
10 New Year's resolutions for fashion 2015

While we are setting goals for an even more successful and sophisticated 2015, let's not forget about our fashion style. Here are 10 New Year's resolutions for fashion in 2015.

The beginning of the new year is perfect for taking a close look at our wardrobe and making some important fashion decisions. We present to you 10 New Year's resolutions for fashion 2015, which should serve as excellent inspiration for an even more stylish new year.

1. Buy a quality bra of the right size

Finally, we treat ourselves to a quality bra that actually fits our measurements.

2. Let's get rid of artificial socks

We replace the used socks with fresh ones. The most useful are the classic black ones, because everyone always finds their match.

3. Let's get rid of the clothes we no longer wear

Let the wardrobe breathe fresh with the new year. Let's get rid of everything we haven't worn in more than two years.

4. Let's stop buying unnecessary (discounted) clothes

Lower price should not be our only guide. In the New Year, let's buy only the things we actually need at the sales.

5. Let's save for something we really want

Let's forget about reckless shopping and instead save for fashion pieces that we really want.

6. Use sales to buy classic pieces

The upcoming sales are perfect for buying classic pieces that are always in fashion. A tank top, a white shirt, a well-tailored jacket and a little black dress should finally become part of our wardrobe.

7. Let's stop impulse purchases

Let's stop buying things we can't actually wear. If our existing wardrobe does not have at least three pieces with which we could combine the new piece, we prefer not to buy it.

8. Let's start returning missed purchases

When shopping online, it can quickly happen that a whole bunch of inappropriate things end up in our closet. If the ordered product does not meet our expectations, we will do our best and return the purchase.

9. Let's try at least one new trend

In the new year, let's be bold and try something new. If nothing else, let's treat ourselves to a refreshed hairstyle, with which we will enter the new year even more courageously.

10. Let's find our personal fashion style

Let's browse fashion guidelines, fashion blogs and vintage photos and choose or transform your personal fashion style. All fashion icons had and have it, why shouldn't I?

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