
10 rules of behavior in the erotic shop

Rules of behavior in erotic shops

Many people do not like to admit that they go to an erotic shop, moreover, they do not dare to cross its threshold, even if they are tempted to do so. If you ever fall for it, the following instructions should be followed. Check how to behave in an erotic shop. 10 rules of behavior in an erotic shop were revealed by a former saleswoman.

instructions, how to behave in an erotic shop, revealed the former saleswoman Chelsea Frisbee, who has experienced many things in this kind of trade. Now she shares her experience with others, so that we will know how to behave properly in stores, where instead of shopping shelves with clothes and food, we walk among sex toys. The rules are somewhat different here rules of conduct like in regular stores. Illustrated instructions will help you with this Vicky Leta.

READ MORE: What does our favorite sex toy say about us?

10 rules of behavior in the erotic shop:

Get to know your body and your partner's body well before the visit

Rule no. 1
Rule no. 1

Before shopping for your partner, get to know his wishes, possibly also his fantasies. Don't assume. To begin with, learn about men or female erogenous zones.

Learn from the experts

Rule no. 2
Rule no. 2

Do not go to erotic shops, where the employees only draw their salary. There is a whole science behind sex toys (materials, technology...). You want to learn about them from experts, not quasi-experts who don't know what they're talking about.

Sex toys are expensive

Rule no. 3
Rule no. 3

Sex toys are cheaper online, but sex toys are like food. If you shell out a bit more for them (for better quality), you will be much more satisfied with the result, especially in the long run.

Ask lots of questions

Rule no. 4
Rule no. 4

There is no such thing as a stupid question in the erotic shop. According to Chelsea, salespeople in erotic shops have heard it all. Just try to formulate the question wisely. Don't ask, for example, "where do we stuff it", but rather, "how is it used".

Don't ask which product is the best

Rule no. 5
Rule no. 5

'A hundred people, a hundred wonders.' There is no such thing as the best sex toy product, because what works for some people doesn't for others. Most sex toys need to be tested on our own skin first before we really know if they suit us. It's kind of like bicycle seats. There isn't one for every ass.

Don't ask the seller what his favorite sex toy is

Rule no. 6
Rule no. 6

It's still just a store. Just because a salesperson works there doesn't mean he's experienced all the toys. Besides, it's none of your business!

Don't go in just for the giggles

Rule no. 7
Rule no. 7

Don't do it, sex shop salespeople already have to deal with high school prank calls. What if, while you're giggling and making fun of a certain product, another customer walks in and is too embarrassed to buy anything?

There's nothing wrong with giggling

Rule no. 8
Rule no. 8

Laughter is a natural reaction, there is nothing wrong with it. Some of the products are also really funny. But there's a difference between laughing because you've come across a funny product and laughing out of general derision.

It's not just weirdos who shop in erotic shops

Rule no. 9
Rule no. 9

Expect people who are uncomfortable because their partner or friend dragged them along. This is also the pinnacle of "weirdness" that you will experience in an erotic shop.

Don't be ashamed of being in an erotic shop

Rule no. 10
Rule no. 10

Sexual culture is changing drastically. Women are becoming more open to talking about them, and even more so about enjoying sex, and it's perfectly normal for women to enjoy sex with or without a partner. In addition, sex toys are not the domain of women, there are also many toys for men.

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