, not to mention dangerous. From the public's unhealthy obsession with plus size to workshops that help girls of all sizes break the ice in the world of the fashion industry, plus-size models are changing the rules of the fashion game here and there and redefining the meaning of the word "model". ". About time!

READ MORE: 5 tips on how to eat healthy even if we don't have much time

In the gallery, we present you ten hot "plus-size" models who have a great influence in the world of the fashion industry.

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